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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Al, If your riding a RSV you can get a plug that matches the headphone plug at Radio Shack, you will need a cable with two male ends. Plug into the jack in the cassette door "or" split the fairing and get a "Y" connector with a male and 2 female ends and run your new cable out near the tank or where you mount your MP3 player. Gary
  2. I had a problem and found something in the trunk pushing on the cable going into the CD changer, moved it and secured the plug ! no more problem. Gary
  3. Jeff, Did you fully charge the battery when you installed it ? I thought mine was fully charged after I rode it all day but about a week later the same thing happened. When I put it on the charger for 6 hours the needel really went up. So I think it was not fully charged. I am going to check the voltage to be sure. Gary
  4. 99silver

    Rk pipes?

    Short for Road King, they are the factory pipes that come on the RK and most riders install aftermarket pipes thus creating us an unlimited supply. Ask around and someone will probably give you a set. Losts more info on this site, maybe tech section ? Got the on my RSV, Gary
  5. I had one on my 99 Blvd and I think it was one for a Road Star because they quit makeing them for Royals after they quit production. However I'm unsure if a new one has been introduced for the Tour Delux ? Gary
  6. Allan, I'm at a loss for words, I pray that you may find some comfort among us here. My family is keeping you in our prayers. Gary
  7. Guess I had better take another look !
  8. Kuryakyn Dually ISO, offset model give you plenty of room to adjust. Used by many on this site. I have shorter legs and they work great but they can also swing foreward, up or down. Gary
  9. I install 90 degree connectors on mine and clearance is no problem, although I was concerned and kept a close watch for awhile. Gary
  10. Well, I got over the flue replaced the clothes dryer and repaired the washing machine and took the camera to the garage when I put my tools away. Gary
  11. I better get off here before someone takes me serious. Gary
  12. Your right MY way or the WRONG way !! JK:rotf: Gary
  13. Nelson Rigg AX1 about 50 bucks, Crusing Rider picked out of several even ones as much as 300 smackers. I love mine easy to put on and you stay DRY. Gary:cool10:
  14. Larry, I made mine where it drops down from the ground attatchment and makes a U turn and the horn sits on the bracket !!! no chance of it comming off even if it loosens. a little cold to go out and take pic's but I think its a good design. Gary
  15. Larry, Great jos on those, on my list as well !! Gary
  16. 99silver


    Tommy and Aurthur, I hope I wont have to feel that kind of pain anytime soon but the choice is not mine, I (we) live each day in His grace and not knowing whats around the bend we live by faith. I pray that His grace and your faith will bring you and your families a better day tomorrow. Gary
  17. Mine quit once and it was a small vacume hose under the lower rt. faring that had just slipped off, small hose very visible when it is opened up. My lites worked as well just would't engage. Gary
  18. Mine went out on my 99 just before warranty expired, dealer changed out with no problem ( Wheels USA, Oxford, MI ). I'm hopeing they build a good one before it goes again. Gary
  19. Yamaha replaced both mine on my 99 just before the warranty expired, I did have to make a little noise, but it worked for me. Gary
  20. Yup, Been there done that, please don't tell everybody. and maybe a couple of other things we can talk about some other time. Gary
  21. Yes removeing it would affect the air intake, however Yamaha has air deflectors that would mount on the sides and you can deflect or bring in fresh air as they are adjustable AND they look GOOD. Hope this helps Gary
  22. 99silver

    Carb cover

    That is on a Royal Star. But the tank is different and the carbs on the RSV are heated, I don't know if it will make a difference but looking in the 2001 Star catalog the RS & RSV carb covers are way different. Gary
  23. Installed mine a couple of weeks ago, but I had to make one change to the instuctions on the first post : I had to switch the brown & pink wires cause when I hit the horn button it stayed on ! turned off the key and it still was blasting ! so I had to unplug the wire from the horn switched the brn & pnk wires @ the relay and everything was cool. May have just been my bike, but thats the solution if it happens to you. Good Luck, Gary:cool10: :cool10:
  24. My lips are sealed, just don't talk to Eddie or Big Mike. Gary:no-no-no:
  25. Thanks for the show @ Vogel, my horn is on order and I just rewired my LED brake lite to operate as a running lite also yesterday, as Gomer would say, "SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY":rotf: Gary
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