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Just picked up my 2018 Star Venture
YamahaParExcellence replied to Zelthian's topic in Watering Hole
Hopefully there was no salt dust on those roads! A great looking bike...sound's like you and your wife will certainly enjoy the purchase! Safe rides! There's been rain over the last couple of days in the Toronto area. 45-50 F days, and 30 F nights. As long as there is no further salting of the roads...I'm on schedule to ride my bike home next week. Can't wait...especially with great looking pictures of all of yours! -
Just picked up my 2018 Star Venture
YamahaParExcellence replied to Zelthian's topic in Watering Hole
Right....and if you are totally happy with the status-quo...why even change that? Right... Safe rides! Cheers, -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, so you Brett, were really in on the first round, huh?. Yeah..well, I guess you heard it trickle down that there was a crank-case gasket that did not go on right (perhaps an off-key, robotic arm?!?) but that a lot of the first production (the first 500 were reported to be hand-built by assigned teams (the ones spread out for all those Demo Day rides) off of the actual assembly line, that were leaking oil, when the engine got warm. So they were pulled back from dealer distribution. 'That' apparently was the 'needed correction to the Japan assembly line, delaying release and shipment to Christmas, so according to the trickle talk read. Be warned Brett, I am armed with a full cup of coffee...so, as I await our baby's delivery, here are some purchase logic thoughts that rattled around in our heads last October.... The good Yamaha Corp 'thank you for believing in us'...is to myself, that **full-blanket five (5) year warranty**, and no mile gimmick penny-anty, restrictions applied. With that, there was no qualms about purchasing a first production year motorcycle. It would have been for us,... had it been a one year, or perhaps a 3 year. But five? If anything shows up...with all that time and mileage one can put on over five (5) years...it will be fixed, or the new modified following production year parts will be put on. I don't see any 'sage wisdom' value for holding off, on taking ownership in a two or three envelope with this model. Here's my wife's and my talking points, and purchase logic: 1. The risk of not getting in on the five (5) year warranty introduction. 2. That there definitely will be a 3 to 4 percent price increase along with inflation for each following year of production...and on a $27,000 to $33,000 (in the Great White North), that amounts to quite a bit more than we and you, have paid, introduction year. 3. The very design of this motor, is a classic design, and the only modifications would have been going to a four-valved head (of which we already have out of the gate), a different fuel-injection mapping (which we can place on our bikes if wanted post introduction year...) 4. They might go with a partial water cool solution as Harley did for the Milwaukee 8...***BUT***..that will cancel out with top heavy cooling liquid and thicker metal water jackets, what is probably the best handling cruiser on the market today. It will change the center-of-gravity geometry at the middle of the bike, which is predominately, why they chose a semi-dry lubricating, air-oil cool engine in the very first place. That they have an uber-low profile, a very narrow engine profile, and it is exactly the ride and stability Yamaha was gunning for, so, in our opinion, any modification to the engine central core would not be happening....and that cancels out a good argument to wait this model out a few years and sit in the bush and of course loosing riding and enjoyment opportunities. If I am coming across as quite opinionated in this post...well, probably am, lol I just thought to put out my purchase logic for my wife and myself. This bike is a major, major financial investment for anybody, let alone ourselves (heading into Retirement Years) so...there was a lot of Due Diligence research by myself before we went into the dealership last October and plopped down our $500.00 deposit. Brett, that they pulled all production back, (the found leaking crank case gasket) which cost Yamaha big bucks, and a little PR drizzle, told myself, that this is a critical junction, and venture (if you excuse the pun), and they want only raves and positive feed back, first year, from the deliveries, WHICH THEY ARE CERTAINLY GETTING from those such as you...actually riding, and not merely talking about it! Everybody knows. c'mon...that an 1800 c.c. plus twin cylinder engine with pistons the size of large coffee can lids, are gonna push out some heat, alongside the latter cylinder exhaust pipe route on the left side of the motor. For those buying, the heat output, was a minor go/no-go in their decision making. It certainly was with us. In fact, we are going to make that heat production work for us. My wife is already talking (and so am I around the breakfast table), about how nice that lower calve heat will be on the cooling off evenings of late Spring (April through late May, and late September- late November) touring. On our 2008 Honda Gold Wing, we had heated seats for the both of us, (but not also a heated back for either), I had heated grips, but Diane did not have anything to warm her hands (and we all know that eventually, just wearing gloves over them, will start to cool down amongst the fingers...) and she got cold or numb fingers. It was our riding history, to sometimes come home with air temperature in the low 40's to even the high 30's. She was uncomfortable and the Intercom System brought that to my ear, about every 5 miles. Being that I only could open up the very small and low riding exhaust cowl vents to direct warm air into the cockpit, didn't truly cut it for warmth, (and I am being totally honest and not falling into brand loyalty, mouth taping...) and by the time the air got to her...from those open exhaust cowls just ahead of my two foot pegs...the air was cold at best, so did nothing for the co-rider/passenger. Nothing. With the rear cylinder exhaust pathway (on the SVTC) sweeping down in front of my left calve and her left calve, she will have a method to warm the cold night and early morning air of Spring and Fall rides, thus extending the riding season and adding **immensely** to her comfort. HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE! A lot of folks have only been talking about how this normal combustion production will cause them discomfort. That can been heard on quite a few YouTube Demo Day videos, and to be honest, you could tell, that the rider on those Demo Days, had no true intention in h*ll, of coming off of his/her present rig, and to pony up the asking price. It was a riding curiosity that drove the experience, and quite frankly Human nature will come out, in comments to reinforce 'their' decision as to why they, after riding it (for free...) would **NOT consider buying this bike**. C'mon...I could hear that in voice, and see it in body language. Not all, but some posting those videos. That certainly didn't dissuade you or us. My wife and I, coming from a Gold Wing (our last mount), are talking about how much any, or if-any heat production will **ENHANCE** our riding experience, and the amount of time, we can comfortably tour early and late into the season. I guess it is all perspective. The touring couple with the glass half full, or half empty. The prospective single rider, or rider(s) coming into a demo environment, WANTING to like the bike, with a very anticipating positive demo attitude, rather than HOPING enough negative encountered, subliminally, to be able to walk away..and ride home on their whatever, reinforcing their not true intent to purchase. It was curiosity that rode them to the Demo Days. Not wanting to truly change the status quo. That is Human Nature in play. Regarding some of the 'it cooked my left thigh and leg comments heard', in the hot Summer months, one can wear riding chaps (we have them) and leather does not add to body warmth...it breathes and in fact cools the skin...and does a great job of heat deflection off of the skin. We'll wear ours (and look good doing it, lol) Stuff like that. Nylon riding pants the mesh kind also shield heat, but allow the leg and thigh to breathe. We wore that even on the Wing..to avoid sun damage, and still remain cool, that jeans doesn't offer. So, lots of things a rider can do, to off-set the natural heat production of this engine design. Lots of things...but...come those Spring or Fall nights, you and I Brett, have it hand's down over any other production bike that has all the heat of the motor collecting at the front of the bike (in the radiator for dispersion) and exhaust routes that travel directly underneath the cockpit. Great for 2 months of the year sure,...but my wife and I tour 8 months of the year, April through November! For those that live and ride in such states of the South West, sure...in those states in Summer, most people don't even GET on their bikes every day, because of the intense heat and humidity. I sure appreciate that...and for those, I think a 2017 and earlier, Honda Gold Wing, would be the better choice. Anywhere else in the U.S. or Canada? Nope...not the (best choice) with a purchase decision only driven by engine heat and exhaust routing. You have other choices...that will work: SVTC. I can't tell you how many a night, as we were coming home cold, the both of us...that I didn't lean forwards and put my hand in front of the radiator side venting of our Gold Wing...and think of HOW MUCH, we needed that heat directed directly towards us inside the cockpit.... So...to end my coffee induced commentary...my wife and I are actually looking forward to all aspects of this motorcycle, in how it develops warm air...and how by its very design, we will take advantage of that warming heat, that we paid for, via the gas pump! We are planning to put many, many thousand miles of rotation on those tires....and haven't been truly so excited, to be taking delivery of ANY bike...in quite a long time. We loved our Wings...but in the anticipation of an air/oil cooled, traditional big bore V-Twin...the ultra low center of gravity, the low seating position, and every other mechanical, or tech orientated feature of this beaut, we are like children at Christmas...and I have bore five holes into my computer desk, impatiently tapping my fingers upon the desk, reading about everybody **already out there**, like yourself...riding...doing...enjoying. Hopefully next week, or a week later at the most, We can also be riding, doing, enjoying along with you Brett! So, if you made it down here, Brett in my coffee-induced, finger tappings, those are my personal (and by proxy, my wife's) thoughts and motivations to trading in our 2008 Gold Wing Premium Sound/Nav package, for the Yamaha Star Venture Trans Continental, and every instinct...tells me/us that (as in Raiders of the Lost Ark) the knight said; "You chose, wisely!". Cheers Brett! Continued safe rides...hey..maybe we'll meet ya, somewhere around Boise, Idaho...lol. Check out the rider's that posted on their introduction rides courtesy of Yamaha...that glorious scenery, and think of your grey beauty...eating up those same miles! We certainly are...lol!!!!!!!! Don't strain your neck, DOING the rubber-neck dance. Lots, left and right to start that happening, LOLOLOLOL! Joe
That's one beautiful looking bike, sir! Like that back rest quite a bit. Have you had a significant other aboard yet? If so...what was her comments? I see that you peeled of the warning and 'use 91 octane' sticker on the tank. We all seem to be doing that first off... Yet to get my SVTC, but as soon as I do...I'll be going out to the garage with the hair blower...soft rag, and WD-40. For sure! Enjoy and ride safe, with many great years of service! Joe
I totally agree with you...this proximity thing, is, as far as I am concerned,...merely a new-tech gimmick! Give me a key and a keyed ignition any day. You get two keys...you can cut as many as you want...and they all work, without having to do a Voodoo dance. It seems all new bikes are going this way. I will say though, that it is probably the best means of anti-theft there is. You can't merely bust off the ignition tumblers...or press two wires together anymore...so I guess in the long game...it is a boon for us. But honestly, the only thing your FOB should have been used for, (like my 2008 Gold Wing) was to open and/or lock your storage areas without having to insert the key into all three of them, and find the bike with the PANIC key. That's all...we never missed Proximity and things unlocking or able to start the bike, as we walked towards it. ---------> Gimmick. Wow..this saves me the 'bother' and five seconds, of having to reach into my pant pocket and pull out a key, insert, and start the engine. The day that I am that lazy, I probably should not bother leaving the house... I agree that you should have gotten two. A $27,000 to $32,000 dollar bike...and they can't throw in another part that probably costs Yamaha $10.00-$30.00 to produce enmass. Unless of course, they KNOW they morally **should have**..but used this as an almost guaranteed revenue stream, from most owners, pockets... Can you imagine having a crapped out FOB...(not battery dead, but circuit board dead) (you dropped it from your hands...yep...) and in the pouring rain, or at night, (perhaps with mosquitoes ringing the dinner gong to their friends and family) ,you have to putz around with the open the right side bag...chant three times...press button two times, rotate your body 360 degrees, tell your wife or girlfriend that you love her ( and mean it...the system can tell and is politically correct...) also, sell your first born...if you don't have one, the bike won't start....and then key in your PIN (unless you lost that too...) and do all this within the 8 seconds..or start all over. People would bring lawn chairs and popcorn to the parking lot. You don't get a show like this too often... Like you...I love everything about this bike...but would have wished Yamaha would have given you two keys...and an a keylock tumbler ignition, and taken $1,000.00 dollars or more off of the MSRP... The one thing I don't understand..is that whomever had to have his/her entire security system/ignition start installed new..is only (from what I read in the manual) necessary if you lose your unique-to-the-bike access code. Who in their right mind, would not go home the first day with the bike, and take a jump drive and make ten or more copies of this access code? Or print it out, and keep in in your purse wallet as a camouflaged numerical number? That's the first thing I'm going to do, the day I bring my bike home. Make multiple copies and put them into my deposit box, and other secure places for quick access. Who wouldn't DO THIS?!?!? You'd only have to replace the whole unit..if you lost that code shipped with your bike, and given to you with the rest of your documentaion on delivery day.
Just picked up my 2018 Star Venture
YamahaParExcellence replied to Zelthian's topic in Watering Hole
My gawd...does that look great! Congrat's to you...and I wish you many a care-free miles! What a great looking ride! Can't wait for mine, in the same color! How's the sound system? My 2008 Gold Wing had many more amps of output...but I have heard that this bike actually out-performs the Gold Wing in clarity AND volume from the speakers. I'd love to read from you, your take. I assume that you came from a Wing also? If so...what year...and how do you compare to your present ride? Thanks, waiting to read.... I'm supposed to get mine, next week, or the week thereafter. -
Just picked up my 2018 Star Venture
YamahaParExcellence replied to Zelthian's topic in Watering Hole
...you know, you be can run over by a bus, tomorrow...! Ride for today...take one of these babies outta the showroom...we all don't know...if those 'in a few years' years...will be still there for us, down the road. Too many of my friends and family thought that (myself included...) as well. Accidents, health issues, money issues down the road,....Sometimes, the **now**...is 'the deal'. Cheers! -
I have had really great luck with Canadian Shell Nitro +, 91 octane. The great bonus of using this premium, over the competition, is that it is totally ethanol/methanol free. It is pure petroleum. That means, that you will extract the greatest KM's/Mileage from this brand, over others that still have up to 20% ethanol/methanol, due to the less BTU energy of that blended content. Note: In Canada, Shell does NOT use ethanol/methanol in this premium offering. I can't speak with authority for if that is true throughout the United States. I can't seem to find, any Shell website or information that states that for a fact. You can in Canada. So...no performance robbing and wear-upon-the combustion chamber/valves ethanol/methanol, at least in The Great North Wonder! Ethanol/methanol is deadly hard on valves in particular, Just ask the many owners who purchase gas within the scope of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard. There, it is laced with it...and plenty of reports from those that live there, of burnt valves, corroded and pitted upper chamber within the combustion chambers of their engines. When I tour in the original '13'...I cringe at fill up! So, for my SVTC, I'll always keep a look out down the road to keep it sipping exclusively, the above premium brand. I use it in my car, and also in my Sport Tour, 2004 Kawasaki ZR-7S. Both run like a dream with it. Cheers,
So sorry for the reading of the loss of your mother. By her countenance, was a graceful lady. You must hold many fond and wonderful memories shared on Life's journey, being in her company.
Why I live in Arizona - Part 2,653
YamahaParExcellence replied to videoarizona's topic in Watering Hole
My wife and I went through there, on our way out from Phoenix, towards L.A., and then Las Vegas a few years ago. It was a great bike trip, and we spoke with a wonderful couple that had one HUGE 5th-Wheel, and they stated they actually bought it, for its large potable and grey water capacity...on-board generator, 3-way fridge, and two-way water heater. Just the kind of rig that allows you any site that can pull through. Funny, the minute I read the name of that town...their faces came up. We love camping, and do quite a bit with our bikes. (Easily done with all the Coleman Back-Packer's gear that can be had). If we still live in Canada, by that time, we'll be one of the ' Canadian Snow Flakes' that trickles down to the Southwest, at the first one we see drift down to the ground...perhaps a month, sooner! LOL! I'd rather move back on down...but in the world of reality, I'd doubt that my wife would want to entertain that. My way for three or four months of Arizona warmth, would only be via a 5th-Wheel with the bike garage on the back. If I had that version...I'd be happy. A Ford F250 and/or F350 dually, whatever 35-40 foot (5th-Wheel/Garage/Tip-Outs galore) and a late-model year of the Yamaha SVTC...that would be MY retirement mandate! I've had a long career, and hopefully that is rewarded by a somewhat 'long' retirement in good health. Cheers, Joe -
Wow..that's not good...but perhaps some 'pull it out of the fire' is that you can download the manual from Yamaha's site, so I'd imagine that that would be the latest version for leave-out's and corrections. That's the route I'm going to take first. What a bummer, that they even charged you for that. They made some coin on the sale of that second FOB, off you already. If the tech was on the phone for two hours...that would be Yamaha's prerogative to compensate them...not YOU! That sucked. It was their omissions upon sending the manuals out to the printers... There are directions in how to second pair a Proximity FOB, bike video out upon YouTube, but for the 2018 Gold Wing. Perhaps one of us, or you, could do also such, for the SVTC, and make sure we all have access to that proper procedure. Did you watch the tech do it? BTW, I think that I might slip over the border and pick one up in the U.S. Here, in Canada, they throw you over the pork barrel...and..er...ah... Cheers, Joe
Simply a great looking bike. You take great care of it...and it shows. That scenery was taking care of you!
Why I live in Arizona - Part 2,653
YamahaParExcellence replied to videoarizona's topic in Watering Hole
Does Quartzite still offer free camping to attract Snow Flakes? They use to.... -
Very informative, and a thank you! So..if the VOX is enabled, it will be the same as we were use to on our Gold Wing...you speak...the intercom is active, a few default seconds of silence, and it shuts off in each rider's earphones, until the next communication event. Good stuff. I totally agree with you...no intercom/private conversation should be able to be publicly broadcast. I would like to also have the CB active in the background for road reports from the truckers for what's up ahead...accidents/construction/traffic backup's This was absolutely invaluable on our GL1500SE. To put CB on our 2008 GL1800, was cost prohibitive!!! Did I miss it on that bike? You bet cha! I never was caught in one delay/back-up, with the GL1500SE. Never....we could always be warned 10-15 miles ahead of it...and plan our go-around detour, back onto the highway, roadway. I think it is simply marvelous, that Yamaha, really meant it when they stated this was a full-dress touring platform. Does the 2018 Honda Gold Wing Tour (same price range) have this invaluable radio as standard equipment? Nope..nope. For $$$$, you can add it, (I think...). Heck, you aren't even given the choice to use a full-bandwith, corded connection to the bike. No such feature rider-choice on board, ...helmet connectivity, only via Bluetooth. There are many, many Gold Wing riders that already have the proper lower cords for their J&M mounted headsets...and now, that total investment, can be thrown into a drawer if moving to the 2018 model. I read that J&M is trying to work on some kind of cord-to-bluetooth inter-phase. I hope that happens for all the orphaned Honda J&M cord customers. On the SVTC? Just purchase new lower J&M, for Yamaha ( SVTC) cords at your dealer...and you are up and running once more! We have J&M lower cords for our past Wing...(5 pin) and as you say, can not be fully used to access all functions. So, I ordered through the Yamaha dealer, the proper Elite Z series lower, for myself, and the lower, and extension lower for my wife, so all functions and features are available to us through our 801 Series J&M's. We loved music and intercom function, clean at the ear. Now of course, we also can have full Bluetooth connectivity through the 801's as well, for control interaction over her, and my cell phone, as well as the Voice Command function via the microphones. I'm not sure if you also do V.C. through Bluetooth...but maybe you can. Didn't read the manual on that part yet. I can say that there is no bother, to us anyways, about having to take 5 seconds for the both of us to plug in at our saddle locations. Did it all the time on the last two Wings...and no sweat. The advantages, are huge! Bluetooth, does not have the through-put bandwith capacity to handle all of the infotainment features of this fabulous bike....so, still using our corded solution, was prime consideration. Also about any Bluetooth, installed in the helmet,......BATTERIES....BATTERIES, at your end---->....they drain down, your Bluetooth tech dies, and your communication with the bike, ends. With the corded solution, you are always powered by the bike...for a one hour ride, or even a 16 hour (get there marathon). You don't worry about any batteries dying out, or that you have to (at some time) recharge them...nope. Power'ed by the bike...rules! https://www.jmcorp.com/AraiCT-ZHelmets.asp https://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=08 (Please note: For the lower Z (Elite) cords you need for yourself, and/or if you run with a passenger as well, need to be ordered through your Yamaha Dealer's Parts Department, or online, from Yamaha themselves. Same diff.) Cheers, Your post is important...and again, thank you! I am now aware of that..and hopefully the software updates will separate and make intercom totally, an in-house communication, separate from if the CB is also activated. Now, when you say (not using VOX as enabled in the software selection screen...) that if the co-rider keys her/his button, the intercom will stay active, for both participants? That is what you are saying?
Why I live in Arizona - Part 2,653
YamahaParExcellence replied to videoarizona's topic in Watering Hole
I'll pass those rally times to 'she-who-wears-the-pants'...lol. I just polish the bike, and chauffeur her around, lol There is an old Greek saying that is something like this: A man...is the HEAD of the house. The woman, is the NECK of the house that sits below the HEAD. But, which ever way the NECK turns....-------->***SO DOES THE HEAD***! The Greeks are wise.... Cheers, Joe -
..that's great to read...thank you! I was stressing that we had to now always push to speak to each other...glad to see it's what we were used to, on the Wing. It being always talk/receive live, no matter what else was engaged. Mama is going to be happy 'bout that! Looking forward to that CB radio...I have to tell ya. Missed it from our 2000 GL1500SE. It was probably the same way...for the CB...you lit the mic up to transmit with the trigger switch for the rider. I just couldn't remember.
Why I live in Arizona - Part 2,653
YamahaParExcellence replied to videoarizona's topic in Watering Hole
Thanks for all that. I let my wife read it all. I haven't lived in Phoenix, for over 35 years...so my remembrance of it, is around of that time. I wonder if living over in that subdivision behind South Mountain might do the trick for cooling off in the evening. I sure see your point though, about all the concrete expanse now being a heat sink. That does make sense. Getting back that rebate from the SRP (still happening, is a good deal!) I know it helps...and, is a good talking point, when thinking or putting the abode on the market. Tucson...hmmm...might have to check that out. Just closer to getting some good Vanilla extract, over in Sombrero Land... ))) We always made the run down... To be able to ride your bike (in retirement) year round is a dream come true for myself...and being able to make the 5 hour run over to the Pacific coast...was always a great bet. Actually...well...I could go on...but would put you to sleep, lol. -
For all those lucky ones, that are riding...or have had their SVTC delivered to their home garage...a few questions: 1. Being that my wife and I already have J&M Elite Series 801 helmet speakers and microphones (from usage on our prior Gold Wing), we will be using the cord plugged in option. That being, on the Gold Wing, when you turned on the Intercom system, it was always on...in that you didn't have to press a key, or button on the bike. You spoke, and the music (if that was also on) muted..with VOX, and then after either 3 seconds of silence from myself, or my wife, the music would come up to the prior volume. We liked that feature that we always could talk to each other without the need of a button hold or key hold. Now..I read that you need to press a talk button on either the handle bar left switch console for the rider, or the left side below the handle for the co-rider. My question is...if you only have the Intercom System turned on by means of the software menu...can you talk back and forth WITHOUT the need to always have to press either the fore or aft button to have the microphone hot? 2. Has anybody tried the double zone music yet...have you had the rider's position running one type of source, and the co-rider's position running another? 3. Has anybody tried Bluetoothing two phones simultaneously, as the rider and co-rider being able to access their own phones, during a ride...or just for practice sitting in the garage? I sure hope that we can have the Intercom system 'alive' without the need to key the buttons to talk...for that is something that will always be on, between us. Thanks for any info, from those lucky enough to have been riding...or fooling around with the bike...waiting to ride. Joe
Why I live in Arizona - Part 2,653
YamahaParExcellence replied to videoarizona's topic in Watering Hole
Both your bikes look great! So does your weather. I miss all that. Your pics make me homesick. I lived just off Central Ave, in the lee of Camelback, when living in Phoenix and miss it greatly. I now live in Ontario, Canada. I am trying to convince my wife, that we need to move down to Fountains Hills, or Mesa. Even Apache Junction. Good house values, still. She's not sure of the desert clime in the summer, so I want to bring her down in June or July, and show her, that as long as you wear your water bottle and sip continuously throughout the day, you will absolutely acclimate to the dry heat, and it will become the norm. You might want to wear a sweater for when we visit family back in Ontario, in the same month, so much does your body adjust to your environment. She doesn't believe me.... BTW, do you still get better electricity rates, if your house is within the SRP area? Happy rides. -
Glad to read. On the new Honda Gold Wing Tour, you had to pull the wiring harness (there is a YouTube video showing the procedure) off a module, do this...twist this way, twist that way...and finally, you'd have two concurant Proximity FOBs that would lite the bike up. I always assumed that it would be the same as for your car/truck...you buy one...they program it..and you can have as many as you want for your vehicle. We're going to definitely get a second one, for on-the-road redundancy. A head-ache saver...