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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. While I'm waiting for my SVTC to show up at my dealer...and being that I have had some 'rough edges', in this regard...and being that I always like a Plan 'B'... ...and BEING that I have never had any history or experience with Harley Davidson, in owning one, or in following the tribe... I invite anybody's opinion, of what THEY think about the present state-of-the Union, as regards this company..and IF...for any reason I do not end up getting my SVTC...(for any reason), I am seriously at this stage of events, entertaining that I would indeed look at this brand. I have always had, a Honda 4 or 6 cylinder Gold Wing (from 1975 onward) for all my Grand Touring life, but now, in my 60's, want something of a change up. I'm bored. I have never owned a large bore V-Twin, and do want to do so now. I want to experience the so-called 'emotional' side of Grand Tour. Every one of my five Gold Wings, were rock-on, rock-steady, rock-reliable, but...just..well...they were mundane. Like getting a hug from your beloved grandmother. What I am trying to say, is that they always got me, or as two up, us...there. But I never felt the rumble of the engine, never had a sound from the pipes that hinted at the massive power of the engine. I wonder if this is even coming across right through my fingertips...I hope so. When I ride my Kawasaki ZR-7S, I FEEL the road, I feel the motor pulses, even though it is a four cylinder engine. It is exciting, (emotional?) GETTING THERE.... I want to feel that connection to my bike, but when touring. That was one of the exciting things I was/am looking forward to in the purchase of the SVTC. Smoothness of a flat six..(but, with some intentional Yamaha engineer'ed ----> not quite) Ride of a Gold Wing, but with just some 'Yamaha' Bad Boy, to go along with it. I want that now as I move into the twilight of my motorcycle years...and feel that I have about 10 good years left, before 'stuff' can happen, on a day-to-day that will point to selling the bike...and moving on to my piano bench. So...in 10,000 words or less...IF, for any reason, any reason that the fates just don't see me getting an SVTC this year....for all the members here, that have owned, still own, want to own...a Harley Davidson Ultra, do you think they are a good bike, with the Milwaukee 8 partial-liquid cooling, in them? Do you think that Harley will ALWAYS be around...or do any of you think that Harley could be in real trouble, as a one-horse venue company...and that their core prior market metrics are literally dying out, retiring from the sport...and that will ultimately cause the Company to financially, be no longer viable. But...the final question...even if that should occur...would you think that there would be plenty of parts out there...or after-market that would allow you to run the bike for at least the next 15 years, without it being parked, because you could not get a part you needed? Honestly, these are questions and considerations that are running through my mind, while I wait out this very long and protracted purchase of the SVTC. Yes..I have been told it is coming. But until I get the call to come down and see them un-crate my bike, it is truly until that time, vapor-bike. I DO KNOW, that I want a V-Twin configuration more than my wife, as per WHAT we end up with. She is OK with whatever I want. She was also OK quite frankly to just keep our 2008 Wing. So bless her...she is letting me play like a kid in the sandbox near to retirement. She's good either way. What do you folks think? Will Harley (as long as motorcycles are legal to own and run...) always be viable, and alive? At least around for the next 15 years? I intend to lurk on a few dediated Harley sites as well, over the next couple of weeks, but wanted first to read about anybody's opinion that care to respond, while NOT on a dedicated Harley website. I don't want totally Lord of the Flies, bias...just those that have, or had, a Harley, but also have no problem owning a metric as well. I think there...you will get a rounded opinion...and not just chest thumping... Thanks, any opinions will be appreciated. I am a Harley Davidson Virgin.... https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/03/harley-davidson-tries-to-regain-its-coolness-factor.html
  2. I just had a feeling, that the harley specific cord from J&M wouldn't be just a slip-fit, for all functions. That's why I put out the ransom price for the actual Yamaha specific part. I just wanted everything to work, at the get go.
  3. Maybe that should be Joe Blowe...or Blowhard...lol. Or, maybe Carl...just Joe Gimmethedangbikealready I'll answer to all those surnames! I have a well developed sense of humor...I'll answer to anything, as long as it isn't late to dinner! Have a good weekend, friend.
  4. Good to see another rider coming back to the sport. Safe,and healthful rides!
  5. Good news, Puc...the new 18 Wing has the exact tire set, the SVTC does...so shortly, there will be other options...for the right tire, or if not near a Yamaha dealer...you can purchase or have service done, at a Honda Outlet. That for right now...can be the 'B' plan...
  6. Very insightful commentary, Puc. So..I did look at both you and your wife aboard that bike...and I did look at you aboard the 2018. With my obvious (a blind man would see it...) bias towards the 2018 Wing...(that must be acknowledged...to be fair...) I still think you and your wife, LOOK like you fit that bike as a riding team. I'm really trying NOT to be biased...but I still feel that in comparing the two pictures, it isn't same/same. Just my personal take. The bike (the 18) seems to diminish with you above it, in the saddle. The fairing...the width of the cockpit...etc. I'd like to read Condor's take ...with you also charging him with the vis 'a vis two picture aspect. That would be an interesting viewpoint...on what he thinks, how you see yourself upon the new Wing. Very interesting thread, indeed! Joe
  7. Hi Tooch, and thank you!...so I understand that you traded in/sold your 2013 Venture, and purchased a 2018 Wing? If that is so...then totally cool for you. I wish you many years of good tour and fun events. Tooch, I'm not saying that technically, it (the 2018) is not a good bike, (and of course am speaking only through a personal opinion envelope...), but that for myself, and lots of past Gl1800 (2000-2017) they took away the very features that had I dropped our money down upon five of them. I perhaps, should...and you know what...from now on...from this post forward...will no longer publicly comment my displeasure with that model. I have no right to rain on anybody's parade. If you do own one, please accept my apology....for nobody should dump on another's ride. Lips are sealed from this post onward, regarding the 2018 Honda Gold Wing. We all purchase for our own personal and (rider preference) reasons...and truly...(smile) nobody's 'reason' is better...than another's . Cheers! Like they say..and are probably right...lol..."Silence is Golden!" Back slaps! Joe
  8. Hi Puc...and I might have a reason for that...brand loyalty 'embarrassment, and disillusionment. I also haunted most of the Gold Wing forums...Saunders, GW Riders...all of them...and what you will find...is that there 'is'...a silence...whereby you will find folks like me, that out-of-character for a hard line, G W fan-person...WILL state their displeasure, or worse yet...to any other GW rider...who are most fearlessly LOYAL...to the brand...to read about that 'traitor'...that jumped ship and went to another manufacturer....well frankly Puc...is most rare. Like you..I am vocal...will respectively speak my mind, through my finger tips...will gladly eat crow..if wrong...will gladly publish that my 'previously' held position on any matter, has changed due to more reflection, or experience, or merely better information. I think anybody that can say they were wrong with a stance...shows power and integrity. My view anyway. I obviously can't compromise the reason(s) that fellow Gold Wing riders, posted to me their true, un-masked and self-censored feelings within PM messages, but not in 'open forum' mentioning...but...I had dozens of those that were much let down...were much 'angry'...with expressions, that they 'felt betrayed, in the waiting for reveal'...and on and such. A lot of them, feel they will be rejected and ostracized from the on-line family they have for years, been cultivating. I...for one, have a strong personal sense of self-integrity. I won't hide my true feelings, within silence, Puc. Have I felt the heat within certain forums? Yes. Have I been ostracized for jumping ship...and speaking 'in a negative vein' against Mother Honda. Puc...I sure have...and that's ok. That's human nature, and the collective, Lord of The Flies, human mind-think. We love groups...we love villages...and don't take kindly, when someone denigrates our 'chief'.... Puc..those folks walked into a Yamaha, or Harley dealership...traded in, (if that was the case) their current Gold Wing...and rode out...quietly. They would NOT ever...post onto the open, visited G.W. boards, that they did that. They would just hang out...as usual. Trust me...I have seen that. I highly doubt that those two guys slobbering over that grey SVTC....and then going outside to fight (lol)a duel, lol...as to who gets it...are gonna publish that to all their GWRRA friends...NOPE....and I highly doubt they would into the future, show up at any Wing Ding...or chapter function on their Ventures. Puc...for 50 years..have I been in the Honda Gold Wing culture...and have seen this day in, day out. I have seen riders shunned...almost like a religious order...for having purchased another Honda platform..LET ALONE...left Honda to boot! So...in answer to your seeing in a lot of Honda dedicated, Wing dedicated forums...less, or even non-existent 'migration' posts...I offer the above as a possible reason to lack, thereof. I was in that...and walked the walk. BTW, Puc...I am really, really enjoying our vis 'a vis. Great dialog, with nobody needing the last word, or 'shouting' above the other's voice. Just a great interaction, that I am personally enjoying. To your scratching your head about the DCT vs. Manual tranny metrics,...I think it all comes down to the R.O.I...with a Winger, knowing that most that can afford , truly afford, with not being cash-flow-poor because you are raising a family, two cars...a mortgage, and have a $25,000 plus (for Canadian riders 32,000), is that, "who am I going to sell and market this bike to...when I hang it up, or want another newer bike?"...yep...the older rider. Puc...if I had decided to buy a 2018...and I LOVE the rider/machine interaction of pulling in the clutch, tapping the gear shift...letting out the clutch...that to me, is part of biking...BUT...for my 'intelligent' due diligence, I can smell the wind...and would have bought the DCT. I wouldn't have much liked it from the get go...who's to say that I wouldn't end up...liking it after all...but wondering that...doesn't hold weight..when you are laying the cash out... For the next five years...in my personal opinion...it will be the DCT model that returns the best R.O.I. at sell, or trade in time. Manual riders, unfortunately will be left out in the cold. (again..a personal take, only). BTW, Puc, you showed great handling skill in slow turn especially upon grass and soft ground. Kudos! Years of riding, clearly in play. You're right...it will be interesting to see how the DCT rider would handle that...soft ground...over grass...camping, dirt roads...interesting. Joe
  9. Me too, to be frank, Condor. I'm 6'3-4"....a large man, always have been from even my early 20's..., due to muscle mass, bone structure and usually fall in to my 30's 40's weight as around 240 to 260 lbs...winter to summer hibernation cycles...you know? But mostly...larger, rather than smaller. I have a 32/33 inseam, so probably equal to my torso, as refelcte my height below my hips, so I'd say my body structure is 'median,' for a guy---> 6'3-4". (a spine operation added one inch to my biological height). With the above description of myself, even last year, on tour, with the bike (2008 Gold Wing) packed to the gunwales, my lovely co-rider wife sitting behind me, and myself plopped in front of her...I had to raise my heels off the ground, like a woman in high heels, to touch down and hold the 2008 Gold Wing balanced. I have also noted, (no ego operating here, folks...) that my physical strength (muscle mass) has changed even from 55 onward, in that quite frankly, I don't seem to have the physical strength I once owned. I exercise, we walk everywhere we can..but honestly, the aging process keeps whittling the body down. You young folks, are probably rolling your eyes...but JUST WAIT. JUST WAIT, lol....it's coming to a local station, in your 'viewing area'!.... So...we talked about it, and it was hard for me to have that discussion with my wife...you know...'Hon...I'm starting to find it perhaps, a sort of a worry bead, that on the right road condition, road bank angle,....in doing a one-eighty back the other way....the bank angle might be too much for my aging legs, and I might drop the bike. It was hard for me (I'm as proud and feeling masculine as the next bloke...) to have that conversation...but we---->did. That was another reason that (for me...for us...she understood, and was very supportive) that I wanted to have a bike that I could totally, at a stop, or rest, FLAT FOOT'it upon the ground. With the SVTC's saddle , not only could I totally flat foot it...but because of the low center of gravity this beauty has...(for the sheer mass of this bike...wow!) it felt like I was on my 567 pound Kawasaki ZR-7S! That is a totally,---> honest statement. To hold up the SVTC (for me, anyway, I can't speak for another rider) was the same. WOW....wow...and wow! Safety, and strong feeling of control and balance, once more...! Hooray! So, Condor..you are not alone. If we are honest about how the aging process affects the human body...we walk the walk...and do something to offset that result. Personally...I (be warned...) am now, an unabashed, raging fanboy for Yamaha...in that they by means of the V-Twin, though as massive an engine it is...with a dry sump, that sits low in the frame, with no top end fulcrum effect...lets you sling around an almost 1,000 pound bike, like it **WAS** a mid-size sports tour frame. Yep...I'm a flaming fanboy of the brand now. Great engineering....and to finally sit upon one at a dealership.. to feel I was..... man-oh-man...'enveloped' by this beauty, felt part of the bike...and not perched (like as you say,..sitting on a stool...which actually is a very good analogy!) was such a great, great feeling. The bike makes me at 6'3-4", at 260 pounds presently...look like a guy, running around 210 pounds, and 5' 10"!!! Final comments, you know how if you have owned a type of bike for years, upon years, you get a mental burnt in image of the size...stature, and how you, in pictures (as feedback), well...look upon the bike? I can tell you...that I feel the bike is longer,...wider, way, way more luxurious than even our 2008 Wing ever afforded in the cockpit, and I swear..I could stand for an hour...at the mid mark of this bike, with coffee in hand...and just take in the sheer (you Yamaha design team...KUDOS...KUDOS...you should win a design award for your creation!) elegance of the flow, of the body work. The front shark head, has the aggressive, no-monkey-business look, of a Plymouth Barracuda...of which I loved in my youth...it looks **exactly** like that...then,...to the lowering back angle flow and rake of the body work...ending at the massive, volume'ed rear top trunk...that graceful angle of the sweep back...gawd...what a bike! What...a...bike! I will be so proud as the owner, to walk up to this beaut, from a rest, from the hotel room, from the restaurant. Totally...into this. Cheers, Condor...and bottom line...we two older, bigger guys...can take ownership of this bike...can pack the kitchen sink if you need to....can be one month upon tour with this baby, should you wish to,...can hotel...can camp....can everything...and feel totally in control of the whole show. This is ...the bike for you, trust me. This is it. Joe,----> the expectant soon-to-be-father...waiting for news, in the dealership, Waiting Room... Sure feels like that... I hope my three children don't feel jealous, LOL!
  10. I went into a Yamaha dealer last week, and they had a Grey SVTC on the showroom floor. There were two GW's, in the parking lot. I didn't bother to find out the years... but pretty current GL1800's. Two guys were standing in front of the SVTC and discussing it, between them. I asked if those two Wings, were their rides. They said yes.. "So, you guys are looking the Venture over?" Yessir..., we are. You too?" "I already bought one, and now just waiting to have it delivered." "What did you ride, before?" "A 2008 Wing, just like you two". "See John...we're not the only ones...I told ya!" "You guy's seriously thinking also of jumping ship?" "Yeah...we both are...not too impressed with the 18'" "Well, good luck, but I do know that if the both of you want one...you'd had better flip a coin for this one..and then madly start calling around, for I can absolutely tell you...there are no more being shipped to Yamaha dealers for this year. Only whats left on their floors. They totally underestimated the reception, and were playing it coy...their mistake. One of you needs to call quickly, and drop $500.00 over the phone to a dealer that has one. Good luck!" They thanked me, but I don't quite think either of them believed me when I told them that in only April...there's no more coming into Ontario. Sadly...one of them might find out the hard way...I was right. I carried on with my ride on my Kawa. BTW, the SVTC in person is absolutely incredible...BIG...man...this bike is massive, I sat upon one (it) for the first time...and just marveled at it. It 'felt' bigger, more room everywhere in the cockpit then my 2008 Wing. Truly..." We are going to have a blast, owning it! Again...I could demo the infotainment, I could sit upon it and move over to the left, the right...it felt like an ST1300 (that I had sat upon) Wow...did Yamaha ever create a beauty! I can't wait to run down the road on my own...this is really now killing me, the wait! BlueSky...current Honda Goldwing riders, are leaving Honda...in droves...in droves...with myself and my wife as included among them.
  11. Thanks..was on the phone for almost an hour with my sister...now about to shut down and get to the garage, and wake her up...! Have a great day, yourself...Mr. 80 degrees F! I'll be luck today to ride through 50-55F! Cheers,
  12. Was a wonderful bike, but this new SVTC is the cats meow! Stop! Stop!...You're KILLING ME! You have the bike already. You have 80 F, already...you...are...killing...me! Cryin' Joe...
  13. Chief...can you please post two pictures (close and detailed) of those two wear factory paint blemishes on your tank...can really help others to watch out for it. Thanks! Am now shutting down the 'pute...and heading out shortly for an all day ride on my Kawasaki ZR7S. Got an update from Corbin...they are just starting production on my saddle. Can't wait, for this will be the first ever saddle that was totally fabricated to handle my height, exact weight, and inseam. This is gonna be great! So..everybody...enjoy the day... I'm heading up from Toronto within a few minutes, to Tobermory, Ontario ( http://tobermory.com/ ) today...and while there, going to munch on some great fish 'n'chips...that you get on the cliff restaurants overlooking the harbor! A fun ride...and it's supposed to hit 55F today! Bring it...on! I'm going to wear instead of my 3/4 helmet, my older Arai Full Face 'Profile'. It might be a little cooler, coming home...and a full face really helps you out there... Cheers, Joe
  14. I certainly will...but I don't expect to even see my bike, let alone a first ride, to probably mid to late May now. They say it is still in-bound, at sea. I have to tell you though...I'm 6'3" and I like the whole idea of a quiet air pocket. The money's not too outrageous, even if I have to spring 30 % more for it in Canadian $$$. I like that not only is it taller, but has 4 inches more of side volume. If I end up getting it, because I would like more than the OEM...I'll pass my opinion on down the line, yay or nay.
  15. Puc...honestly...truly, the bike, in my view of you on it, actually looks too small for you...it DOES look like a Sport Tour, in the ST line..and I think that is exactly what Honda was doing. I think they should have retired the Goldwing name with the 2017 model, and properly, and fairly marketed this as an ST-1800, a totally new model. Just my feelings, that they were dishonest, in still using the Goldwing name plate, and then put this version out the door. Just sayin, from a guy that bought five Goldwings over the years, since 1975. I think the moniker now, is rather disingenuous. MPO. If they had put this bike out, as an ST-1800, and with regard to the size of the new bags...and then, if I compared it to what is now, a fair comparison, a new Yamaha 1300 FJRABS/ES...then, I would never had given any negative comment upon it. It would have been fairly represented for its function mandate. No problem...for every company has a right to end a model, in any year. But to put their tour out as an equal (or better?) than their 2017...is a joke, and disingenuous, in my opinion. I was a full throttle Honda fanboy...so...the 2018 was a massive let down and disappointment for both my wife and I. We would have traded our 2008 Wing in three years ago, if we could have seen a snap of the 2018 back then.
  16. I'm an MMO junkie as well...and same as you, in all the engines. I get the best price for it at Walmart, usually!
  17. Chief...looking at that simply great looking saddle of yours...might I suggest that you always (when staying overnight at a hotel, motel, etc...), use a full length or at least Yamaha's mini-day cover.....for overnight parking. Right?.... Cheers, Joe
  18. Can I suggest you put some SeaFoam (about 1/3 bottle) into a full tank, and then on the next tank, 4 ounces of (M)arvels (M)ystery (O)il or MMO for short. This is a great top end conditioner, that will also feed the neoprene gaskets that any of the gas touches. This stuff is great. Cleans the entire fuel system, and lubricates all gas bowl gaskets and intake boots. I'd do two tanks of the above mentioned each..and you will be all set, other than I would do a carb sync after those four tankfuls of treated gas flowed through those carbs.
  19. My suggestions for motorcycling and camping; 1. A light weight, nylon, two person tent. I've owned mine for 40 years, and still looks good with a yearly silicon seam maintenance treatment. 2. Compression and roll mattresses that self inflate. 3. Coleman camping gear for hikers. They are much lighter and smaller than the regular set up, and work just as well. (Coleman electric, or Coleman fueled, lantern 4.Coleman single burner stove (again this is the one for back packing mountain and trail way hikers. They pack really well... 5. Mess kit, again for the above use. They all pack into the other...pots for soup, and even a frying pan for bacon in the morning! 6. Plastic or light aluminum knives, spoon, and forks, again for those that would be walking with this gear upon their backs. 7. Blow up, pillows for the head. Same idea as floating water mattresses...takes two seconds to blow up...but pack flat, after use. All the above can be easily packed into about 3/4 the volume of one side bag. 8. Light weight thermal blankets, instead of bulky sleeping bags, unless you get really cold, or very early or late into the riding season. These are the kinds of high tech blankets that the police and first responders use to cover victims and keep them warm. Your own body heat gets trapped very quickly and radiates back to you. They work very well...and can be folded into practically no packing room. You can find these at camping outlets, or places that cover safety and or emergency supply.
  20. Chief, can you supply a picture of what it looks like, a shot from both the right and left affected areas. That would show us what to look out for! Thanks,
  21. Ok..that's good to know, then. I'm 6' 4"...so then I have no worry on that regard! I'll only do my solution for the port cover. I think that this will be the first thing that Yam takes care of in the 2019...putting the hinge at the top...unless...unless they didn't want the port door weight resting upon the top of the cord pin head. You know...that's probably why it is hinged to be below the cord head. Yep...if we can think of that...you'd think that the Yam engineers did already. Will take care of it, for sure.
  22. Good points, and there can be a solution...here it is...you can fix a single round rubber/med gel clear pad (to the dead center of the cord cap) that is used for such things as computer controls like joy stick rest pads. They are round, and only about 1/2 inch in diameter. You'd lightly brush off the 1/2 space where you know the pad bottom/foot, will make contact with the top of the tank,...and then gently let the cap down to rest the gel pad onto the tank. Two things, because it is comprised of soft medical gel...it will stay foot-printed to the tank, as the the body of the gel moves slightly with road vibration. There would be no rubbing between the tank and the footprint of the round gel pad. This would also keep the cord cap 1/8 to 1/4 inch off of the tank surface. Being that there would be nothing that would get trapped by the very small contact point of the soft gel pad...for debris, sand, dust, micro-stone would blow past...in the vector current. Then when finished...just flip the cord cover back up into place and carry on. The next time you want to use the cord...have a mico-cloth handy from the left pocket..and just gently wipe the exposed foot of your gel pad..and then the small area where it will rest upon the tank. Lower your cap down gently, until the pad takes up the weight...and away you go. There will never be a scratch with this set-up...I've done it before, and will do so again on my SVTC. The main thing is you don't want to have a surface, like cloth, or leather that lightly rests against the tank..and WILL trap debris..but then keep it there to do its damage. I'll post a pic, when I have mine done...and you won't barley even see the round pad resting in the dead center of the cord cap. If you want to do this...just make sure that the pad is a soft gel..and NOT hard rubber. Hard rubber of any kind WILL transfer movement between the resting cord cap and the tank while in movement. A soft gel allows the tank to move, without the cap moving in tandem...hence, no lateral movement of both surfaces...hence, no sliding friction of either. No scratches... Yooper, this works like a charm..and unless you'd point out the small clear gel cap at the center of your cord cap mass...nobody would even see it.
  23. I wish you that level of protection you hope for. My comments were talking points. Thinking out loud.
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