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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Hang in there lowell you can do it. Anybody that can put up with all the short comings of a first gen can kick the smoking habit. __________________ What REDNECK said, You go Lowell, Gary
  2. Lou, Give him my best, and I hope to see him and the rest of our neighbors real soon. Thanks for taking the time out to visit. Gary
  3. Kent thanks for the bolt size, its one of those round tuit things and this will help. I'll put it in my wallet right now !!! Thanks, Gary
  4. Eddie, I thought you just got the Shiney One about where you wanted her ? and what is this GT Vert thing ? Maybe your getting to close to the pipe dope or something, hows your B/P, sweaty palms or any other strange symptoms. I'm worried about you Bro.
  5. 99silver


    I sat on one Saturday, and it did nothing for me but I fell it was not intended for middle aged motorcyclists like myself. Its more of a Pub Crawler, HAAAAAAA No need for anything like that. Gary
  6. My father and I stopped at a c-store on the way home from a hunting trip and he put two bags of peanuts on the counter that were marked 3/99 cents and the clerk said you have to buy three bags, dad replied " I only would like 2 bags", the clerk replied," I don't know how much only 2 bags would be". Dad just turned and said lets go. These youngsters need our help ! Who's in charge around here anyway !!!!! Gary
  7. Congrats, You've outdone me.:no-no-no: Gary
  8. Right in front of your left foot under the farring, I just left mine you can't hear the darnd thing anyway. Gary
  9. DITTO, YOU will be the grand prize WINNER !!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool10::cool10: Gary
  10. Thanks for the update Bruce, We will keep Gary and the family in our prayers. Is he still in Ohio ? Gary
  11. Now I understand why they call ya Hipshot:rotf::rotf: DUCK :stirthepot:
  12. Margaret, Is there a link about rooms and any chat about the rally ? ect. Gary
  13. Hey Eck, He may be related to Redneck cause he was way over 6 foot tall. A legend in my mind, I'll keep a look out for him. Gary
  14. I was impressed, he did a nice job on all the upgrades which leads me to believe he can use a computer. I just hope he can type faster than me. And Eddie that would give me 30 years WOO HOOOO !!! Gary
  15. Steve, Don't let the stealer keep your shock, he would most likely trade it in for a new one and charge a honest customer for a new one at hostage prices. Gary
  16. Start the nuts back on the studs and give them a gentle tap. Gary
  17. OK !, You've heard this before but, I was making a delivery in Metamora, MI today around lunch time and you guess it a venture pulled up sooo I had to go talk to the driver. The man is 82 years old and had got this beautiful 88 Venture from a friend who was unable to ride anymore, I ran outside for a quick look and it was sporting a new set of Avon Venoms. I had to ask why Avons and he told me he had them on his other bike at home and was really happy with them ( Kawasaki Nomad ) and he proceeded to tell me he rebuilt the front end new seals Progressive springs and synced the carbs ect. I told him about this site and who knows we just might see him on here. How Cool, Gary
  18. Lou, Thanks for sharing bro, my season survived the lack of funding this year but the outlook is much better for next. :cool10::cool10::cool10: Gary
  19. Rick, Bob has got the right idea, it worked for me like throwing the desire out the window at 100+mph. I'll say a prayer for you bro. Gary
  20. I'm stunned, Gary you are in our prayers. I can't find the words, please reach out for us here if you feel the need for "anything" were here for your support. I know Leslie's in a better place now but your pain must be beyond measure. Gary, you and your family will be in our prayers for days, weeks and months to come we are relentless and He is awesome. Godspeed in your recovery. The other, Gary & Leslie Flint, MI
  21. Really good question !, I know their purpose is to keep a constant air /fuel mixture temp for a better ignition. But I'm unsure what kind of symptom you would get if one were to fail ?? Gary
  22. Thanks for the post Joyce, were all pulling for him and praying for a Godspeed recovery. Gary
  23. Ditto on the stearing head brgs. Cured mine and I use O pressure in the forks. Gary
  24. Time for a new bike Eddie. :rotf::rotf: JK, Gary
  25. What Eric said ! Gary
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