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Tiger Lilley

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About Tiger Lilley

  • Birthday 12/06/1969

Personal Information

  • Name
    Cheryl Howard


  • Location
    Forestville, NY, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, listening to music, hanging out by the campfire with good friends
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha VStar


  • Occupation
    Accounting Associate

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  1. it's really too bad we couldn't get the rally going this year, maybe it is really too much for one or two people to try to handle, maybe we should go back to a committee.....IDK, just a thought. we had a lot of fun and really enjoyed meeting all of you. I am really hoping we can get back on track for next year.....COVID BE DAMNED!! I also think we need a better way of contacting people since I only just now saw that a rally was even being thought of for this year. Hope you all have a safe and full riding season, take care & God bless. Tiger Lilley & Star Gazer Lilley
  2. The weather for Rally looks AMAZING!!!! 86/ partly cloudy 88/ partly cloudy 86/ partly cloudy 85/ mostly sunny
  3. 3 weeks til rally!! Can't wait!!!
  4. Stargazer Lilley & I would like to thank everyone who was at the WNY Rally and gave so generously to Operation Toy Soldier in Memory of BongoBobNY. We collected $250 and several toys which we will be delivering this week.
  5. Star Gazer Lilley & I will be collecting toys and or cash at the rally to donate in Bongo's Memory for anyone who would like to donate but can't make it to his services. Below I have included some information about Operation Toy Soldier. We hope you will join us in honoring Bongo in this way, Mark & Cheryl Operation Toy Soldier has been very satisfying for us. Why would a bunch of funeral directors collect toys for the children of deployed soldiers? When we found out that the holiday season is a stress point for deployed soldiers spouses we wanted to get involved. Our goal here is to provide one large and one small toy for each child in need. In most cases, a local base is our drop off point. Most bases have a person who coordinates ‘help’ to the spouses of the deployed soldiers. The higher the rank, the more the pay. So all in all, most of our help goes to the spouses of enlisted men and women. They are young married couples, usually in their early twenties. Most of us can remember the stress of ‘not enough money to go around. Yes, Santa needs a little help.Most of the funeral homes in the Veterans Funeral Care network are owned and run by veterans or, like me, the children of veterans. So when we found out about the need, we wanted to help.We get questions about types of toys needed. A football or soccer ball is a big hit. Barbie Dolls and coloring books are huge. If your 5-10 year old would like it, our kids will love it too.It is very important to us that you understand that even though Operation Toy Soldier is a nationwide toy drive, all the toys you donate STAY LOCAL. When you donate a toy in the Atlanta area, the toy goes to a soldier’s family in Atlanta. When toys are donated in Cleveland, the toys help the soldier’s children in Cleveland smile. Each of our communities are very dear to us, so it is essential that when we participate in a national drive, our local community benefits from the donations.On behalf of all of us at Veterans Funeral Care, the originators of the program, Tim & Frankie Stewart, our national network host, Crystal & Jason Jardine, Thank you for participating in this campaign, Operation Toy Soldier for our Veterans. We believe they deserve the very best!For God and Country,http://operationtoysoldier.com/drum/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/jin_sig.png Jim Rudolph President & Founder
  6. This breaks my heart, continued prayers for Bob & Becky
  7. Continued prayers for Bob & Becky
  8. Thank you for the updates Prayers for Bob & Becky!!!
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