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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. Thank you very much for that. Then..I did need to buy that first ever motorcycle lift after all. I just could use it to bring the bike up level, and hold it there with both tires still just touching the ground. Thanks...thought as much.
  2. Yeah, that is a good move! I wonder if the SVTC's dipstick also has that ability...that would be great. I need to ask my dealer that question...can you take a reading with the bike on the side stand angle? Thanks. I was wondering about this! So, I assume there were two marks...one marked for side stand, and the other for standing upright? I'd imagine that the lower hash mark, would be the side stand lean angle, or would that be the higher?
  3. That isn't the only route. The owner can also download the latest Infotainment Software Version, but...because of something in version 12.0.6 foo barring the control head, they quickly took it down, and when you try to download from the Infotainment Update Server, it tells you that it is 'temporarily off-line' due to issues found with v12.0.6 Temporarily can be for many weeks, I guess...it's been 'out-of-service' for quite a while now. When it gets back up, you can check regularly and then download the latest version onto a USB drive and then install the update right at your home. I actually downloaded in prep, the v12.0.6, but when I saw they had taken it down...deleted it off of my computer.
  4. Just curious, did you decide to also purchase the lower set of wind deflectors? We did, just so to have all available options for air cold/warm management, in any month. Great to read that you folks are having a stellar ride experience!
  5. I'm all ears...can you post any links, or more descriptions? Thanks.
  6. I'm impressed. I ordered it two weeks ago, and it was a custom order, my height, body weight, and inseam were all factors in its creation, rather than their mean average, already produced models for various bikes. For custom saddles, the material choices, and the above rider metrics, states that it will usually take 3-5 production weeks from your order date, manufacture, and final delivery. Well, mine only took 15 days, from order, to delivery. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friends in New York, (where I send things, purchased from the States, so I can visit them, and then after 48 hours, bring them across back to Canada myself, and therefore pay no duties on the first $800.00 of worth, or Custom brokerage fees at all, ) told me (I asked him to open the Corbin shipping box) that it looked great..he liked my material and leather color choices for my red Sports Tour... I chose natural tan leather, with Indian Tan for the sides, and my choice of the sewing thread. You can even choose that...totally custom to a 'T'. He said that the finish of the saddle is quite excellent, and he loved the added rider deep set back backlift over my stock seat, which was pretty much flat, to a gentle rise to the aft of the pan. So, it's delivered and I have to visit my friends for the weekend, and then bring the saddle home to 'CowFace'. I'll do a shot of snaps of my un-boxing, and then installation of it. Then, will take a ride and see how the 'custom' feel nestles into the rider back side... They do say, that because most stock seats are very, soft, and use low density cell foam, that all Corbin riders, need to allow at least 2,000 miles of rider-butt-to-seat contact, before you judge the 'comfort' feel and support across your butt cheeks, and no pressure points. Their custom weight cell foam will 'break in' and mold totally to your body spec's over those initial 2,000 miles after installation. I have seen some *****-fest YouTube videos of riders who, as soon as they sat upon their saddle, started to complain of how much stiffer and harder it was, over their stock seat. ​Rider...read the Corbin website for frequently asked questions, or their instructions that you got with your order confirmation email! I hope to have it installed within three to five weeks, (I'm going to be occupied with taking delivery of my 2018 STVC, and I also have to make plans to visit New York State for the weekend, to retrieve it, and bring it back. One more thing...for those who might be interested in buying their own totally 'for you', custom saddle from Corbin. They packed it very well. In fact my friend (another 2012 Goldwing owner...who wants to use my SVTC experience as his Guinea Pig, lol....yep, another not too happy with the ST-1800...present GW rider) said that they had used custom foam injected packing blocks that perfectly cradled my saddle within the Corbin shipping box. So...I'll get back to everyone, about the fit and finish as it sits, installed, upon the bike...the initial 'snug-in' butt-feel, but have to wait for 2,000 miles of sitting upon it, to give a true, stock-saddle/Corbin custom saddle review. I won't do what, like most YouTube that I have watched...that didn't allow for what Corbin says, should be ridden upon (2,000 miles in all) to have the seat mold to you. OH...BTW...like most horse people will NOT let you sit upon their custom saddle, Corbin also states that you should not let anybody else sit upon YOUR custom saddle, (the rider's part) for after 2,000 road miles, their foam will obtain,---> and retain, your butt profile. Allowing someone else's butt profile to sit upon your rider saddle position, will adulterate that fit. Same for any high quality equestrian saddle. Same, same... Cheers,
  7. You might be able to produce your custom 'adaptors' yourself,...all you need is a hard set up foam, that custom saddle manufacturers use...for the custom base seat. Try and find something similar, and then create two mold bodies with 1x1's...then put a 1/4 inch bottom to the mold forms. Fill up the mold blocks with any kind of hard-set up foam that you can order/buy in your area...and then place them on top of your aft/rear lift rail, and with somebody holding the SVTC vertical...SLOWLY lift up those blocks to wherever you want the custom forms to lift the bike frame at. Then once you see the foam move half way up the thickness of the frame, stop and let the foam set up. Then...merely lower the lift, and the two custom lift blocks will still be held in place on the lower frame. Just tap them off...and now you have absolutely custom lift supports, just like you can get orthopedic shoe inserts. They won't scratch the frame, and will support it much better than merely lifting the frame by the flat face of the lift. Think of putting shoe inserts on your lift rails. Just an idea... BTW, that would only be needed for the back lift rail, as we see the fulcrum of the SVTC is aft of dead center length of the bike.
  8. Right..and soon, I'll be able to see that in play, lol! That was though, the main impetus, for I have never owned a bike without a centre stand. How do any of the Harley Tribe, properly take a dip stick oil reading when the bike is on the left slant? Or to put the tank or wet sump to the proper level? I dunno...I guess every one that doesn't have a factory centre stand, ends up buying a lift?!?
  9. Great to read of your experience. I hope to mimic every bullet point of your post. About the hydraulic lifters, the primal set of intake and exhaust are fully hydraulic, and actually don't need clearance adjustment, but it is the 'slave', companion set of in's and out's that have a lock nut and adjustable tappet set up. It's really only because of those, that you need to manually check their clearance metrics at the suggested 15,000 mile intervals. The great news...and if you do your own work, or, even have to pay a shop for it, is that they ARE (thank goodness) Tappet Adjusted valve clearances, and so, any person that can read two alignment lines and have them line up to see TDC (Top Dead Center) on the power stroke, can merely check the clearance while the engine is dead cold, and if any of the two sets (two cylinders) of slave valves needs adjusting, merely loosen the lock nut...use a flat head screwdriver to adjust the clearance metric, and then while holding that tappet in place, snug back up, the lock down nut that holds the tappet body in that adjusted position. Done...and onto the next of the three other valves. (If I am preaching to the Choir, this is for those that have never had experience with this type of valve adjustment, for most bikes today, are bucket and shim.) or they simply let the shop handle all their regular maintenance. I would have rather they engineered that all valves are controlled by hydraulic lifters, but then the bottom end would have had to have been more technically complicated. One more personal thought, is because of the very low RPM's this engine runs at..even at 80 MPH, and that if you use the torque properly, by short shifting (shifting between 1,700-2,200 up-shifts) I think we owners will find that even though you should physically check the slave tappet valve clearances, at the recommended 15,000 mile intervals, I think we shall find that they are pretty much in spec, with no worries of truly out of bound heat or wear induced reduction to valves seating and valve seat wear. The tone of this post, was to cover those that never did any 'back yard' mechanics, so if there was/is preaching to the choir for some readers, that explains the 'explanatory' tone. I know there are lots of tech savvy readers, but then again, some riders just don't do rags 'n oil...and let the dealers handle it. BTW, the new 2018 Goldwing flat six has a slave set up too, on having gone to four valves per pot.
  10. Thanks a bunch! I have been riding my Kawasaki ZR7S, but..glad as you say, to be on a Grand Tour, once more...well...not yet, lol...but soon, very soon, and onto the Break In....'don't go over this,...don't exceed that'....don't run out of gas...don't pass that Tim Horton's without stopping in for a Dark Roast, and 10 pack...' Joe
  11. It's going to occupy, lol...the space left by our departing Gold Wing, last October! That space wants to be filled! Finally will be...6-7 months later, jeez!
  12. Thanks Chief....I'm blowing like a hurricane at the dealership for two months...and get nowhere. Then at your suggestion and small shove in my lower back-------->I then drop a call to the Big Guy, (sitting at the top of the corporate food chain) in his Concord, Ontario office tower...and three days later...a Red SVTC is on its way to my dealer. You were right,...and as they say, "...the squeaky door DOES get the 'oil', lol" Cheers 'n beers!
  13. Thank's Puc! Can't wait...going to mow down on the break-in...put away those 600 miles...and then wham, pow...down to Myrtle... BTW, Puc...that was a sweet bike in that series...and a killer Coffin Tank! As a teenager, every time he kicked it over...the sounds from those pipes...made me...dream....and once an adult, they all came true...many times over!
  14. Yessir! Exactly, 'Then Came Bronson'. I loved the episode, (was it the first episode?) where that homeless guy in front of the snack bar...steals his hog...and blast it, and himself right into the middle of the pond that sat out in front of the diner! Man, as some of the townspeople were helping and looking on, he sure had a great lookin' Daisy Mae', that hitched a ride with him...for that episode. That show, as I was around 16/17, really imprinted on me, that a guy who drove a Harley, could be a great guy..wanting to help anybody around him..and not the image of the day...that of the Hell's Angels, of the Oakland Chapter. Michael Parks really did a tremendous service for Harley Davidson, and probably, that show 'gave permission' for all the thousands of HD's since that time, and ridden by everyday folks, fathers, brothers, sons...and even some daughters of the time period. I believe that show started the 60's to 2000's gold rush for Harley. They should have a DVD, of that show, and give it out even today, to every new HD purchase...IMHO! Cheers,
  15. Just got a call this afternoon, that Yamaha Canada is shipping my SVTC out to the dealer, tomorrow morning. Finally...finally... May is going to be a good month, after all...the months and years that follows, I have no doubt... Took two weeks off in May, just to be the optimist. Seems it paid off... Going somewhere where there is an ocean, with rolling hills and mountains between me, and that ocean-view stretch of highway. That was what this baby was built for,...as was the coin earned, and dropped down onto the desk, for her.... I'm going to pull a----> 'Bronson' folks, for those old enough to know who I am talking about...and what I am talking about. That show...was my all-time favorite, in the late 60's. Especially , that closing scene of him on his Harley, going over the top of the hill..and gone like the setting sun he was heading towards. That will be me, in a couple of weeks... Finally....... Less typing about it...and more DOING IT!
  16. "Nope...nope...for what is the classic coloring of the Devil's skin tone? Huh? Right...RED...and where does the Devil call home...huh? Right...Hell! And so...it only stands to reason, that the same color that mimics the Devil's skin tone...is RED, and that means, it rides and moves out, like a BAT----> OUTTA HELL!" Only makes sense, you know?
  17. Reader, Poll and Crunch this info! --------------------------------------------------------- Gawd...you gotta love it...and all on one bike...(forget the kitchen sink...it comes with the whole kitchen), less microwave and bar fridge...that's slated for the 2019 model year... To the MoCo Company, Board of Directors, I invite you to read the following, BUT----> here is a box of Kleenex. You might need it! The waste basket is over--------->here. Thank you, for not littering! MSRP:$31,999.00 in Canada (Most Ontario dealers, before they were sold out...) were even willing to shave off $1,000.00 to the selling price of: $30,999.00 actual... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Features LED LIGHTING: Long rides don’t stop when the sun goes down, so the Star Venture features all-LED lighting to maximize illumination. LED brake lights and turn signals boost visibility, while the quad LED headlight assembly punches a huge hole in the darkness with crisp, bright light. And since LED technology uses less power and lasts longer than traditional bulbs, Star Venture owners can spend more time concentrating on riding. GENEROUS LUGGAGE SYSTEM: Take it all with you. Star Venture features a cavernous 37.3 gallons of volume across the saddlebags, Tour Truck and upper and lower faring storage compartments. Plus, the Transcontinental Option Package offers an additional pair of easily accessible passenger storage compartments, boosting storage capacity to over 38 gallons. ELECTRIC LUGGAGE LOCKS: To provide both convenience and security, the USB-equipped fairing storage compartment, saddlebags and Tour Trunk all feature electric locking lids straight from the factory. SMART KEY SYSTEM: Simplify every ride thanks to Yamaha’s Smart Key system. The remote key fob only needs to be in the rider’s pocket in order to access the luggage system, start the bike, and ride. CONFIDENCE-INSPIRING WARRANTY: Star Venture riders can hit the road knowing that Yamaha is behind them for years to come, thanks to a full 5 Year Warranty Coverage (1 year limited factory warranty + 4 years Yamaha Extended Service = 5 years coverage). Certain exclusions apply, see terms of each for details. TRANSCONTINENTAL OPTION PACKAGE SPECIAL FEATURES: The Star Venture Transcontinental Option Package mounts a range of upgraded features, including supplemental LED fog lamps, an additional pair of storage compartments for the passenger complete with a USB port, and an alarmed security system to keep your investment safe from threats, whether you’re riding around town or around the country. Chassis / Suspension AGILE, HIGH-RIGIDITY FRAME: The Star Venture is built around an advanced hybrid chassis designed for agile, confidence-inspiring handling. The main steel frame makes use of casting and forgings to place material exactly where needed for optimal rigidity, while the rear subframe makes use of Yamaha’s advanced aluminum die-casting techniques to reduce weight and centralize mass even further. The balanced chassis gives the Venture a combination of solid straight-line stability with agility on the curviest of roads. CENTRALIZED MASS: Thanks to the semi-dry-sump engine, advanced frame design and careful positioning of major components, turn-in and direction changes require less effort, for a more engaging ride with less fatigue. And you can feel the difference every ride, as the Venture requires a massive 22 percent less effort to lift off the side-stand than similar models in the class. PLUSH, LARGE-DIAMETER FORK: A huge 46 mm telescopic fork features damping and spring rates selected to offer an ideal balance of bump absorption and high speed handling, all without losing a light and responsive road feel. The Star Venture is a true riders’ machine that combines real-world road-holding performance with the plush comfort expected from a luxury touring motorcycle. EASILY ADJUSTABLE LINKAGE-TYPE SHOCK: The rear suspension system features a linkage-type, gas-pressurized, remote reservoir shock to create a compact design with a plush, controlled feel. As with the front fork, damping and spring rates were carefully considered to give the Star Venture an ideal balance of comfort and road feedback, with convenient tuning thanks to a remote preload adjuster. POWERFUL LINKED BRAKES WITH ABS: Around the block or around the country, the Star Venture gives its rider unbeatable braking confidence thanks to high-performance, triple-disc brakes featuring advanced electronic control. Yamaha’s Unified Braking System dynamically adjusts front and rear brake force balance in real time to ensure linear braking feel and power. And Yamaha’s refined antilock braking system (ABS) prevents wheel lock-ups when dealing with reduced traction road conditions. STYLISH MACHINED ALLOY WHEELS: Lightweight front and rear aluminum alloy wheels are finished with machined detailing that highlights the combination of lightness and strength. Up front, the 18 inch wheel features a 130/70 radial tire for light and neutral steering feel, while the rear 16 inch rim mounts a huge 200/55 radial for stunning style and road holding. ADVANCED TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM: Star Venture features advanced sensors in each wheel, which constantly update the instrument panel with current tire pressure data—and alert the rider if pressures fall for any reason—for confidence on long tours without the inconvenience of checking tire pressure before each ride. CLASS LEADING FUEL CAPACITY: The Star Venture features a huge 6.6 gallon fuel tank for generous range, easily reaching 200 miles between fuel stops. Riders now have the freedom to journey further than ever. ADJUSTABLE ERGONOMICS: A luxury touring machine should provide easily customized comfort, and the Star Venture has you covered. Both hand levers offer five-position span adjustments. A deeply padded seat – with an unladen height of only 27.4 inches – makes planting both feet on the pavement easy, and it features a rider backrest with three-position fore and aft adjustment. The passenger backrest is over 17 inches wide for plenty of room to move around, and passenger floorboards can be adjusted between two positions. STYLISH FULL COVERAGE FAIRING: Featuring a stylish full-coverage fairing with just the right amount of classic American muscle car attitude, Star Venture provides the ultimate in style and wind protection touring riders demand. And thanks to the frame-mounted design, steering remains light and neutral compared to competitors’ fork-mounted designs. AERODYNAMIC EXCELLENCE: The Star Venture offers a range of aerodynamic tune-ability, with an electrically adjustable windscreen that offers over 3.5 inches of vertical adjustment. External visors at the middle of the fairing can be adjusted to direct cold air away from the riders on chilly rides, or to direct cooling airflow inwards for warmer weather. And ducted vents inside the lower fairing can be opened or closed to further customize airflow for changing conditions. HEATED LUXURY COMES STANDARD: No matter if the ride calls for a chilly morning or a frozen mountain pass, Star Venture keeps both rider and passenger comfortable thanks to an array of heated contact points, including grips, rider seat, rider backrest, passenger seat and passenger backrest—all standard. Engine HIGH TECH MEETS HIGH TORQUE: A massive 1854 cc air-cooled V-twin powers Star Venture with a class-leading 126 pound-feet of pavement-bending torque, for effortless passing power even when fully loaded. And while the competition promotes their “” four-valve cylinder heads, Yamaha has been refining the four-valve, twin-spark-plug, pent-roof engine design for nearly 20 years, delivering exceptional power and drivability that leaves the rest of the class in the dust. SMOOTH RUNNING AND CHARISMATIC: The Star Venture engine delivers huge torque with a thrilling V-twin pulse that brings excitement to every ride. And thanks to lightweight forged alloy pistons, carefully-tuned counter-balancers and advanced composite engine mounts, the Star Venture creates a luxuriously smooth ride ideal for days in the saddle without fatigue. SIX-SPEED TRANSMISSION: Developed specifically for the needs of long-distance touring, the six-speed gearbox features ratios chosen to make the most of the huge low-end torque available from the 1854 cc engine, for brisk acceleration in lower gears and relaxed highway cruising—at 75 mph in sixth gear, the Star Venture will run at an ultra-smooth 2750 rpm. YAMAHA SURE-PARK SYSTEM: Star Venture tackles big-mileage trips without breaking a sweat, and thanks to the Yamaha Sure-Park System, even the smallest maneuvers of your ride are equally confidence-inspiring. Controlled from the handlebar, a small electric motor provides forward and reverse drive to handle tricky parking situations, especially on rough or poor traction surfaces. INTEGRATED OIL TANK AND COOLER: The Star Venture engine features a semi-dry-sump design, lowering the effective center of gravity by allowing the engine to sit lower in the frame, and the external oil tank is integrated into the aluminum subframe to centralize mass and reduce weight. And to maintain ideal engine temperatures, a compact oil cooler is hidden between the front down tubes. RIDE-BY-WIRE ENGINE CONTROL: Star Venture features Yamaha’s Chip Controlled Throttle, or YCC-T®, a ride-by-wire throttle control system that converts the rider’s grip input into precise throttle control, for impeccable engine response and enhanced levels of refinement from the high-torque engine. ADVANCED RIDER ASSISTING TECHNOLOGY: With the advent of YCC-T, Star Venture is able to mount a variety of advanced rider assistance technologies, including Yamaha D-Mode and traction control. D-Mode allows the rider to choose from two different throttle response settings: an ultra-smooth touring mode, and a sport mode for sharper response. The traction control system helps prevent wheel spin when dealing with reduced traction road conditions—and Yamaha is the first manufacturer to offer this type of system in the full-dress touring class, too. INTEGRATED CRUISE CONTROL: Yamaha’s refined cruise control system comes standard, using YCC-T ride-by-wire technology to provide a convenient push-button solution to ease long highway jaunts, for less fatigue and improved fuel economy. ASSIST AND SLIPPER CLUTCH: Yamaha’s assist and slipper clutch uses internal ramps to provide additional clamping force under acceleration along with the proven advantages of a back-torque-reducing, slipper-style clutch. This two-way design uses lighter clutch springs to reduce clutch lever effort, and provides smoother deceleration, especially when downshifting aggressively. CAREFULLY TUNED TWIN EXHAUST: The Star Venture’s exhaust system features a twin-muffler design with the throaty V-twin exhaust note that custom touring fans seek. Yamaha carefully developed the exhaust tone throughout the entire rpm range in collaboration with the audiophiles at Yamaha Music, for a thrilling soundtrack on every ride. ELECTRICAL POWER TO SPARE: Star Venture features paired alternators – mounted low and forward in the engine cases – to provide ample electrical power for the heated seats and grips, audio system and lighting. With 750 watts of total output, riders can feel free to add common electrical accessories or heated apparel without taxing the bike’s charging system. Infotainment STATE-OF-THE-ART INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM: Mounted high in the cockpit for improved visibility, the 7-inch full-color LCD display puts a huge array of information and control at the rider’s fingertips. Controlled via touch-screen, handlebar controls or voice commands, this infotainment package gives the rider access to vehicle control and data, a range of audio sources and wireless Bluetooth® communications options. The locking fairing storage includes a USB charging and interface port to keep devices topped up, too. VEHICLE CONTROL CENTER: By integrating vehicle systems into the infotainment console, running data such as trip computer functions and tire pressure can be easily confirmed on-screen, while elements such as the heated seats can be controlled by the rider. COMMUNICATIONS SUITE: By linking a Bluetooth®-equipped smartphone, the Star Venture gives the rider complete control of communications with both the passenger and the wider world directly through the infotainment display. AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT: Mounting paired high-performance speakers, the Star Venture audio package is ready to rock and roll. Pick up favorite local radio stations, bring your pre-recorded music with you, or stream Pandora® from your smart phone, thanks to the onboard USB, AUX stereo, or Bluetooth® wireless connection options. TRANSCONTINENTAL OPTION PACKAGE SPECIAL FEATURES: Riders stepping up the Star Venture Transcontinental Option Package are provided with a range of infotainment upgrades. GPS navigation with points-of-interest and route logging makes it easy to plan, share and upload ride routes from the comfort of your home computer. A CB radio system keeps you in touch with other road users near and far. SiriusXM® keeps the tunes pumping across the state or across the country, while SiriusXM Travel Link® satellite weather and traffic keeps riders ahead of the conditions. With an additional pair of high-output speakers and Yamaha’s exclusive Dual Zone audio control—which allows rider and passenger to select different audio sources, hold private phone calls, and more—the Star Venture Transcontinental offers one of the most advanced infotainment packages ever seen on two wheels. Top Features HIGH TORQUE ENGINE WITH CUTTING-EDGE RIDER AIDS: Featuring a torque-rich 1854 cc air-cooled V-twin, Star Venture® produces smooth, effortless passing power even when fully loaded. And with ride-by-wire throttle control, traction control and selectable riding modes, Star Venture brings class-leading technology to the luxury touring class. YAMAHA SURE-PARK SYSTEM: With Star Venture’s Sure-Park™ System, parking maneuvers are a breeze, even fully loaded. Controlled from the handlebar, an electric motor provides forward and reverse drive to assist during tricky parking situations, especially on rough or poor traction surfaces. INTEGRATED INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM: With a high-output audio system and a large, high-mounted touch and voice controlled infotainment system, the Star Venture puts the rider in command. Music, navigation, communications and vehicle systems are integrated cleanly into a single system that sets standards for two-wheeled technology. ADJUSTABLE ERGONOMICS AND AERODYNAMICS: Star Venture adapts to rider and passenger needs straight from the dealership floor, with adjustable ergonomics, wind protection and controls. Grip warmers and heated seats for both rider and passenger come standard, with a low seat height for confidence at every stop. ADVANCED CHASSIS: Designed around a rigid chassis and advanced suspension systems, the Star Venture is built to offer Yamaha’s renowned handling ability when the road turns twisty, without losing the comfort or straight-line confidence expected from a luxury tourer. TRANSCONTINENTAL OPTION PACKAGE: Riders that step up to the Star Venture Transcontinental Option Package benefit from a range of options, with enhanced infotainment features including GPS navigation, SiriusXM®, additional speakers and Yamaha’s exclusive Dual Zone audio control. Standard LED fog lights, additional onboard storage and an alarmed security system round out the package. General Information Manufacturer Yamaha Model Year 2018 Model Star Venture with Transcontinental Option Package Model Code OE18XV19F Stock Number N/A Color Raspberry Metallic Brakes/Wheels/Tires Brakes Front - Dual hydraulic disc, 298 mm; Unified Brake System and ABS Rear - Hydraulic disc, 320 mm; Unified Brake System and ABS Tires Front - 130/70R18 Bridgestone® Exedra® Rear - 200/55R16 Bridgestone® Exedra® Dimensions Length 106.3 in. Height 59.1 in. Width 39.9 in. Weight Wet - 963 lb. Ground Clearance Maximum - 5.5 in. Wheelbase 67.6 in. Seat Height 27.4 in. Drivetrain Transmission 6-speed; multi-plate assist and slipper wet clutch Final Drive Belt Engine Engine 8-valve OHV V-twin Displacement 1,854 cc (113 cu. in.) Bore x Stroke 100 x 118 mm Torque 126 ft. lb. Compression Ratio 9.5:1 Fuel System Yamaha Fuel Injection with YCC-T and D-Mode Fuel Capacity 6.6 gal. MPG Rating 34 mpg Ignition TCI: Transistor Controlled Ignition Operational Suspension Front - 46 mm telescopic fork; 5.1-in travel Rear - Single shock with remote preload adjustment; 4.3-in travel Other Additional Colors Granite Gray Raspberry Metallic Warranty 5 Year Warranty Coverage - 1 year limited factory warranty + 4 years Yamaha Extended Service = 5 years coverage.
  18. I'm on their site now...and looking at it. They have great and detailed pictures of it from all angles, and feature shots. Well done...!
  19. I just noticed that you are near Detroit, Michigan? If so...and you maintain at least 65 mph, you can make it to Toronto in 3.75 hours (with a 15 minute, near London washroom and butt break). Then Gananoque is about 3 hours further east, beyond Toronto, so all in all for you from the border, would be just under a 7 hour ride. I suggest while you are there, is that you also take in the Thousand Island Parkway...which is pretty spectacular by bike. One more suggestion, I suggest that you (if you already don't have one..or have never used one to date...) is to purchase a hard plastic side-stand base, so your bike won't sink into hot asphalt, or soft ground, or large gravel parking lots. I wouldn't leave home without one. Hope you make the trip..and at this time of posting, for every U.S. dollar that you convert, you will get back $1.40. CND, or thereabout. That mitigates our higher gas prices, and most everything else, lodging, food is the same as in Michigan. A dollar here, a dollar there. You guys are lucky...for when Canadians go to your state...we get bent over the barrel, by our banks to convert. Enjoy , if my pictures enticed you! It's one of Ontario, Canada's destination jewels! Finally, if you and your wife and or girlfriend are snorkel diver's...I suggest you find space to pack your fins, mask and snorkel. There are many 18th Century shipwrecks in the river that are easily snorkeling depth. The water is clear...and in July and August, around 68-75 F. You'd definitely want to pack both your bathing suits...for great swimming beaches all around. Again, enjoy...for I know that the both of you, or single...will. Post Edit: If , for any reason, lodging can not be found, or you feel is too expensive for your tastes...you can also book into Kingston, Ontario which is about 25-30 KM's west of Ganaoque...so easily rideable between the town of Gan, and the city of Kingston. Kingston was an 18th Century British Naval Base, so there is much history to enjoy...300 year old buildings still in service today...(a few of those, I have as pictures above) the brick are actually of that era...some of the shop's floors as well) There is a British Fort (Naval) to also tour and explore the rich British history of the city. Heck...you will run out of TIME, before you run out of things to see, do, walk to...eat, sip...buy... You might need to go back, to pick up where you left off. It is truly one of our favorite places for a weekend or long weekend jaunt. Finally..this is a SPECTACULAR Fall Colors ride...for most of the larger trees are deciduous, and just flame out in Maple red! Can you tell, we love this place? LOL!
  20. I never knew that the manufacturers charge their dealer network for Demo Days. I thought that it would be the Parent Manufacturer that would promote that, and cover all the costs, bikes, food, whatever.....being it is THEIR product that the dealers are hawking. Interesting,...now I understand why some dealers, as you say, "We decided not to have a demo day this year...". I just thought that they couldn't be bothered with the logistics of the weekend. I also wonder how many sales are REALLY generated by these Demo Rides. Most of the You-Tube bloggers, and others that had video camera's said right out, they were there for the free opportunity of 'reviewing' the whatever ride and manufacturer. I didn't hear ONE person...doing any of these Yamaha Days in the different States..getting off of the bike...and stating,' "Thanks for being aboard with me today...I'm now going to go in and talk Turkey with a dealer sales rep." Not one...not ever. It was...."...oh.I like this...oh...I don't like that...oh----->...I'm going to stay with my present ride." Thank's Yamaha Team for the freebie...See ya..." Yes, I know there are a couple or more, of Forum Members who have stated, that they went out on the SVTC, on one of those Demo Rides, and as a result...in fact did purchase their own. Reading that one did so, and moved from his Victory. So..obviously it does draw some legitimate traffic...but then again...what is the percentage of Tire Kickers, and hungry Hot Dog Eater's. vs. riders coming to that Demo Day, really wanting to demo a bike they **are** entertaining to move to. Makes you wonder, or at least myself.....
  21. Thanks for your thoughts, Puc. It could be all of the above, as you relate. Now...out for an early morning ride! Everybody have a great weekend!
  22. Impressive story...glad you joined our young and growing club...and you're lucky you already have tour wear that has something associated with V-enture. Try to find really good quality Yamaha corporate, or anything patches on tour jackets already, or to just get good quality patches from your Yamaha Dealer. Good luck! I'm looking at making some up, designing them, and then having a sew shop, create them on their computerized sewing machines. I actually might create for now, a fictitious S.V.R.R.A patch. Why? Because I think down the road...this bike in the next decade, will get the same following and tribe loyalty as the prior Gold Wing did...only a matter of time. If this year..critical...introduction year, proves to be stellar amongst we first adopters...it will lift like a Saturn rocket. I've had a pretty good nose-to-the-ground in the past...and this bike, will be the one to keep the eye on. It just has everything that any sort of dedicated and experienced touring rider would want, the liquid this, or the air cool that, set to the dust in the rear view mirror.... One thing is for sure, we will never be sitting on the side of the road, because a critical component that cools our engine, and the engine can not run without it...hoses, water pumps, stone holes in radiators, will have us sitting on the side of the road. We have the entire planet's atmosphere, as our cooling source...it's free, it never corrodes the system, never need to swap it out at further cost..it's over every road you will run...and you never have the chance of it leaking out upon the road... Good times-----ahead! Gimme that road...I can't wait! BTW, while coffee-induced typing, please let me make you feel better about spending perhaps only $200.00 for a Yamaha dealer valve check, or even if for that. They only have to take the tank off...the two valve/head covers off.. take of the cam timing cover, so you can line up the TDC marks, and it's so dang easy...have done it all my life...for the SVTC has no bucket and shim valve set-up! THAT's what takes the time...you only need three items...a feeler gauge that every backyard motorcycle rider has had since 1968....one metric box wrench, and a screw driver...that's it...for they are rockers. Hooray! Bucket and Shim..having to take off and lift out your cams...that's what's a PITA! That's the set up on my Kawasaki ZR7S. Yeah..we need to let them (a dealer) do it for the first five years to satisfy Yamaha Warranty requirements,..but after that...heck...2 hours (or less!) total, from RE and RE. Then...another 15,000 miles...so perhaps, perhaps if you are a high-miler...once a year...2 hours inside your own garage.
  23. Yep, the 2018 SVTC is everything I have ever wanted across all my other past bikes...rolled up into one. Frame style and riding mandate. Electronics and communication tech/entertaiment, luxury and comfort. It will handle sport riding. It will handle grand tour (its strongest strength)...man, it will handle----->everything. Same purchase attraction and requirements as you, Chief. Probably my reasons, are the same for our whole tribe... We need Patch Colors---> The S.V.T.C. Road Rider's Association Oh yeah...wouldn't the GWRRA crinkle in their pants! LOL Our first Convention....and I nominate the following name in place of Wing Ding...all getting together for a STAR-esSCAPE. , for our own motto, will be 'The world's roadways are yours to ride, and all under YOUR OWN--->STAR-esCAPE!' Yep, that sounds classy! There we go.... The first one should be in Boise, Idaho at the convention centre. Pssst...pass the word...first week of July...lol! We need to get J&M there, Show Chrome, Arai, and a ton of other Sponsors....tour clothing manufacturers, mom and pop shops... Yeah...ride to our STAR-esSCAPE '18 - We party in Boise, and get Noisy! By the way, folks..all said in jest...there is no actual event,...FYI. Joe
  24. I just about spewed my coffee at that foul mouthed, standing on his soap box icon...that is one of the funniest icons, I have ever seen on the Net, and I am still laughing as I type this! What a hoot! I think what...that there are at least 5 of us, that now are SVTC owners..that jumped ship from their Wings? I think so...around 5....so far that have come clean....
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