I have checked ground connectons, regulator connections and all wiring harness connections and all info you guys have given. I havent had a battery drain in the last 5 days. The charging has been intermitent with the old regulator. I drove it 70 miles yesterday (I put a volt meter on to verify charging status) and the charging system was putting out over 13v. I go to drive it to work this morning and it started charging at 13v and 2 min later would not charge (below 12v) so I didn't drive it.
I ordered a new regulator and it came in today. I put it on and the bike is charging. The problem is at an idle it is at 13.9 without the passing lights or radio on. With the passing lights on, it drops to 13v at idle. No change with radio on and with turn signals on the voltage gauge needle bounces between 12.8 and 13v. On the road with radio,passing lights on, 13.0v unless I chank up the rpms nearing the rev limiter the gauge drops back to 12.2 and is bouncing until the rpms drop. At steady 80mph on the freeway, gauge reads 12.8 at 70mph it reads 13.0. There is no increase in charging voltage by reving the engine and holding the rpms up. Is this normal? If not, does anyone have any ideas.