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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Congrat's Gary thats awesome
  2. Here's my take on this mess, #1: The leadership around here and in this country has become passive I mean WIMP'S, afraid to offend anyone. I hear it over and over, well everybody is doing it, but they just keep picking away at morality on a lot of different fronts RE: religion, gay rights, immigration, ect, ect, ect. And I don't want to turn this political, I'm just saying nobody has the nad's to stand up for whats right. #2: It's bad and some people live closer to the mess than others, but you can limit your exposure to some extent by making good choices. Unfortunately the crud cannot be contained by a bunch of limp wristed politicians.
  3. Prayers sent, you both are wonderful people and you are illuminated by HIS light.
  4. Alan, I have ridden one of those and I wore a big grin when returned. I like the red, don't think that color is available here.
  5. Sorry to hear this. We will keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
  6. Prayers sent Jeff, Hope she beats it and has a full recovery. Leslie and I were just talking about you yesterday, all good of course !!!!!!!!! Gary
  7. WOW, one sweet guitar. My cousin Bill came to visit when I lived in Dallas and had came into town to attend a large guitar swap meet. He ran into Hank Snow who was a Gretch spokesperson for years and has been known to be THE authority on old Gretch's. Bill had been in contact with Hank over the years but had never met. That all changed, Hank invited Bill to his hone in Fort Worth after the swap meet and they picked all night and played several of Hanks prototypes that had never been released. Bill said Hank had Gretch's across the lower level of his home two high sideways on a special built wall rack. Your brother has acquired a piece of history, and he sounds like he has the skills to appreciate it. Gary
  8. I beat the crap out of a couple of the bearing when I built my trailer so I took them to a bearing warehouse to replace them, they were metric of coarse not anything standard, but the counter person looked at them and said they were a higher quality the standard wheel bearings. FYI
  9. Good for you' if I did't have three houses here I think I would pack it up. I'll have to wait a few years for some payoffs or the market to get better. Gary
  10. I'm trying to contain myself
  11. Wow Eddie, you can sure stir the pot !!!!!! Buy a new Harley and you become the poster child on everyones dart board....... It looks good on you, you go Bro !!!!!!! Maybe I'll buy a unicycle and see what I can stir up
  12. Tom, Sorry for your loss, prayers sent. Gary
  13. Mark, Prayers sent. Just lost a friend to that disease Thursday, 58 years old and he was consumed by it. Hold her close and let her know we are praying. Gary
  14. Now thats about the only place I would feel ok about not wearing a helmet.
  15. Rich, Looks great, I'm glad I was able to help.
  16. Were staying out of trouble for the most part, The guest room is always open for you and any of the VR members passing through.
  17. Bob, you put it in a nut shell. Life is full of choices, I pray we all make the right ones...........
  18. No, but think thats my mom =
  19. Thanks for your support, the 99 was my 15th or 16th motorcycle so I don't think it will be to long before i'm back up again. Sometimes you just have to drop down to a lower gear before you can get back up to speed. We are doing just fine but I felt that sitting still was not my thing so I'll pick up a few lawn jobs and some handyman stuff till I get back full time.
  20. Well how do I say this, due to being off work for the last 6 months we decided to sell the bike and trailer and buy a Exmark zero turn to pick up a little work untill a full time position can be found. I'm not going anywhere and will stay on the forum because you cannot disregard sooo many true friends found here. I'm not looking for any handouts this is a decision that was made to move foreward. I am a biker at heart and will have something to ride before you know it. I would however accept prayers for finding a full time position. Gary less the 99 silver
  21. Don, It looks like you found THE ONE. Sound is everything, well along with playability but the action can be adjusted. The sound is what you get and it will get better with age but beyond that you can't change the characteristics. CONGRATS !!!!!!
  22. By the way what did you get for the cameo ?
  23. Elderly's is quite the store for acoustics, problem is they have soooo many how do you choose ?
  24. I had yamaha replace mine before the warranty expired, but I think they have improved the rubber compound since.
  25. Glad you cleared things up ! Thought maybe you were riding a Harley and lost a bunch of parts. Congrats, I could use to lose a few #'s myself...
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