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About Zelthian

  • Birthday 05/22/1973

Personal Information

  • Name
    Michael Lozano


  • Location
    Centennial, CO, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Yamaha Star Venture Transcontinental

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  1. On my (admittedly overly-beefy) computer, it can be 30 seconds between from the time I launch the toolbar program until it recognizes the USB drive.
  2. No problem. The 20k EVO is about $30 cheaper than the 30k, so you do save a little money.
  3. As far as I've been able to determine, the 20K is just a 30k without the mesh features.
  4. I have this same issue even with sidetone off. It's an artifact of the reality that, while it works, it wasn't made specifically for the Venture. I'm experimenting with having the phone connected to the Venture for messaging (SMS) announcement and caller ID, but also to my Sena to take the actual phone calls to mitigate this issue.
  5. Emphasis mine. The way you worded your question gave the impression the 2012 RSV was a 7-pin. I got confused. That said, if the 2012 Venture 5-pin is the same as the Goldwing 5-pin, then it SHOULD work. Sadly, the only way to be sure is to test it. Amazon does have a return policy...
  6. I honestly have no idea. For your 2012 RSV (assuming it has a 7-pin connector per your question), it would have to be the same pinout/cable as modern 7-pin Harleys. The problem is, according to the J&M site, all 1980-2017 Goldwings have 5-pin connectors, which strongly suggests that your 7-pin RSV does not match any known Goldwing.
  7. My best guess is no. My gut tells me that the firmware on the two versions, or perhaps even the hardware, would be different between the two; otherwise, they wouldn't go through the trouble of selling two versions and even giving each a different accent color. I haven't transmitted on the CB yet, but I HAVE listened to CB conversations and taken phone calls with my phone connected into the bike with this setup. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to transmit on the CB and have the audio from your heatset go through.
  8. Octane has nothing to do with mileage (directly) and everything to do with knock prevention. It's a rat hole. That said, I use 91 only. Yesterday's ride through 6 mountain passes over 10,000 feet yielded 49.9 mpg. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  9. If you're going the BT heatset / Sena adapter (Freewire) route, you don't need that cable you linked to. The Sena Freewire comes with the cable that connects the Freewire to the bike. The "cable" you linked to would hardwire a Sena bluetooth helmet mount to the bike, bypassing the Freewire. I'm also a proponent of the belief that, for the best experience, certain parts should be paired with other parts from the same manufacturer (in general). In that regard, I would recommend either the Sena 20s EVO or the Sena 30K, whichever fits better into your needs for rider-rider and/or rider-passenger communication.
  10. I have a patch on my vest: "Love is blind. Marriage is an eye-opener."
  11. I consistently get between 37 and 47 MPG, depending on headwinds and... erm, how heavy I get on the throttle... *cough*
  12. The post is here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?135689-Take-your-2018-Star-Venture-wireless-with-Sena-Freewire I have two Sena Freewires, one for me and one for the passenger. They work great, though we use the headset for comm instead of routing through the bike. The system on the Venture doesn't have enough bluetooth "bandwidth" to allow pairing with headsets. Using bluetooth adapter on the headset ports is the only way to get bluetooth headset support on the bike.
  13. Not sure what you're asking here. Dual-audio just means the driver and passenger can control which audio source they listen to. With dual-audio off, what ever the driver has selected is what the passenger hears. If you don't ride with a passenger, this feature doesn't offer anything meaningful.
  14. I'm not sure... if it fits, and it works.....
  15. Herein lies the issue. I would argue two things: - Lab tests aren't a reliable indication of real-world usage - The differences don't necessarily translate into better real-word protection In my book, any test that would sway my opinion would need to be a long-term real-world guy-riding-the-bike test using the same exact motorcycle/engine with the different oils, and be a long-term enough to show the differences in wear (50,000 miles? 100,000 miles?). I remain skeptical of lab-only tests/demonstrations, and I typically categorize these as nifty marketing techniques (see my comments on another thread on the Royal Purple "one-armed-bandit" friction test). Without this kind of real-world, long-term test, we're back to marketing and religion. Again, this is just my view on things. On this we can agree. Subjective observations that can be verified by others (my transmission whine was greatly reduced after changing to a different oil) can be useful, though.
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