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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. What Craig said, 20 min. job @ my dealer
  2. Thats good Lou, I also have the 9 model the silver one. " OH " did I forget to say MINE has two 9's in it and the CD is in the trunk. Oh well. Same thing EH !!!!
  3. Congrats, Gary I'm happy for you and the new B&G to be.
  4. Unsure about all those numbers, but if there off a Road King they should work. They came in straight cut and sash cut, the sash cut matches the lines of the bags well. Gary I wouldn't pay much for them as they are everywhere.
  5. Wish I could come out and play ! I did the Skid In and Asheville with the boss, now I'm paying for college for our daughter. When the change settles we might have enough to do something, I hope. Enjoy you trip and take lots of pic's. Gary
  6. Might have something to do with it being a prototype { 1st Gen }.
  7. The Yamaha one has much better support, if you go with the JC Whitney type use some fender washers for additional support. There are some posts on this somewhere on the site, some have experienced cracking of the trunk lid without the added support. Gary
  8. Sounds like high load to me, even without additional lighting there is alot of amps being pulled through the switch, all the lighting goes through one connection inside which is the one that goes bad. I put the lighting circuit on a relay. The heat is gone. Gary
  9. By the way the Canadian side is the best, good choice !
  10. Don't fall for that barrel ride thing you usually only get a one-way ticket.
  11. He's in a better place and I pray for comfort for the family during these seemingly unbearable times. Gary
  12. Prayers sent my friend. Gary
  13. I thought it was a UPS truck.
  14. Rick, Let him know, PRAYERS are being sent along with get well wishes. Also let his family know we will support them as well. Gary
  15. This is my rescue mutt 'LEXI' when we brought her home you would of thought she had never seen food before. She's the best !!
  16. 99silver


    I need to buy some stock in the company that builds the rear tire for that MONSTER !!!!!!
  17. I had popping on one side and I could listen as I adjusted, it was the left rear and as I backed the screw out the Idle smoothed out and it took care of the popping about 15K ago. No problem since. Gary
  18. I agree with FJRRider Route 119 if your going south would be between Cross Village and Harbor Springs, Best ride in the State IMHO. Enjoy, Gary
  19. Don, I just figured out how to upload on the darn thing yesterday. I started the groups with 99 as in 99silver and spent most of the evening doing so and I don't see them today. I already dumped the "small" folders I created to upload them. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot ? Gary
  20. Well said Frogman, I was going to smart-off on this one but you shed a brighter light on the subject. Thanks, Gary
  21. Craig, Let us know when you get home and if you were able to ride it home. Gary
  22. Craig, No Blood? The owner of the truck that is. Hope you are able to get her home. P.S. watch the repair process as underlying damages sometimes get covered up. Glad your OK. Gary
  23. Glad you made it OK, We jut got in @ about 4:00 pm 2000 miles of butt wrenching pleasure. Had a GREAT time and wish to thank everyone involved in putting this together, from cook-outs, Chimney Rock, Biltmore House to BBQ's. Can't beleive we done the whole thing. Gary & Leslie P.S. Mid 60's and light rain here.
  24. Thanks, Rooster that made a great get together. Great FOOD, FREINDS and FUN. And MOUNTIANS. I LOVE IT. THE 99 Silver Crew
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