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Everything posted by mhgoldwing

  1. Ah, yes, the infamous air filter change. BTW, I am a certified expert at changing the air filter and have several T-shirts to prove it. hahaha. My problem right now is I have waited on a new Wing for years. I don't blame Honda for changing as I think they must appeal to the younger generations coming along. I don't know if I really need to change anything as my current ride is in great shape and now equipped just the way I want. But, the SVTC did catch my attention and if someone builds a trike kit for it I will be seriously interested. For now I'm just waiting and am in no hurry to purchase anything.
  2. Yeah, and I'm learning about V-twins also. Never heard of fuel injector sync before. My Gl1800 has 67,000 miles on it and never had anything done to injectors and still runs like a sewing machine. I actually have several complaints about the new Wing. The first time I sat on one my salesman (has sold me three bikes) asked what I thought. I told him truthfully that it felt like someone gave my ST1300 a new paint job and a fancy dash. He said he had heard this several times. Since my primary ride will be a trike I'm just not sure I can deal with the smaller size. I'm anxiously waiting to see if anyone will trike the SVTC. If not then I'll figure out if and when to do something.
  3. I've been watching the new Star Venture because I'm not totally thrilled with the new Gold Wing; currently have Wing trike and Honda ST1300. However, this very expensive maintenance schedule could be a real show stopper. I'm used to oil changes at 8k, valves checked every 32K, no fuel injector sync, spark plugs at 16k. And most of the maintenance I do myself. Will keep following as more reports come out.
  4. If you leave spare in bike compartment and original FOB goes bad, gets lost, etc., how are you going to open compartment to retrieve?
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