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Deisel Rick

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  • Location
    Pa, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1997 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Thanks, that,s good to know. Actually i have 2 keys and a big rubber key ring tag on it now that flops all over the place when I'm running down the hy'way . wonder if that had anything to do with it burning out?
  2. Thanks but I’m home at this point. I’m going to replace the switch with new and hope for the best.
  3. Thanks for getting back so quickly but I am home at this point. The bike made it almost all the way home. Had to stop for gas about 20 Miles for Home and couldn’t get it to start. The switch is fried. Need a new one at this point no matter what I do. Just want to make sure I get the right one. To much money to waste
  4. Ok trying to find a ignition key switch. Dealer says there is only 1 in the United States then they are on back order with no restock date listed and the want a whopping $330.00 for it. I found a website called Yamaha sports plaza and they seem to list them for $230.00 but there are 3 different models listed. Xvz13aj , xvz13atj , and xvz13ltj . All have different part numbers and all for a 1997. I have no idea what model I have. Can anyone tell me is it marked some where on the bike. By looking at the parts picture I think I have the Ltj because my key is under the tank up front and the other 2 models seem to be back by the seat but I could be wrong. And there is no return on electrical parts. Help please
  5. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys . Been on the road. My 1997 has 2 Keys . 1 for the ignition and 1 for the side box locks
  6. From what I’m researching it is a problem with to much voltage burning contacts over time. Hopefully someone will chime in on a bypass till I can get a new one. It’s only a on off switch so I wouldn’t think it would be to hard but I don’t know
  7. Update !! I think I found my issue. I think it’s the ignition switch. It just did it again sitting in a hotel parking lot. It cranked and cranked then all I did was touch the key and it fired. While running I touched the Kelly again and it shut off. Cranked some more till I touched the key and fired. Thinking switch going bad . Is there away to jump around the switch till I get home and order a new one. ?
  8. Yes I use the kill to turn it off then hit the key. I start on reserve and flip right to normal . I just confused why it only does it after running long distance at high speed and then gassing up
  9. Would over filling the tank cause a problem? I have been trying to get every bit I can in the tank.
  10. I should also add that the bike only has 14000 Miles on it
  11. Yes the fuel pump clicks as normal at all times. And when I go to start it all I normally have to do is just tap the starter button and she fires right off . Even on the questioned fuel stop but then it dies.
  12. I have a 1997 royal star tour deluxe. We are on a road trip from Tampa Florida to Key West . My problem is when I’m blowing down the interstate at 75 mph for a tank of gas roughly 120 Miles . I pull in to a fuel stop and pee stop which is only like 15-20 then I jump right back on the interstate. That’s when **** goes wrong. As soon as I get up to speed the bike pops and dies like it’s running out of gas. I pull off to the side thinking I blew up and hit the starter . And it just cranks and cranks. Trim to reserve and for some reason it fires right up and runs great till the next fuel stop on the interstate then it started all over again exactly. But here’s the odd thing . When I get gas at any other time other then on the interstate I have absolutely no issues. Could it be vapor locking ?? First thought fuel filter but that should effect me all the time. So I’m not sure what’s going on here but I have about 900 Miles to go. Help please
  13. So the oil passes back a forth but to be as low as I was it had to leak somewhere . Or can’t it?
  14. I looked in before I drained it and couldn’t see the oil at all . So I drained it and got out what I got out. Any idea where the h e - - the oil might have gone if I have no signs of leakage? Unless the dealer didn’t fill it properly which is always possible? Is there a seal at the lower end where it bolts to the outer tube that could be leaking and filling up the tube ?
  15. Ok drained the old oil out and got maybe and I mean maybe a 1/4 cup at most . I have only had this bike barely a year bought off of a dealer with 12,000 miles on it who was supposed to have serviced everything including the final drive. Oil was black but absolutely no filings on the magnet so I’m pretty sure no damage was done. I refilled it to the bottom of the bottom of the threads of the fill hole . Correct?? Do I need to run and recheck? Also do this oil lubricant the drive shaft on a 1997 or is there a seal at the end of the pumpkin? Just trying to figure out where the oil went ? No signs of leaks anywhere on the bike.
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