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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Glad you walked away from it Brad, I have a left front crash bar might need a little adjusting but its not scraped up, if the insurance Co. won't help.
  2. My bad, when you said fuse panel I was thinking side covers not the lowers.
  3. Only one of the screws hold the side covers on, the other is just for looks. I think the rear one is the dummy, but I'm not sure. The cover pops into a couple of rubber gromets. Just give it a wiggle and a tug.
  4. Leslie and I on our way home from Cody WY was driving thru Peoria on 24 east of town 7/31/11 about 5-6pm and passed a accident where a bike was smashed between two vehicles it was fatal, the traffic was shifted to the other side of the road with cones and signs, the pavement was spray painted like a crime scene. It had appeared the it had happened several hours before. Thats the reason we all need to install additional lighting on the rear of our bikes, it wont fix a drunk driver, but it could help us to be seen better. Very sad couple of weeks for Peoria bikers...
  5. Nice pic's, I'm glad I got the chance to meet you even if it was for just a moment. Keep on truckin......
  6. Glad you both are home safe, we enjoyed spending time with the two of you in the Black Hills. Hope your back has healed up.
  7. Just pulled my H/F to Cody and back with 20# - 12" tires. did fine and the tires are not showing wear and did not get hot.
  8. 99 rsv 45k on the third shock 1st one went under 10k second at 42k I hope the third lasts forever at the price Yamaha charges for them. Please do a poll.....
  9. Happy Birthday, Get that 2nd gen cleaned up for the next run, I hope you enjoyed it. If your day is anything like mine a good nap might be the best present you could get.
  10. I've been in the mess for quite a few years and the heat and sweat make it miserable, especially around fiberglass. Get out of the kitchen....
  11. Thanks
  12. I won the Mic-Mutes at the Cody rally, Thanks to the the donation from our friends from "Down Under". BUT I don't have the installation instuctions, can anybody help ?
  13. Great meeting the both of you, now I have someone to compare to my brother... we call him jackpot Jim. I put on the cup holder for Leslie and it fell off somewhere in Nebraska however I think I can attach something else to the bracket, I hate to discard chrome.
  14. Mark, was a pleasure to meet all of you folks. We really had a great time and now I'm getting to put some faces with names on the other side of the country.
  15. I bet she's going to enjoy the highway pegs. Leslie might have to wait till Christmas for hers...
  16. Glad your both home safe, Thanks for the great fish taco's we really had a lot of new experiences on this trip... One to never be forgotten.
  17. I've done that a time or two, but without the leg under the bike.... Hope everything mends well, listen to the Doc and don't be a tuff guy and mess up his good work...
  18. Hey guy's it was a little out of the way for us, sorry we couldn't swing thru.... Ponch took a couple of pic's of Leslie and I so you could remember what we looked like. Well it's only been a couple of months since you've seen my ugly mug but what the heck.
  19. Well after about 4,600 miles a couple of weeks and a couple of days we made it (ground zero). The house still stands the pets are alive and other than a few dead flowers every thing is good in da hood. Wow did we see some country and a fantastic rally and again the Venture Riders are the best people to be found ANYWHERE......... Will post more after we settle in.
  20. Glad you both are home safe. It was a pleasure meet you both and thank again for a great vacation !!!!!!
  21. Great Pic's I'll put some up when we get home. Gary
  22. Good to see you again. I like your new Venture.
  23. Yup, it was us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. It was not rigged, Jack was shocked. He needs to change his screen name to Trailerman.
  25. Brockway Mountain Drive, a must do in the Keewenauw.
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