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Everything posted by YamahaParExcellence

  1. Just a caution about any GL1800 Gold Wing...and that is one of the reasons myself, for having made the switch to a lower seat, such as the SVTC has. Last September, when we took a Fall's Color trip to Wawa, Ontario, along the shores of Lake Superior, quite frankly, at my being 65 this year, fully packed up, my wife behind me, I found that even at 6'3", on my GL1800, I always had to tippy toe, because all stock GL1800's have a high seat height. My legs are of course, not as strong as they once were, and I feared one day into the future, on some incline, or my wife getting on or off, that we'd go over. So, that was one of the reasons that this was a good year to go to a lower seating postion. When I sat on the SVTC, I could easily put both feet flat on the ground. Much better situation and control...so I get it...for sure. I wish you good luck in your search for a lower seating position, or a bike with a pronounced lower center of gravity. Good luck, my friend!
  2. So sorry to see this post, Carl. What a loss! Are you and the Mrs, going to start planting another Blue Spruce, my all time favorite tree. They are so majestic, when mature! Again sorry for the loss. All of Toronto after about 12:30 PM, got hit with bursts of 65 MPH winds as well.
  3. I was thinking those very thoughts...you just let off the clutch...and oh jeez....I have to upshift! LOL After those thousand miles...LOOK OUT, don't step out in front of me.......you might just get run over! LOLOL--------------[113 cubic inches of fun lovin', TORQUE]--------------------------------------->headin' for them, thar hills! Joe
  4. Man, aren't YOU right...but I have to truthfully tell ya, Yooper...I'm so VERY glad to have this problem, and THAT...is the truth! LOL Cheers,
  5. Thanks for that...for I never heard of it. I'll spec it out, and see if such places as Canadian Tire runs with it...if not...will find it. Thanks for the tip! I want my bike to bring me the best R.O.I. in a few years...and all tips are welcome! Got it, thanks American. http://www.liquidglasspolish.com/
  6. Which one, the SVTC?, the Kayak?, the trailer? OR all three? Make him an offer, 'he can't refuse'....lol.
  7. Hi Puc...they actually are now sleeveless and use Ceramic wall coatings, if I remember from my read. Like the Chief...I have always done a 1/2 mile upper end massage, after 100 or so miles of censored RPM. Whether you need to now..I don't really know...but old break-in habits die hard...so...probably will still give the break in, the old every hundred mile 1/2 mile 'stretch'.
  8. The view is better from the Canadian side. I suggest for the best rates to look at Hotels/Motels are properties on Lundy's Lane. I take it you will be renting a car? If not..I suggest so, because you also might want to take the short scenic drive along the Niagara River Escarpment to Niagara On The Lake. This is a very historic British Naval Town, and was the Capitol of Upper Canada, AND was the first open battle/skirmish in the War of 1812, between invading American and defending British troops. It is also the host of many nice Wineries, with tasting tours. The main drag is rich with shops that will entertain you, AND, hosts the best millinery shop https://beauchapeau.com/ that a man can find every type of custom made hat and style. I have bought three from them, I love Fedora's...and they are all top notch. The ladies selection is such, that both of you will walk out wearing your hats from N.O.L.! Another highlighted shop in N.O.L, is the Leather Coat Shop. Lots of great deals in there...let me tell ya. You always need an open side bag available because of THAT shop! Enjoy your flight and time at N.F.! https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/ https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/page/restaurants/Restaurants https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/wineries https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/page/tripplanning/Shopping https://www.niagaraonthelake.com/page/tripplanning/Attractions http://www.fallsviewrestaurant.com/ The view from the Keg overlooking the Falls is the best view bar none, of all of the Canadian or American views, of the Falls. BOOK A TABLE VIEW...before you try to just 'walk in...' This a very popular dining experience! Dinner after dark, is spectacular! The picture you see here of the couple dining, and watching the Falls is NOT FAKE. That is exactly the viewpoint vantage that you have. It is quite the show..especially at night when the Falls are lit up with changing colors...yep, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, indeed! This is a Joe-Approved dining experience, lol! My wife concurs. http://www.marinelandcanada.com/ https://www.casinoniagara.com/ Why, you can even stay at the Casino, Leland! Plenty to see and enjoy. I suggest the KEG Restaurant in downtown Niagara Falls, for great steaks at not Robber Barron prices, if that is your pleasure. We have the Casino on this side too, which is a lot of fun. Who knows...you might take away more than you came with! Niagara Falls on the Canadian side at night...by comments of lots of travelers, is that it is the now the Las Vegas of the North. At night...it has that lighting appeal...lots of things happening, GREAT restaurants...avenues to amuse, so, lots happening, Maid of the Mist...that is a party unto itself. You will love it...and of course, the Falls..especially at night aboard the Maid of the Mist...the last trip out...is simply spectacular! Have fun! If you are going to stay on the American side, an area favorite is Broasted Chicken. Buffalo and Niagara Falls were the first to use this process to cook chicken in this manner...
  9. Looking very good, and you did a great job on the panel cuts! Compliments! Your post really brings attention to the possible wear points between the rider's clothes etc.. I think that right off..I am going to be applying and building up layer's of Mother's brand, polish/wax and anti-scuff. For sure!
  10. Freebird...is the cockpit totally waterproof?!?
  11. That short rev past the limit is a good idea..and I do that also..to not form 'memory' I just didn't realize the two RPM band limits, and that 1,000 miles to break in completion. So...no packing her up, no Mama on the back for the first 1,000 but after that, we're good to go. It all depends on the time I have available to do just that, lol. I'm going to try and ride it as much as possible, that's for sure. Just to get her home will take some planning, lol. I'll have to run her down Highway 2, and avoid the 401 altogether. Running down Highway 2 will be just the ticket, but a slow ride home. From town to town...stop light to stop light. You know...just what a break-in period loves... I now have this, in mind!----->https://www.quebecmaritime.ca/en/road-trips-and-getaways/the-bas-saint-laurent-gaspesie-tour and https://www.quebecmaritime.ca/uploads/medias/nationalgeographictraveler-50placesogalifetime-2009.pdf A tip from a past Gold Wing tour of the Gaspe...when you reach Perce Rock...and the town of Perce, AND, if you and your co-rider wish, you can take a Cod fishing boat out toward's Bonaventure Island...and then jig for Cod. If you catch any (and you will..some beautiful fish will be yours!) you can take your fresh catch back to your hotel/motel, and if they have a dining room, will serve you YOUR CATCH for lunch or dinner. Of course, if you are bike-camping...no problem...make sure you have your kitt! Butter, some granulated garlic, fresh cracked black pepper...FRESH French Bread...(wood fired ovens all over the place for road-side purchase!) some Frenched-green beens with sliced almonds...and you are all good to go...for that unique Gaspe Delicacy! Uh huh...can already taste that fresh Cod fillet...(just finished wiggling its last...). If anybody's interested, I can offer you a really nice Quebec motorcycling itinerary. There are some magnificent destinations within Quebec, Canada to seduce your Tour $$$'s! For one thing...just south of Quebec City..(this is a teaser..) you can be pampered by parking your bike...getting aboard a vis-a vis (a face-to-face) horse drawn carriage, and be trotted about 1 mile down a lush green laneway to an over 500 year old French Habitant farm house...to be seated, and served, French Habitant Beef Stew, that is being slow cooked over the open hearth fire inside a humongous cast iron kettle. It is served with a delicious red wine, and also freshly baked French Bread, that is being fired in the three level oven, alongside the open hearth fire to cook your stew. This Habitant Farm was given to the same family that has owned it from the French Crown, since 1604! Quebec is rich in history of that nature. Myrtle, is also a great Fall getaway! That could also be in the plan. I have the last week of September and the first week of October that could be open to that trip. Beautiful Fall colors...and great hotel/motel rate relief at that time as well. Less people on the roads...campers, cars stuffed with children...yep..probably a good time to head South on Charlotte. BTW, how much higher in RPM, did you briefly go past the two cut-off limits?
  12. Are there any left? Can they say that they can get more from Yama Canada? Just checked...like every other Ontario Yama Mama dealer...no SVTC's...and all of them have at least one Eluder still in stock. The Eluder in Ontario, didn't seem to be much of a seller so far. The SVTC was the hot product.
  13. I wonder if American buyers are feeling jittery about the economy this year? Weird that in the U.S. lots of comments about slow selling...but in Canada...they're pretty much sold out...(SVTC).
  14. Thank you...yes about the route, the one that we always take, car or bike,; We head out towards, Michigan, and then take I-75 down to the Ohio Turnpike I-90, and then motor east, until we hit the I-77 cutoff. Then we set sail south-east on I-77 through Parkersburg, Charleston, (love the gold topped capitol building, and always watch for it!), down through Mt. Airy, and at Winston-Salem, deek onto I-74 down through Asheboro, ...then U.S. 38 to finally U.S. 501 to a seafood buffet at the end of the trail! But..having stated that...I downloaded and read (in preparation for the eagle to land...lol) the SVTC Owner's Manual, and didn't quite anticipate the proper (which I will follow to the 'T'.) break-in limits and mileage. I thought it was a slam/dunk. Nope...two low rpm limits, and including up to 1,000 miles conclusion. There's no way that I will be able to properly break in the bike, get the 600 miles service done, and then add on another 400 miles before heading out this month. I need to pack the bike (to full operational limits) and possibly have my 'rear' on the back. So....May is out, and Myrtle Beach is a BEAR (for lodging/camping and KIDS...ouch...LOTS OF KIDS...) with waiting for over an hour at most restaurants, breakfast, lunch and dinner in the prime months of June/July/August! Been there, done that...with my three kids, and have 20 or more T shirts in the drawer...lol So...I thought that we could take possibly a Fall (after the rug rats get back into school, and sanity once more drops over Myrtle Beach) run down that route. I (it's usually 'we'...but she told me that I could plan the runs this riding season...YES!....) have some other (in Canada) destinations up my sleeve. I have broached with 'she, who speaks mightily in all matters...' and pitched a trip that would take us through Old Quebec City (we love that city, for history, French dining, etc...), then after a couple of days there...we'd head over the St.Lawrence to the other side...and take a trip around the Gaspe Peninsula. This is ONE GORGEOUS trip, whether you take it by car...or even better by motorcycle. Scenic as all get-out...with you following the coast of the St.Lawrence River, on its way to the Atlantic Ocean at Perce, and I highly recommend it. Yes..we did it once many, many years back..and would do it again as a refresher. For those living in and around Toronto...you can easily do this in a one week period, and not feel rushed. You'd have to skip out on spending 2 days in Quebec City, though....and I won't lie...there is some Iron-Butt riding that needs to be done, to get you past Montreal...and onto just west of Quebec City (for best rates) on the first day. From then on...you can relax...until the Gaspe loop brings you back to near Q.C. Then..yep...you Iron-Butt back home to the G.T.A. So...I think that I/we (I'm Captain of the 'WE' brigade for this year...lol!) will stay in Canada and head Charlotte's front tire towards the East Coast. Either parts of Quebec, as I have mentioned, or we shoot back to parts of Nova Scotia that we passed by, on the south east coast of that great Province. So many choices...and before retirement, so few, the days and weeks...! Never anticipated the stringent break in ritual....and as they always say...if there is ANY doubt....RTFM!
  15. Wow Chief, I think you got the best deal of all! I got $1000.00 off Canadian MSRP, 10 percent (which I think will be increased to 25-50 percent at time of reckoning...I made noise about that for the delay, and they have not said outright 'no'...) off of my accessories, and the first 600 miles service at no cost, supplies and labor. I'm also getting the 2nd Proximity Key Fob as my Yamaha 'we're sorry for the outrageous delay' surprise. So, all in all, I'm pretty much over the 7 month angst flu. SVTC 'arrival day' is on final, and is approaching the runway, lol. Tower: "SVTC mike-oscar-xray, you are CLEARED to land..." SVTC Crew: "Cleared to land, thanks, mike-oscar-xray".... Captain Joe
  16. Wow...well, ok! I guess, that if you love motorcycling, and live in Texas...(and hopefully without Ex-es'....) it is...what it is.... The flip side, is that you folks have a much longer riding season, than those of us plopped around the Great Lakes. Even up here, in July, it's not really the actual air temperature, but the combined humidex as well. That is what makes you mostly uncomfortable.
  17. So, perhaps I dodged a bullet. If I just wasn't going to see my SVTC, I had already gone to an HD dealer to spec out a 2018 Road Glide Ultra. I got my HD education, too. To bring that bike,new, up to 80 percent of the standard feature set of the 2018 SVTC, it needed 'upgrades' of just under $10,000.00 dollars. I just about passed out in his sales office! I'm quite grateful, that despite all my frustrations and delays to deliver, the day is coming early next week. Much relieved for that knowledge as well. I think the Road Glide Ultra is a great looking bike...but that is a very small part of why you'd want to own any bike. The common always repeating phrase from the HD sales rep...'"Nope, (a standard SVTC feature, insert here) doesn't come standard...BUT...you can add that!" No thanks....I would have just riden my Kawasaki 750....
  18. Can I ask you what were your reasons to come off your HD? Just curious.
  19. Honestly, I think that you being a trike rider...that you already have the best conversion for a trike...your Wing. Just my feelings that you are probably already 'there'. I don't think you would see any advantage to going to the SVTC for a trike conversion, unless of course, you really are attracted to the many infotainment upgrade and features the SVTC has, vs. your Wing. You'd certainly gain there...but for the mechanics of it? I think you already have the best set-up for a trike.
  20. The new Wing seems to have a following...and choice is good. What I am waiting for...will be the proof-in-the-pudding. I want to see changes (if any) on the new Wing, for the '19 year model. A lot of the 2017 and down model year owners think that there might be some very noticeable changes, or at least within the next couple of years... It will interesting to see. Also, some feel that Honda is going to (they already have all the tooling) re-release the 2017, but with updated infotainment. If they do that...then all the beefing will stop. For those that want an ST ride...they have it. For those that want a Tour Deluxe ride and feature set...they can have that back too. It will be interesting to see Honda's response to this year's not all, going Rah, Rah, Honda, for 2018. Just my take.
  21. Wow...what a set up...you have it all! Enjoy! A question...you have no fear that pulling the extra weight of the trailer and cargo, will not threaten the drive belt, stretching, or out right snapping? How strong actually are these belts? Same as a chain? First experience with it shortly, so don't have a clue.
  22. You can do most of the work, right on your own drive way. Fuel sync is a breeze, and is the same for any other multi cylinder bike. You only need to buy the tubes... Spark plugs...easy to get to. Oil changes...the easiest access to an oil filter I have ever seen on a bike, and oil change intervals...some still do 3,000 miles regardless. Just use a good synthetic. You have one set of valves on each cylinder that requires a clearance check (they recommend every 15,000) for they are locked-tappet activated. The other set is run by hydraulic lifters. Easy peasy...no need to remove the cams or risk timing chain, mistooth fiasco's with this setup. Being that you are a current Gold Winger...take a look at how fast and easy, is changing the air cleaner. Remember what you have to do, to get to the element on a Wing...and shudder... That alone, was one of the reasons that I had had enough with Wings. They never changed that on the 2018. You still need to spend hours and $$$'s to get to it. Ridiculous! On the Star Venture...both housings stare you right in the face, lol!
  23. Uh oh..Honda...another Winger is being lured to the Dark Side... There are at least 5 of us currently posting, that have already moved from our Wings, to the SVTC. You won't be alone in the wilderness, lol! One heck of bike, for the money!
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