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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. Randy...you only have to have the dealer, OR...his shipping agent deliver it TO Canada Custom's clearing to negate the dealer requiring you to pay the Mich Sales tax, at point-of-sale. That's what I was mentioning...but...now, you have the dealer's shipping cost (in U.S. funds...) AND...you now need the services of a Customs Brokerage House, (with office at the Border)...(again..a fee gets applied, and slapped onto the total cost of the 'deal'.) Same exact scenario that I went step by step to demonstrate...but in your suggestion, you now even have the 3rP's shipping costs TO the border. No win, Randy... I have imported things during my time in Canada, and you really have to want that special thing, or it is something that simply can not be purchased anywhere in Canada...that then mitigates the cost you pay out...
  2. The problem in that endevour Randy, lies with this: Let's say I get the bike for $25,000.00 (in Michigan) so $25,000.00 plus 6 % sales tax= $26,500.00 USF Canada Customs will convert that to Canadian funds right at the border, whether you ride it across, or, a Dealer uses a broker (then there is brokerage fees) That would now be: $26,500.00 USF, plus 30% added CDN conversion cost= $34,450.00 CDN Wait, it gets better------>...Canada is not finished with you yet: Canada Customs will now add on the Ontario Sales Tax of 13% to that amount, landed. The bike coming across the border now will cost you to land it in Ontario, from a U.S. dealer (Michigan as an example) for: $38,928.00 That is what it would cost you to bring it over from a U.S. purchase. Now, you compare that to buying it from a Canadian dealer: Right now, most are selling it for $1,000 less than the MSRP of $31,999.00. The bike will cost you $30,999.00 plus 13 % HST: so a total of: $35,028.87 CDN in total. Take $38,928 (converted from an import to Ontario, Canada (minus) the landed in Canada price non-converted $35,028.87, and the bike now costs you $3,899.18 CDN more. I guess it's how much you want to have this bike cost you...just because Yamaha Canada, couldn't ship a bike to a customer. For myself...that won't be happening. I don't need their bike that badly... So...that's the scoop about importing bikes or cars into Canada, when our dollar is worth 0.70 of yours. It sucks. The system is rigged, to discourage you from an international purchase. Also, Yamaha Corp, can leverage duties and tax breaks, to come up with their Canadian MSRP. Now..what is glaringly the added cost..is that the U.S. dealer must charge you the 6% Michigan Sales Tax. He can bring it to the border...directly and declare it a shipped out of State, and you avoid that 6 %, but..then you have to pay a Customs House (broker) to handle the paperwork. So..you only trade a 6% fee, for another loaded in cost. No winning here. There was a Gibson 5 String Banjo that I could not get in Toronto. I then ordred it from a New York Gibson dealer...and when all was in...it cost me $450.00 (in shipping, duties, brokerage fees) more than had I been able to buy it at a Toronto dealer that sold Gibson and driven home with it. It's not just motorcycles or cars..that they ram you.
  3. Thanks, Lenny. Saw this and did the read. I called my YamahaVapor dealer this morning and he advised me that they were expecting a shipment in from Yamaha. I then asked him to contact me, if my bike was on the truck. No contact yet. I've practically have thrown the towel in. Yeah..I will give it to the end of May (for the sake of semantics), but I have now lost two months of the riding season already...and am quite frankly, pretty disgusted all round with Yamaha USA/CAN. So...no more 'update' or 'hoping', or rah-rah, forum posts from me. I'm rather quite now embarrassed by them all, actually. If I had my way, I'd appreciate Freebird taking down all my O.P. threads...for they look even to me, now like desperation for delivery...and frankly...they are. So Freebird...how 'bout with my **ABSOLUTE permission**, please remove all my 2018 Tech Forum posts. Please delete them. Just going to lay low in the bush..and if anything happens, it will be because a miracle happened and...Yamaha actually delivered the damn bike. Am I holding my breath anymore, Lenny? No. Mentally right now, I'm pretty much done with Yamaha as a supply/delivery manufacturer. This has gone on beyond all acceptance and reasonable patience. I'm done. You never beat a dead horse, and as far as I am concerned...the horse is pretty much dead. Going to pay a visit to the Harley Dealer, tomorrow, and start serious price/deal negotiations. I'm going to tell him my situation...and that he has a chance, a serious chance to gain a first time customer for a Harley brand. A first time customer for a V-Twin configuration, and that if I am happy...and have a great dealer and owner experience, I am not shy...and quite vocal...and will certainly post my experiences for the positive. That equates to attention, in his/her direction....and, it can happen with delivery on Friday morning, June 1rst. So...thanks everyone...this thread has achieved its intention...and I know where I am now headed for a V-Twin. I'm headed into a manufacture's dealer that can not only take an order for a bike...but a week later, can have it damn well ready, or, at least being shipped for you! Thank's again, Folks. Now...back to the regular scheduled program, of this being a Yamaha Venture site. Joe
  4. Crossing my fingers, just called my dealer, and was advised they have a bike shipment coming in today. The weird thing, is that he said that Yamaha doesn't 'head's up' what exactly is coming on that shipment. I wonder if that is because the 3rP shipper handles the load-out and manifest? No matter, I asked him to please advise if my chunk of cardboard is amongst them. If so, my communicative Harley dealer, will be crying in his beer... My SVTC is still getting top billing on my Plan A/B billboard.... Crossing my fingers..there is great Toronto weather being forecast for the rest of this week..and into the next. Sunshine...68F...some clouds...and perrrrrrrrrrrfect to break in a new bike...get 600 miles loaded in on that puppy. C'mon Yamaha...get with the program....make a fella happy. I think my first ride, will be to Tobermory, Ontario. I need to let Charlotte meet up with water...lots...of Lake Huron, fresh water (not in it...just alongside it, lol)...and sneak in a fresh fish 'n chips lunch to boot. Also...ahead of Ontario's nemesis...The Black Fly! Late May...throughout all of June...the bane of Northern and almost Northern Ontario.... Joe
  5. Arai...totally. You pay more, you get more. Also, you can totally be guaranteed to get the proper head-shape fit. If you pick the right one...there will be absolutely no pressure points, especially the forehead. I am (shaved) totally bald, so I use the Silken's helmet liner, (the same thing you see astronauts use) to avoid skin oil contact with the interior lining, so that is also a consideration when properly fitting both my wife and myself. The best fit (IMPO) is always a dealer that has a helmet boutique, where you can try on all three of the different head shapes that Arai offers. For myself, I need the Long Oval, so there is no pressure point being applied to my forehead. I own their 3/4 and full face. 3/4 for Touring, and my full face for Sports/Touring. They cost more...but you get more. Fit, finish, and safety standards. Arai, all the way...
  6. Thank you, sir! Going to grab an early morning coffee and read away...!
  7. Probably 'preaching to the choir', but..---->toxic spore release, Black Mold can start and spread on a drop of water. I hope you can view the entire wet area...and at least apply a strong bleach, then seal from further moisture ingress. Black Mold...don't ask...a downstairs's shower stall. Rip out marine wall-board...rip out...bleach...copper sulfate paint...and rebuild. Never want to do THAT again.
  8. I'd say YOU are no HD virgin...LOL! Thanks for adding on the thread, Puc. I've had like about 12 bikes since being 15....you've had like 12 bikes----> per month! Enjoyed your points and take, Puc. All points, registered. I think renting one, as you say..for a thousand or so miles...will be a great a**-test litmus paper. Very good tips, and suggestions, all. If I go past my cut-off date for the SVTC...I think that I will NOT knee jerk..but will see if the wife and I want to go (a least myself) for a trip out to see the family in California and Arizona. That would be a great litmus test, for sure. As you say...whip into a travel centre, and let the bike sit for 10 minutes in one spot...and see how much heat does come off of those exhaust pipes and head fins. Great suggestions to simulate heavy stop and go traffic scenarios. About the Venture though...I think that this bike is a long-term, will be in play--->keeper...and winner..and WILL be here for the long haul..because it is the very first Grand Tour that marries the high tech, with the emotional. Nobody has done this yet....not even the 2018 Road Glide Ultra that I am Plan B'ing... Personally, I think they found the niche....and at the right time....it should appeal to everybody that wants a fully dressed tour, and is not already convinced that they simply MUST HAVE a liquid cooled engine below them. My humble take, anyways... Post Edit: Puc...I for one, would be very interested in that first and second read from the magazine writer for the 2018 Wing. I've been following it too...but would appreciate you posting links to the before and after use, articles. Just curiosity in play. Thanks. Joe
  9. I can tell you with absolute riding/ownership authority, that if you picked up a new 2017 Nav/Premium Sound...you'd be thrilled with it, if that is the direction you want to go. It will give you a chance to run over 300,000...yes...no typo 300,000 miles BMF. The only thing though, (unless this is not important to you), is that you would be getting 10 year old, and tired tech in the infotainment system. The mechanics of the bike itself...and the storage capacity of the 2017 and down...will take you for a two week, to a one month sojourn with ease. After 5 of them, my wife let me swap out for something else, but not because the 2008 Gold Wing was a slouch, or was worn out. A great ride, for those wanting one! Joe
  10. I think they are too, especially that 2018 Road Glide Ultra that Freebird put me onto. I am certainly no HD hater! LOL. I will laugh at all get-out, if after all these years, Fate has me riding out of a Harley Davidson dealership...and not the Yamaha one, we visited last October. Now...THAT would be a twist on Fate, and---->funny! No mater, Boise, Idaho slated for either of these puppies! That, and Kool and the Gang's, CELEBRATION' C'mon! outta the speakers.... Joe
  11. Wow, that's was a great looking bike, Freebird! So, here it is for myself; Plan A-----> My long promised 2018 Yamaha Star Venture Trans Continental. or... Plan B-----> A 2018 Harley Davidson Road Glide Ultra in either the new total custom Blue...or the Twisted Cherry Two Tone, Red. C.B. as an add-on. Nothing much else, I would need after that. Thanks everyone, for your contributions. Reading another's take always empowers 'your' take. Cheers! Joe
  12. This might seem predatory to type...but, if you are looking to pick one up from a dealer...this kind of news...makes them (HD dealers) VERY, VERY motivated to have one of their stock, ride out the service bay door....with the cash left behind...er...reasonable cash..lol. Who knows...I'll know better towards the end of May. https://www.baggersmag.com/2018-harley-davidson-road-glide-ultra-first-loo
  13. Still Plan A, Chief...yep...but I do now have a Plan B. The above... Mama wants to ride....and I'm not waiting until next year. Right off, I will save $1,000.00 CDN because this bike comes with the heel/toe shifter and the top rack as standard. I'm keeping my eye on it...and I placed a phone call to an HD dealer this afternoon (for B.S. walks, but picking up the phone...talks! LOL), and believe me...they are very motivated to make a deal...ESPECIALLY a cross-over rider from a multi-owned, Gold Wing owner. They'd love to be able to truthfully tell that story around the HD dealership, and the Toronto area! Just making viable options...but my vapor-bike SVTC is still at the top of the heap.... ...until May31st, that is....
  14. Dang, Freebird...this IS a nice looking bike...the Canadian HD site, and this red is about $80.00 more than the MSRP for the SVTC! This might be Plan B. https://www.harley-davidson.com/ca/en/motorcycles/2018/touring/road-glide-ultra.html
  15. Freebird, I re-read your post about three times, and will look out for the 2018 Road Glide Ultra, if I don't get the SVTC (only due to Yamaha, or dealer failure). I am just plain bored to death, with a multi-flat six or multi anything (BMW, etc) ..and want that V-Twin--->torque, at low RPM. I want as low an RPM that you can go, for any given 60-75 MPH speed setting on cruise. Want that rider/seat-of-the-pants interaction. Really looking forward to owning a V-Twin from either manufacturer now. I have made my decision, by reading the great feed-back so far upon this thread, from guys, that also have no problem running either non-metric, or metric rides. That...was important to my decision logic. The one thing that stands firm...is that I want to experience the fun, and a totally new, experience and ownership, of a large bore V-Twin motorcycle. This is the time to do it...before I hit into my 70's...and a decade of Retirement, fixed income ensues....yep. Yep.... Joe
  16. Very encouraging, Chief. Whatever heat it does put out...(it doesn't get much more, even on humid days around the Great Lakes, to be beyond the high 80's F. actual), we probably would both agree we are enjoying, quite frankly. My wife suffers some arthritis in her left ankle..so in fact, our SVTC or Harley? LOL...might end up as being ride-therapeutic, for her. Actually ,so.
  17. Lenny...If I wasn't sitting down reading this post..I would have keeled over..."You are KIDDING, me!?!?!?I would NEVER in a million years...in all my 50 years to date in this sport, ever have expected to read your family--cousin-- feedback. Never! Gold Wing riders, are for the most part (my 50 years with them...) as tribal as Harley riders. Don't think so? Buy one...and attend the GWRRA Wing Dings...and then come back to me...lol. I am quite happy now...honestly, to read of another couple that had multiple Gold Wing model years (such as I and my wife) and then you BLOW ME AWAY...away...that they went for fun...and let's face it...let's call it for what it really is...that of kicking tires (for a Gold Wing couple...) (and we have done the same...) is to CONFIRM, that you always 'had' the right ride below you...and walking out of a dedicated 'other' competitor, a V-twin, vs, your flat six...competitor...ONLY SHOWED YOU (the Honda Gold Wing owner...), that you always had the right idea, from the get go. All Honda Gold Wing riders do that...(the truthful ones, anyway...) We certainly did...kicking tires...oh yes...oh yes...and then riding away smirking that we...had the 'superior' ride taking us out of the whatever dealership. Snobbish? Yes...but truthful. Gold Wing riders, are very tribal, and click'ish. Are Yamaha riders? I don't know yet, lol! No experience yet, lol! Again, I would never have ever expected to read this...so am very, very (if I can even be more in anticipation and type about it...) excited to HOPE to get my SVTC. If it was a total (out of the blue, walk in...yeah, yeah...and then your cousins ride out with a Harley V-Twin mount) (still can't believe I'm reading this, and would love to see them standing beside their bike at the time, if they don't mind you passing it on!!!! ) Do you still have that picture? That would be so much fun and encouragement to also view it. You could mask their faces, if that would make them feel better about having their mugs on the Internet. Thanks for posting this. I am in moments, going to call my wife up from the rec room, to read your post in its entirety. I want to see HER reaction...as we debrief it...lol. This is gonna be something to witness, LOL! She was a total Honda Gold, tribal member! She liked our 2008 Wing, but wished it afforded her more creature comfort, such as the SVTC has been designed to do, as well as the very V-Twin character of the bike. So, let me end this reply..and call her up...LOL (rubbing hands...) need to make some popcorn first...and then munch as I stand behind her...while she reads, about your now, Harley riding...Harley loving, past multi-ownership Honda Gold Wing cousins! I'm going to pass on adding extra butter...really trying to keep the weight down that hopefully that vapor-bike SVTC doesn't have to lug, when running my carcass around... Cheers! "Never woulda thoughta...". Joe
  18. Thank you, Freebird. Thank you to **everybody** that took the time to date, to offer me their unique take on the subject. Thank you, once more. Very insightful and helpful, all. Post Edit: Freebird, I'm re-reading your post...to absorb its info better. So you had the Road Glide (I'm 6'3" with a 32" inseam)...again, going back to reading. Thanks... Post Edit 2: Freebird, I'm going to go tomorrow, supposed to rain all day around Toronto...and am going to visit in person, a HD dealership. I will sit upon a 2018 Road Glide Ultra, and start 'feeler' discussion on what best out-the-door would be. I won't waste the rep's time..but enough to know the lay of the land. Your account around Chicago wow...so I will be most diligent about being aware of traffic patterns, maintenance, and accidents on the planned route. I will absolutely be having a C.B. radio once more. This on a Grand Tour...is vital. Loved it on our 2000 GL1500, missed it, every ride on our GL1800 (wasn't going to pay the blood money to Honda, for what should have been S.E. on the bike...) Thanks for your time to post, that detailed ownership history. As you say, and you are younger than me, right now....you never know what dealership threshold you might pass through....on any given day. The only thing that would stop me from riding...no matter what age I hopefully obtain...would be to no longer, be able to keep it balanced and upright, under full husband/wife/kitchen sink scenarios. THAT was one of many reasons that we gravitated to the SVTC, by its very nature of engine design...and what Yamaha's reasons were, to go air/oil cooled and dry sump...for that narrow carriage width, very low center of gravity...and when finally sitting on one last week...was amazed (and I posted that..) that it felt no more leaning it on the showroom floor from left bank, to right bank..than my 560 pound ZR7S. That was simply...amazing to discover! I want the SVTC...but now thanks to everybody today...I have Plan B back of the ears.... -------> Harley Davidson Road Glide Ultra in the solid blue, or the two-tone red ,(loaded to the nine's...) or...losing out one season...the SVTC '19. (this most likely won't happen...Mama is making noises...about the 2008, gone, and no bike to date, replacing it. This, could get ugly.... Cheers!, Joe
  19. Thank you, before I'd do anything beyond hoping for my SVTC landing, I'd sure haunt the HD dedicated forums, and then haunt YouTube, etc...for other's yays n' nays about reliability, (in total, median ownership) the Mil 8, etc. I did that for the SVTC, and that (because we did not demo ride, nor even see one in the flesh) as well. That's pretty much my buying M.O. if I can not touch, sit upon, or pester a bike. I can understand the H*LL YES part of your reply. I had a 1973 Kawasaki first year, Z1, that is my all-time favorite bike. All time. That is in fact, why I bought the 2004 Kawasaki ZR-7S. It is my literal time-machine and visual connection to that very bike! Every time, (to this very day) that I slip my leg over the saddle, I am once more back in 1973...and it feels it. A great 70's era retro bike, but with modern features (here and there, lol). The Z1 never had some of 'em.... Not every Harley was rock steady reliable, Not every Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, nor BMW for that matter either. I am certainly not, nor have I ever been a Harley thumb's down rider, just because to date, I have always chosen metric. They are a beautiful bike, in any model, but my only complaint, is from some of its tribe...in the first thing they do, is to pull out the factory baffles. Some,...not all. If I did get one, I'd tell you truthfully right now, I'd never do that...my wife would never stand for that...and the injector maps are tuned with the factory baffles, and back-pressure, in place. If I am on tour, I want to hear, what the STVC puts out in decibels at factory...you hear it..it sound's commanding, but lets you hear other natural sounds around the bike. That would be our Harley, for sure. Do I like the look (have never sat upon one, to date...and I just might this week, lol) of the Ultra Classic? I sure do. Is there better bang-for-the-buck in features on the SVTC. There sure is. This would only be a back-up plan, should I (for whatever reason/excuse) not get my SVTC in the month of May. After May 31st FOR WHATEVER REASON, I'll be ending the deal and calling for a refund cheque. Yamaha Canada, has until May 31st, to dock, ship overland...and have me watching them lifting off the cardboard. On June 1st. It's another game plan. I have never waited in my 50 years of biking for an ordered motorcycle to show up at the dealership, waiting upon the manufacturer to deliver going on 7 months!. Never.... This will be a first and last experience, for this. Ever! A V.P. of Sales and Warehousing, calling me, no matter. Until I ride it home...with Puc's Celebration playing from the USB source...it's only a 'vapor' bike.... Looks good on YouTube, looks good from the pictures via Chief...but still...only pictures still for this guy. I ordered this bike last October. It is now April 24th!!!! REALLY NOW?!?!? Joseph, stuck in Egypt...wanting to ride home, and visit the folks....(smile!)
  20. Yes, looked and read about them this morning. Thank you! Much appreciated.
  21. Yep, I looked at the Indians as well. I'd like a little more traditional shape of the twin towers, more to what the SVTC and the Harley's have. Just personal preference. The only Harley I would consider, would be the Ultra, (EDIT) After reading Freebird's post...am going to look at the 2018 Road Glide Ultra version of the full bagger...(loaded right up...) I also, of course, could wait until next year for the SVTC 19's. I'm sure they will be plentifully available, and Yamaha not starve out their Canadian dealers, as with the introductory year. That was a serious fumble...even if they wanted to cautiously test the waters... Post Edit: I have decided that I'm not waiting for the 19's...and punish my wife out of some great riding op's this summer. That's not going to happen. Yamaha, or Harley Davidson...heck, they're all good...each ride will get you there.
  22. Great idea..and yes, I have researched that thought. There is a riding vacation place..just not right now on the tip of the tongue, that would let you...(I was looking at this vakay...) rent a Harley of your choice, and ride it one way from Los Angeles, to Phoenix (as the sign-in point). It need not be a direct route, Grand Canyon could be part of it, or Vegas. I was certainly thinking of that. I would have nothing to lose, and I have family both in L.A. and Phoenix. It would be the Ultra, if I chose to 'demo' the brand. Yep...certainly have thought about that. (Hey...if any V.P's of Yamaha are lurking around here...it might be a good time to call the Captain of the freighter, and have him kick it up a few knots...lol. Yeah..that's what I'd do....) Nobody likes a slow boat from Japan!
  23. Right Chief, not at all questioning my reasons to have laid down money for the SVTC...but only planning, and thinking 'out-loud' and inviting other's opinions of the brand. Cheers! My anticipated SVTC is the prime plan....but I always operate with options. Joe
  24. Thanks, appreciate your comments. You do bring up a great point...the used bike market for HD. I have always bought new, each bike..but if I do have to go this route, that is a very good lead. Probably can pick one up for a substantial savings. Not a Mil 8 yet...I guess?
  25. Puc...now I understand WHY you go through tire sets, like a squirrel shagging peanuts! I think my tent, weights like 8 ounces, lol! Joe
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