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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. Zoey, I have seen on this forum and others, so many more of us, that have jumped the Honda Ship...and moved on. Way more than even I was laying a number to, post 2018 Honda Gold Wing reveal. Quite frankly, and not wanting to step on anybody's toes...but I was a staunch 2017-and back year model, Honda Gold Wing supporter. It was, point blank...their re-design of the 2018, that had me decide to look elsewhere, and thankfully, found alternatives, such as this fabulous grand tour ride, the 2018 SVTC. I owe the 2018, Gold Wing, lol...for if not for it...I would not be soon getting my first-ever, big bore, V-Twin configuration. That alone is exciting to anticipate. Oh...also floor boards....never owned a bike with floor boards, only pegs. Looking forward to that new level of foot comfort! Can't wait for my phone call from the Yamaha dealer, to come and settle up...and ride her home! Fingers tapping...and are bruised....lol. If Spring is here, in Toronto, it seems NOBODY informed Winter to get lost... He's still lurking around....a couple of inches expected this weekend, BUT...next Thursday and Friday...almost 70 F is forecast. I think that's when I will get that phone call...hopefully so, anyways! Cheers, and safe rides!
  2. Again, by my experience Mabeline, not much volume to make any difference as the other poster pointed out. If your own bike is rated for 87 octane, that's all you need, for instance, Regular blend...but, with saying that, you truly get robbed of MPG and torque performance, because the amount of thermal burn, BTU rating, is not as high, in Ethanol, as it is in pure petroleum. So...while it might cost you 'front end'...more on the pump cash read-out, it pretty much 'rear end' cancels out by the better MPG , and therefore less times per month, you attend the pump. So let's say for argument that it is not a one for one cancel out...but that in reality, that gallon of Premium (I only use if I can ...Shell Premium Nitro + (or Plus)) will end up costing you even 5-7 cents more...after your better MPG is factored in, and you're back at the pump...I think that that is a great value for the fact that your engine will be cleaner, top end...valves bodies, valve seats, and that the gas I am referring to, already has the largest amount of friction modifiers (top end lubricant and cleaners), you don't need to buy after-market cleaners and conditioners, such as MMO, or SeaFoam, or even the actual Top End Lubricant bottles, some add to their gas for that very purpose. If you do use those products, like I formerly did..(I was a SeaFoam junkie, lol) than you actually ARE in the green...by buying the aforementioned Premium, you ARE saving cold hard, cash. Cheers,
  3. Was a long-time Wing rider. Saw the new Wing...and purchased a SVTC.
  4. Thanks for the reply. Hopefully, your concerns with the GPS portion of things, will be attended by means of a software update now, or down the line... Cheers, Joe
  5. Yup.... I do a lot of .22 plunkin' with them...
  6. Actually, not even much of a 1/4 liter. Next time you want to check, just grab the handle....and put the tip of the hose, upon the ground. Nothing but dribbles comes out. The actual pump housing has very little volume...so your're good to go. If you want to try a tankful, you need to pass at least two tanks, with you running to at least an 1/8 of a tank left, to get the ethanol out of the tank. But, I got better mileage from the first tank...and even better from the second. This is all I use now...and I'm use to the price...so no sticker shock at all. My Dodge Caravan, and my Kawasaki ZR-7S has never run better. Same for the snow-blower, lawn mower...all of your power equipment. I will pay initially to say bye-bye to any adulterated gas blend. As much now as possible, we're Ethanol-free around here...
  7. Thank you for the above! We did also get the real 8 pin cords...so don't anticipate any snafu's. \ Cheers,
  8. Thanks...I really wanted him to get recognition...they did by us, so well...but, I had to respect their wishes, and like you...do understand...they wanting to negotiate truly...from as he put the words...from the 'center' of the table. Fair to the customer, doable to the dealer. I just know that those nice people that we met, will enjoy our Wing, for many, many years. Lots of life left in her...and we had 10 great years of fond touring memories. I do think...that the chap was sort of brilliant...to NOT go to a outright Honda dealer...but looking at all off-brand trade in. Brilliant! I'm sure he got a great deal...and what we got for her...was very very fair. So...ourselves (dealer in the middle) and Mr. and Mrs. Honda....everybody happy, lol Nope...no dinner required, LOL...that was truly funny. I'm going to take shots all around for those curious. It will truly only be similar to whatever anybody has already displayed for a red metallic. There will be the Tall Boy backrest. heel and toe shifter, lower wind vanes, brake pedal overlay, and we did pick up the two side bag luggage bags. That's about all for the visible stuff. Did get the mini-day cover...(I think everybody needs one of these...no matter what bike you own...keeps the rabble off of them...) and of course, the J&M cords for both myself and my wife.
  9. Thank you...what a great day you have there. Right now 4/4/18 in Toronto, we have buckets of rain...some sleet, and winds that can approach 60 miles per hour today. Not great. Then...by Friday-Saturday, chance of 1 1/2 inches of snow. I just hope that they don't re-salt the roadways. That would SUCK big time.
  10. Well, I wish I could outright answer you...like with a straight answer...but here's now the 'rest of the story'. When I was talking to my dealer yesterday, I did mention that a few of us on a forum, had spoken about the various aspects of our negotiated deals. There was a looooooong pause that you could feel some ice forming...and then he asked me if I had mentioned aspects of my deal with them. I said, well yes. He then directly asked me to please **not reveal**l (after learning that I had not already mentioned them and their location in Ontario) my selling dealer as he did not want to receive phone calls, or walk in's with those that have been 'armed' (his words) with another's negotiated deal metrics. He said that they like to sit down with prospective customers, and negotiate, and meet in the center of the table (his words)...and not with the walk-in phone in...practically sitting in their lap, demanding the deal they know as made there by another. I totally understood what he was saying...and so, said that I would keep that to myself. He thanked me profusely. He then relaxed, and stated a little bit of like Trump, the Art of the Deal. He said for one thing, a number of parameters are considered, when a prospective customer enters the dealership. 1...what time of year...start of season? End of season? 2....what bike and model year is being sought? Left over, or just delivered Popular, easy to move, or slow mover, more incentive to secure the sale... 3...what type of deal is this...cash/credit, or cash/credit/trade in 4...if a trade...what year, what mileage, what condition...and can this trade be quickly monetized, or will it perhaps sit for weeks to months, with the possibility that a financial loss may occur to see it off the used bike floor. He said that each prospective customer, will/should never have the same 'deal' that the one before, or the one after...has. It is not a good business practice to cater to. It is the nature of the game...and what is called, neutral negotiation. He said the worst customer, is the one that comes armed with knowledge of another's sales contract...and demands, that.... PLUS a further sweetening, no less. I just went...oh...uh huh...I see...and then we parted ways, lol I get it...they run a business, and they need to maximize their profit to pay THEIR bills, as we need to minimize our outlay...to pay the bill on the bike! I get it....so, each of us, does the due diligence, and acts like Trump...make the moves, for the Art of the Deal, lol. The dealer will either accept, or modify, or kick you the heck out, lol. Yep, the art of the deal, lol
  11. What you feel, could be very well what is happening. Ethanol-free fuel being burnt. But, having that octane at 91, gives me an emotional hug, better than at 87. Especially with an air/oil cool bike, let's say, should I wish to ride back down to Phoenix for a family reunion and such. SVTC for sure...and will continue using this fuel, with my ZR-7S... It just runs so well on it, and I do (pure gas...) get a longer range out of that tank, even if it being ample to begin with. With Shell Premium Nitro +, on the Kawa, solo, with soft bags, I get 60 plus mpg. A very economical bike for a cheap weekend, or full week getaway, when the wife doesn't want to ride. She will not ride upon my 'crotch rocket'. I keep telling her...hon...it's a SPORT's TOUR... Her reply..."yeah, lol..whatever...". Well, the insurance company calls it a Sport's Tour. They don't insure 'crotch rockets'. Doesn't faze her...lol. Gawd, I love that gal! Cheers,
  12. Wow...that's some SERIOUS snow...condolences! Jeez... In the GTA, it's snow free, but we are going to get a T-Storm later on this afternoon in parts. Good by me...bye-bye salt dust and sand. I see you opted for the lower wind vanes as well. We thought that that would be a prime accessory for greater choice/control of cockpit cooling levels. I guess you and I will see how that plays out. I imagine it certainly will.... Also, in keeping heat within the cockpit. My wife loves that part, lol! Happy rides, when you can get out! There's been already two motorcycle accidents reported in Toronto, and London, Ontario even this early in the riding season. One that will recover, the one in Toronto, as fatal. Be safe! In Toronto, a rider in back-up 14:00 hour traffic decided to blow past everybody in the outer opposing lane...and booted it into a high speed pass of traffic that was where they should be, in his prior, proper lane and direction. Well...Life throws curves. A driver in a white SUV, decided to make a U-Turn to go back the other way down the road that was open to traffic. You guessed it....she turned across his (he should NOT have been there...lane) and he hit her left rear door at mind-boggling speed (passing speed...avoid the police seeing you pull this off, speed) He died.... SUV needs to go to the body shop....really badly. Choices we make...can be final ones...right?
  13. Looks like a mid to late May delivery. He informed me that all my ordered accessories are now in, including my cords needed to hook our helmets hard-wired to the bike's infotainment system. Hoooooooooooooooooooooray! Can't wait to try out all the goodies...intercom, CB...all of it. ))))))))))))))))))))) All will be installed and ready to roll, by the end of next week. Nobody can see the twitch in my fingers, as I type this...LOLOLOLOL. It ain't coffee that's causing it.... The FIRST THING coming off the bike, let along getting put on...will be that obnoxious left side safety and fuel rating sticker upon the tank. Oh yeah...as soon as I get this beauty home and in bed.... I've waited for nearly six months to receive it. We ordered last October....so this has been one heck of a loooooooooooooong winter....way too long.... I also realized that in hindsight, I had too many of the same bike...same engine configuration, same, same...(5 Wings (for touring) in a row. It was...from my anticipation level for this beauty......time for a change. Really, was time for a change....so I raise a beer, to new adventures, as proud Yamaha groupies, er..ah...'owner's...lol.
  14. Oh, yes, I understand that. That's the common mistake many make...that the octane rating gives better performance (but I have to say more on that, actually).... I agree on a technical merit with what you are posting here, but I still have to say, that (and I guess we always have to caveat) in my case, Fly, the mileage gain I am getting because of the Ethanol free gas mixture is practically cancelling out the 10-11 cents per litre more, that I pay, with using the Shell Regular, which does have Ethanol content up here in Canada. If it's not to the exact penny, it practically is, so the added cost is no longer a deciding factor on whether I use the Shell Premium Nitro + in my Dodge Caravan, my Kawasaki ZR-7S, (have to with my coming SVTC) and all my other power equipment around the nest. Now, just an interesting comment about my present air/oil cooled 2004 Kawasaki------>After having first started using it in the Dodge Caravan...and to great success, smoother running engine, quick starts, great power...blah, blah...I got to thinking...well, being that my new (this was last October) SVTC actually required 91 octane, what about trying this premium IN the air/oil cooled ZR-7S. So...I did...I waited until around fumes...and then filled up. Within the first ten miles from the pump...the very first thing I noticed...under hard (entering Highway 401) acceleration coming off the on-ramp...was how **quiet** the top end of the engine, now was. This isn't placebo effect. It's either the same level of engine glitter, or not. What the heck?!?!? Then it dawned on me...that noise I could have been hearing, was a somewhat not-100 percent clean and stable flame front across the piston crown. That was with 87 octane and ethanol laced. Hmmmm.... Could I have had a very small amount of 'pinging' going on...pre-detonation, or..during the flame front...pockets of faster ignition over the top of the piston crown? And...this contributing to the 'normal' sound of the motor since the first mile placed upon it, back in 2004? Hmmmm.... I ran three full tankfuls of non laced, non ethanol blended 91 octane gas through the air/oil cooled 750-four. I made sure that I had full throttle events, as well as cruise and easy acceleration during those three tankfuls...very mindful (with a mental footprint of the SOUND of the motor, or how busy the sound was from the top end.) Fly...I then with purpose went back to fumes...and filled up with Regular 87 (ethanol laced)...and lo and behold...within 2 miles...(the carbs (the bike has four) contents running through the premium in the bowls)) I was back to my louder, busier, 'past normal' engine sound(s). Hmmmm.... could part of that making up of that sound...be very mild ping...low level knock? Non optimum flame front across the fuel ignition? Perhaps all...and less engine life, greater wear upon the valve seats, or more 'normal' maintenance required because of that...but not truly thought of....in the past process and use. Back to a fill of the Premium Shell Nitro +------> again...quieter in operation. This is what I derived from that...that even if your bike can operate on 87, without possible hard pre-detonation(knock/ping)...it does..and will run better, cooler, having the best advance ignition it can just past TDC...without any computer retarding of such. (The Kawa has such a feature, like most cars of today...and has anti-knock sensors that can and will retard the timing, if knock is noted.) It also adjusts the ignition and valve timing on the fly...quite the system, for 2004! So, I wished, that I would have been running this Premium in my rated 87 octane engine, from the get go, and will do so from now on. I do believe from my experience, that no matter what, you do get obvious, or..not so obvious benefits from running a premium fuel, that has a higher octane rating over 87, if only, it is added anti-knock/added reduction of the engines ability to retard the ignition event, live, on the fly. So my argument for using the premium, is not solely based on whether the engine CAN be run with an octane rating of 87....but that DESPITE that rating, there are benefits, obvious, or subtle that running the Premium Nitro + will afford. It will be interesting this summer, under the hottest ambient temperatures, to see how my Kawasaki 750 will run...sound, etc...when air/oil cooling is in play. Of course for the SVTC...it is a fait accompli. You absolutely must run with that 91 octane rating, to prevent destructive pre-ignition of the 10.5 to 1 compression ratio. No cost burr under my saddle in that I run with the 91 in everything already.... I could imagine though..it causing a grimmace on those that are considering, or had bought the bike to know they need to feed it with Premium whatever...lol!
  15. I would respectively have to disagree with you. I also run Shell Premium Nitro + in my 87 octane rated Kawasaki ZR-7S 750 four. Not only do I have better power in the mid-range, but I have also picked up 15-20 percent better fuel mileage per gallon. Not only that...but within two tankfuls, a slight idle stutter was absolutely gone, with turbine smooth idling , ever since. I now burn nothing else in this bike, and the same will be for the SVTC when I get it. For my van, the same. As for to empty your wallet...the added miles you get running a pure petroleum product, over using 87 Regular (with an Ethanol component)...cancels out the front-loaded cost...because I don't visit the pumps as fast , as when I ran Regular, with Ethanol. Just my findings and experience. After you paid around three tankfuls of ethanol-free Premium (if you can get it in your area) you won't be shell-shocked by the pump meter...and all will seem normal, lol. I know...I know... I still get a kick outta thinking my gas gauge needle is stuck at Full, on the van, lol. With premium, it takes its sweet time, starting the climb down...
  16. Wow..15 percent? So in California, the poor residents pay for 15 percent of their tank's volume, as basically worthless added weight, but not much more to propel the vehicle. What a rip off! But then, anybody who has to fill with this polluted gas, is being ripped of...anywhere it happens!
  17. Wow...this is fantastic! THANK YOU for posting this site. I have captured it..and will use it on our planned routes with our iPad. I would go out of my way, to avoid Corn pollutant,....the car and bike killer...as well as performance robber.
  18. Yes it does, 91 octane, minimum. Yes, unfortunately, I have seen where your state and/or location within the state can dictate whether the gas is laced with Ethanol and/or whatever. For myself, in using only Canadian Shell Nitro + (plus) fuel, I have gained around 15-20 percent better fuel mileage over even the same company's regular grade (which in Canada, does contain up to 20 percent Ethanol). The Shell Premium Nitro + costs in Ontario about 11 cents a liter more, over regular...but with the better fuel mileage I have made...it actually is cheaper to run, in the summer months, and at best, the 11 cents cancels out in the winter months, by the better fuel mileage that pure gas affords you. The fuel also has friction and cleaner modifiers that also boosts your best output. So, for myself, in doing the math...it costs me no more, or even less, than running adulterated fuel in the form of regular grade. I even run it in the lawn mower and weed whacker. 5 percent more weeds bite the dust. (just kidding, lol) Everything runs very well, with it, and you don't get the lawn-mower, weed-whacker, chain-saw carburetor jet corrosion from the Ethanol, or Methanol...and hard starting...or no starting. Since I switched all my gas engines to the premium...one pull on the mower or weed whacker...and I'm off to the races. Cheers,
  19. Thank you! Happy Easter to you and yours Rich, safe rides...and we always should remind ourselves------>...ride--->, to ride again! Happy Easter, everybody!
  20. Great to read, Rich...great to read. Our 'instincts' told us so, last October, lol I'm nearing my mid 60's and our muscles and joints are er..ah...challenged most mornings, lol. That was another reason we went bonkers over not only heated seats (we had that on the Wing) but also a heated back rest for her 17 inch wide 'Lazy Boy', back there, as well as my Tall rider backrest. I didn't pick up those heated passenger hand grips, but the dealer told me, that if they get one in as dealer stock, they will call us, and we can demo them, by having her try them out. If she likes them...I'll guess that will be the last acc' for the bike. We pretty much have everything we want upon delivery. We have lost so many friends of late (in their 50's and 60's) to mostly cancer of this, cancer of that; prostate, breast, stomach, lungs...that we said...TOUR, while the touring is good...for there is no tomorrow, only a promise, that doesn't yet exist.... You can be here today...and gone in two months...two months...one of our dearest friend's wives, that we toured with, all with Wings. Yep...two....months from diagnosis. He is not a good solo rider. He needs to part of a team...so sad. Ride that Eluder, like you stole it! Joe
  21. Have always had the side bag luggage inserts for the Wing, and a great thing to have stopped at your hotel, in the evening. Up...out...and done. Also, sometimes, my wife can't take the trip out to our center-of-tour, so she books a flight (this has worked like a charm, so many times...) to the nearest major airport at our terminal destination. I pick her up. (Happy Wife, Happy Life) She has her side-bag luggage insert already packed. We greet and kiss..I hand her her full face, her tour jacket...pack her perfectly fitting (to the gun-wales, lol) luggage bag she had as carry-on...and we are off for a day's ride, or to the hotel I booked us into, for a good night's sleep. I think we're going to take this route, for our planned Boise, Idaho to Montana's Flatlake. I'll make the ride out from Toronto, will pick her up at the Boise Airport, we'll do the 1400 miles return to Boise together, and then she can enjoy a comfortable flight home...and I can enjoy riding the SVTC as solo. This has really worked for us, if your wife also has to work her career around yours and hers. I highly suggest it to the reader. We did this on our trip in '16 to Nova Scotia. She had some work to do late that Friday night...so I took off on the Wing by 07:00 hours that Friday...iron-butt rode to Moncton, New Brunswick, (had booked a room at a nearby hotel a mile from the airport), got there around 17:00 hours, Saturday evening, and her flight came in from Hamilton, Ontario via WestJet, at 17:00 hours, Sunday. She came out of the airport terminal, happy, refreshed...we took off towards the Nova Scotia border about 40 miles away...and then made for our first night's lodging, a bed and breakfast near the Bay of Fundy petrified cliffs. We use this strategy, for trips that would fatigue her on the long out-bound, unless stopping in various places is part of the trip, and not me just iron-butting to a particular terminal start tour location. On the way past Moncton, on the way out...I dropped her off at the airport, and said our good-byes, kiss 'n flight. I arrived two days later, back onto the driveway. She came out, with a coffee and sandwich, and welcomed me home. Helped me unpack the bike... Good stuff! Do you plan on doing dedicated touring this year with your sig other, or mostly day or weekend trips? Just curious.
  22. So, you're getting the nagglies worked out. Good. You're riding an Eluder, right? Good to read of your heat generation experience at 82 F. I'd also suggest that you create a copy of that access code and place it somewhere also, out of your abode. Just double and safe redundancy. If you have a bank deposit box...that is cherry for this. A jump drive/printed copy tucked away. Cheers,
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