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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. OK, I'll take one. I need to find me a denim jacket or vest so I can have a home for some of these patches. Gary
  2. Put the whole lighting circuit on a relay so it doesn't go through the switch, no more hot key or switch failure. Worked for me ! The lighting circuit is the cause of failure. Gary
  3. Dave, You have Eck in Huntsville, He's a darn good fabricator.
  4. Will you do mine, you can come over next Monday. LOL Looks great, maybe Yamaha would hire you !! Gary
  5. What He Said
  6. 99silver


    Happy New Year, Best to you and your family and ALL the Ventureriders Gary & Leslie
  7. Wow, If I were a few thousand miles closer you would be in trouble. JK, Thanks for the invite we may take you up on that one some day I would like to see that part of the country. I hope to get my trailer built this winter to be able to do a trip like that one day. Gary
  8. I don't know if we can make it, but last year was great. If you build it they will come, it was one of the most beautiful places we have been. We usually only get to do one event ( long distance ) and a couple of shorter ones each year. I'll give it two thumbs -up !! Gary
  9. I think Brad made out on the physical end, but it looks like he may wear the mental scars for a long time. The fastest won't always get there first. Gary
  10. Wow, Great Pic's Thanks for sharing !! What camera ? Would like to do that trip as well. Gary
  11. Glad things aren't hurt much worse than your pride. Why did you get Swifty involved ? you might have been able to sweep it under the rug. Get your physical selves healed and we'll help you with that pride thing down the road. The Big three has lots of sheet metal available at reduced rates. Get well and BE SAFE !!!!! Gary
  12. Mine happens as a result of the vinyl seat and my big a$$ so I have put the sheep skin on the saddle and it works fine. Boo, I'm glad you said that . The beads work well also !!
  13. Merry Christmas Skidmore's, You are indeed a wonderful family and are wished many blessings. The Frase Family
  14. Merry Christmas Charlie, Hope all is well in the frozen tundra. Gary
  15. Steve, I had the same problem, drilled them out and used an easy-out to remove the bolts and I was able to save the switch by cleaning the contacts, if the contact plate is salvageable. replace the bolts with allen head bolts. I also put the lighting circuit on a relay, that is where the heat problem begins due to the current draw. Call me if you need more help. Cell 801-516-0035 Gary
  16. I had a problem once and it was the cable where it plugs into the CD player itself.
  17. Is that the new Kawasaki ? :rotf: JK, I heard there are alot of improvements. HD riders are waiting for the water cooled version rumored to be in the plans. Put a couple of big into the motor and you should be able to run with the Yamahas. Just pickin on you Lou !! Nice lookin scoot !! Now your going to tell us your just kidding !! Right ?? OK maybe I should just shut up !!
  18. Your a sick man Yammer, careful we might turn you in to the State Police !!
  19. Mine starts to sputter and I have to switch to reserve just BEFORE the warning lite comes on, I would say you should be good for at least 40 miles. I hope:confused24: Gary
  20. 99silver

    What to do?

    Lou, Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you will be OK ! The bike is just a thing ( of coarse MINE is special ) however you can pick up a new one for less than 15k USD, so I guess see if they will work with you ? The extras would be nice if their not damaged. Hope everything works out for you, I'll send up a prayer for you. Gary
  21. Prayers sent, Just cause your not up to par don't mean were not wanting to hear from you. Get well soon !! Gary
  22. What he said !! Worked for me ! there should be a link here for that minor adjustment.
  23. Try running a $6.00 can of Seafoam from your local auto parts store, dump the whole can in with a full tank of gas and run the Crap out of it. Make shure its warmed up good before you run it hard but this stuff works wonders. If that does not work return to this site for further instructions. There my be someone close to you that can help also. Gary
  24. I had the chance to ride US 23 from Asheville,NC to Flint,MI this summer and was treated to a very nice ride, sure beats I 75. I enjoyed your picture story ! Thanks Gary
  25. The tail light bulb socket is grounded, two wires run to the light 1- running light 2- brake light. You shouldn't have a problem cause they won't light on the brake circuit unless you apply the brake. Hope that lights things up a bit:lightbulb:
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