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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. What you say Puc, is as valid as anything else upon the forum for issues and or perception of heat. The effect of combustion, for myself and my wife, would be better described as a warmth...yes, it's there, but no more for us, than any other bike when sitting at a light or stop and go. When we are moving, you feel nothing...and in fact, my wife is a little bummed about that...she WAS expecting to have some more cockpit warmth BECAUSE of being a big V-Twin and air-oil cooled. Frankly, so was I. Our eyebrows have been raised by this. Even when I was at 44-48 F on my early morning (night run) this week, I had to shut closed the two forward lower foot vents, had to push both levels of my Air Deflectors to deflect air away from the cockpit...and for the first time, turned on the seat and back-rest heater, and the grips. So...we were expecting...some engine warmth from combustion...to warm our knees down, in the Spring and Fall. Funny that we don't think that is now going to be observed. Again...as for us, this bike runs no warmer, than our Gold Wings as felt upon us, both in our saddle positions. I'm now glad that we do have the back rests that heat up along with the saddle. That was an eye-opener! Quite frankly, Puc...every time I now watch those early demo day videos...and get to the part where the guy is giving comments on 'how much heat', he is feeling at a traffic stop, or along the route...well...I roll my eyes...sip my coffee...and move on...lol. Heat...yeah...right, buddy...oh so bad...purchase killer...right...Pffffft! "Time to move on, Folks...nothing to see here...move on, move on...".
  2. Did you also have or make sure that the dealer had the two lower foot/air vents fully open? If you can't vouch they were open for sure, the next time you and your wife go out for another demo...just stoop down and when the two handles are full up (you can also see the large area that the vent opens up...) you are good to go. That brings in a lot of cooling air right over your feet and calf area. I have the lower Air Deflector set installed, and can fully vouch for them. They bring in much more air than that tops...in the way that that air current strikes you. It covers from your mid chest downward, and does a great coverage of the entire engine mount. On a cold early morning ride this week, (around 4:30 am to start) I had both the upper and lowers fully deflecting air away from the cockpit...and man..I should have had some sort of set up like this on all my Wings. I never did, unfortunately (now with user knowledge). Yes..I concur, this bike will handle any curves you encounter...and with rider confidence.
  3. Man...like you needed this...so sorry to read, friend. The 2018 Gold Wing has the same tire size front and back. So, I believe you will find options other then O.E.M. Although...if you put on something other than O.E.M., you will never know if that is/was the tire you should also stay with, for miles-of-use, and control. You never had a chance to run it to its normal replacement cycle.
  4. Well..this is great news to all of us...that there is a memory reboot fail-safe built into the system. You only have to kill off the residual electric power, before trying it again. That might put the registers to default, and boot up with the old back-up system. This again, is great to know. Thank you! Just thought...if you are back to the old 11.x.x version, I'd suggest putting a fresh download of v12.0.6 and putting the bike onto ACC...let her rip once more...
  5. I am so sorry to read about your update troubles. I can only suggest that you RE DOWNLOAD the v12.0.6 zip file...and then format your USB stick. After that...bring the file over...and then plug THAT into your USB port. Maybe a totally fresh version of the update software might be the trick....
  6. Hmmm June/17-----> 042, 090, 262....the plot thickens....
  7. Ok..that's interesting...same month...042 for me, 090 for you. I wonder how many a month they rolled down the line?!?
  8. It only gets there around the Great Lakes, when the humidex 'real feel' is tabulated. We mostly get real temp 82-93 max around Toronto...that's the real temp...before humidex. 92-93 F is very rare though...mostly a high of 82-88F
  9. Some YouTubers also talked about heat...heat...but, my wife at her saddle position felt nothing at 74F, she would call 'concerning heat'. I have never felt that...and in fact...had to this morning, at 48F degrees, had to close both lower foot level vents, and direct both levels of my Wind Deflectors, to deflect air out and away from the saddle position. Did they do that? Like a pro. I highly recommend that anyone wanting to drop coin down upon the SVTC...also at the same time, have them put on the accessory lower Wind Deflector set. This one is more valuable (IMPO) than the stock uppers...for it will put air right across your hips and lowers...as well as force high pressure air right over both 'Jugs', just for totally, cool evacuation of the combustion heat of the fins. They will also keep colder air away from you. Like I said, this bike runs cool for an air/oil combustion management system, and I had to remove as much early morning air from the cockpit, to stay totally comfortable. Where was all that 'boss, the heat...the heat'....when I would have loved some. I had the grips on level 2 and the seat and seat back at level 1. BTW, they blow the seat and grip heating performance of a GW...out of the water. I started at the default 3...and had to tone it right back...and YET...the seat, the seat back, the grips, were as warm as I ever needed to stay comfortable. Just around my knees and feet...it could have been warmer for me. So...again...WHERE IS THIS HEAT THAT THOSE YOUTUBE BLOGGERS WERE GOING ON ABOUT? They could have passed on some my way this morning with some fog and mist....lol. Pfffft!
  10. Quite so...I was right over...and did not scrape, either side. I now can totally relax in normal everyday Tour riding. No way, will you ever drop the outer edge onto the pavement and ruin those shoes...
  11. No...actually, was waiting for it...but I think that I didn't need to 'English' it over to that very point of scraping. The bike held so beautifully in the heart of the S-back...with no settling or hunching of the suspension system. This bike is simply amazing...(and I guess the tires they chose plays a big part in my narrative as well...), that where ever you literally point the lean....and with your hips only to 'English' it...the bike without complaint, follows your lead. Seriously, you are a team, on the SVTC! I am so very glad...that I saw the reveal last October...and made a move after that. This bike, simply; rocks...in (are you Yamaha guys smiling...?) SPORT mode...as well as TOUR mode. Yep...there was a very good reason that they called both modes for what you push the MODE button for... Default: TOUR Push the Mode Button in...: SPORT! Rider...your choice today...
  12. Folks...there are days...and there ARE days... --------------------------------------------------------------- After coming back from my Yamaha Star Venture Trans Continental 'Sport Touring' very early morning ride in the Hills of the Hockley Valley, Ontario, Canada...and while cutting my front lawn this afternoon...., I started breaking out in a totally obvious laughing uproar....whereby my neighbors must have thought I had FINALLY lost it..."quick Henry, I'm watching our neighbor through the curtains...and he has LOST IT, totally! Come and look at this...call 911!" There I was folks, pushing the dang lawnmower...and laughing at all get out....and I myself was the BRUNT of the fit of laughter!!!! There must have been some Head Office Yamaha Canada and USA Engineering Supervisors and their reporting colleagues that were chinking bottles of cold beer,...passing around my forum post of when a 964 pound motorcycle outshines the owner's dedicated Sport Bike in throwing the SVTC into left and right leaning S-Backs...and not only coming back to tell the sordid tale...but in fact, was eye popping, veins bulging, raving about the experience! They must have been having the times of their lives....and I can just hear one or more of them saying something to this effect; "Hey DUMMY...why do you THINK we called the 'other' mode; SPORT MODE? Huh?" I just had the best laugh on myself....for they engineered the SVTC to handle even the most full-on SPORT mode riding, should the bike be called upon to do that by the Touring single or couple. Mountain S-Backs, country lanes, yep...they engineered that riding capability into the very core of the frame and steering geometry. You know...like some of them are muttering after taking a sip of beer..." Like no ****, Sherlock!" LOLOL! I now have the SVTC Sports Rider T-shirt...and will now run Charlotte as for what I bought her for...serious non goofing around, Grand Touring for two. CowFace (my ZR7S) has gotten a reprieve, for all the great Sport riding, he has already offered me...BUT...if I EVER hear him start to brag to Charlotte, while both resting in the garage....that he can do THIS...and he can do THAT...I'm going to pause...wait...and listen for her to totally open up on him...and say "yeah?....well Joe and I tore it right up, CowButt...in the Hockley Valley, on May 16th, 2018 at 6:00 am...and oh..uh...WHERE WERE YOU IN ALL OF THAT?!?" There is nothing like the disdain of a woman! He had better listen! Cheers n' beers, Joe
  13. Actually, I don't think that is the case...because 042 would have gone to a Pre-Delivery patron after whatever brought them back to the factory, was redone/repaired...and not to a chap that put down his deposit one month after the program ended. All you folks have production months 2 months after mine...and in the 600's...and yet mine...lol. Who knows...being that it was crated and fresh as the dew...
  14. I think what I found impressive, is that the bike could do it...could enact the feat. One wouldn't truly BUY this bike to ride in a Sports manner...but to know, they engineered that capability into the frame, low center of gravity...is a grand compliment to the bike. That's what most impressed me this morning. Will I do this type of riding with my SVTC again? In reality...no. It was sheer curiosity...and that curiosity has been satisfied. Yamaha knew what they were doing...to create a bike that has such sensitivity of direction...that you only have to think about the line tack...and it will go there. That is what is amazing, considering the weight and heft of the ride...
  15. There was a guy with co-rider on one of the last summer tours....and he stated that he could start up with her and full gear in third, and not stress the engine. Would I do that? Nope... I short shift now...1-6, at around 1,900 and have no problem getting up to 60 mph, along with most traffic around me. I can't go over 2,300 rpm anyways....for a little while more.
  16. Puc...that is a good analogy. This engine really thinks it's a commercial diesel. It pulls low...and loves it. I was coming home at 65 mph, at around 2050 RPM in 6th. Gotta love that!
  17. I got into the moment...early in the morning...stars twinkling in the sky...and all allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllone......! I won't be pushing my luck, though. I didn't buy Char for that kind of operation...more for the Vancouver Clam Chowder. BUT....it was fun as all get out....to do it once...LOL! From Bad Boy, to Saint Joe, in a flash....back to Tour mode...and a higher gear.
  18. Thanks for your very kind words, Puc. One thing you will always get from me...an honest opinion...if something SUCKS...I'll certainly say I think it does...conversely, when something is "To the moon, Alice!"...you'll get that reaction, too. I could never...NEVER...do anything of which I won't admit to...this morning...on our 2008 Wing. I'd be 150 feet off in the bush...with the rear tire spinning and polishing my tongue....! BTW, I have seen one chap, who did the Dragon on an GL1800...that would make your pulse race. It can be done....but not by your average Sports Tour on a Sunday afternoon, rider....this guy must have been a GP pro.
  19. Probably won't PUC...but for a 964 pounder (I've had my wrist slapped, lol) Tour bike, to handle curves like a Sport's Tour half its weight....was a Wozer Moment this morning. I bought the Kawa for some S-Bend time. I now come to find out, that Charlotte can kick up her heels, anytime I want her to! Life...is good! Now...to Vancouver for that bowl of clam chowder....
  20. ...and she kicks serious S-Bend *ss at 964 pounds...each and every one of 'em...
  21. Puc...OMG! This 997 (964 corrected, lol) pound behemoth, is freakin' CRAZY! I am quite stunned. I went up to the Hockley Valley around 4:15 am this morning, because I have never ridden Charlotte in the dark. I wanted to see the dash, the low beams, high beams...and was very interested...(never had a bike with low zone running lights) to see how the running lights illuminated the night life. They were simply spectacular...they light up 45 degrees right out from the Shark's Head, to about 50 feet...and then the lo/high beams take over. I'll always have them running in the PM. BUT...but..THAT was the least of it. I get up to roadways, that my friends and I terrorize on our Sport Tours...and I turned left onto the road from Highway 10...and prepared myself with Char-Burger...by doing wallow and s-moves on a strait away. Felt solid...felt good. I then entered my first S-Back...with a lead in of 35 degrees...and then outbound at 25 degrees...and she stayed where I put her at about 35 MPH. Ok....I got a little more aggressive...and I won't bore you...but only to say, that by the end of my coming out of the Sport's Tour Sunday Circuit...I was almost knee scraping at curves at 50 MPH...and YET...I did not ever hear a scrape on the floor boards. This bike is so...svelte around corners...PUC...she floats around them...and does not squat down on her forks or back end. I don't need another bike...and am seriously thinking about that. The Star Venture Trans Continental, will tear as much *ss, as you require...and then...then...take you out to Vancouver, for a bowl of Clam Chowder. Puc.....this is one H*LL of a bike...a solid, non-flexing frame, a kick *ss 113 cubic inches of torque pie,...and in Sport Mode..of which I ran this morning.....well..."I don't need no stinkin' Sports Tour"....
  22. ...within the month of June, 2017 and was 42nd off the line. 06/17 00042 This beast cuts a line on the road, like a knife cuts a loaf of bread. These bikes are deadly, precise instruments of curvaceous, luscious S-Bend Heaven.... I bow down to the Yamaha Engineering Department....(hand's up in the air...palms forward...bowing....bowing....).
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