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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Karl, you ARE nuts, you should have been gone long ago when you got your buy out ! Yet here we are looking at a driveway full of snow AGAIN.
  2. I thing it a warning device to let you know when you are about to break the sound barrier ! It might say something like OHHH $"!T. Enjoy Squeeze, and keep the rubber side down at least one end.
  3. You should only see a small hole if they are stock, maybe 1/8" and it wouldn't take much to cover it up best I can remember. I recommend you try them stock before drilling, the Boss thought they were to loud drilled out. there should be alot of posts on the RK mufflers. Gary
  4. If you make the splices on the side of the connector away from the switch you would then be able to remove the ignition by just unplugging it, and you would not have to remove the relay wiring. Does that make sense ? Would make things less complicated down the road if you ever had the need to remove the ignition. Gary
  5. I had a problem with the switch, but I was able to take it apart and clean it up without having to replace it. You understand exactly what the problem is and made the right move you should never have a problem. There is just to much load going through the circuit and the switch is the weak point. This should be done on every bike if you want to avoid problems down ( or I should say "ON" ) the road. Gary
  6. Mike, I like yours better than running back to the battery but it can be done either way. Gary
  7. Well here's the best I could come up with. The wire diagram color codes should help, its been awhile since I did mine so I can't tell you for sure but its not hard to figure out what the colors are. Hope this helps. Gary
  8. Welcome back, Hope to get the chance to meet you this summer. Congrats on the 1st gen, got a friend of mine on one that had also gone through some hard times. We are getting it ready for spring. Its kind of nice just having your hands on a bike this time of year even if you can't ride. May God Bless your new beginnings, Gary
  9. Put the lighting circuit on a relay and you will never have the problem, most of the problems arise due to adding passing lamps, creating to much draw through the ignition switch.
  10. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/39/10312/ITEM/Tour-Master-Transition-Series-2-Jacket.aspx Check out the reviews, I may have one before you know it.
  11. I tried one on two days ago ! I like, I really like !!! The jacket is loaded, I mean everything. They wanted $ 184.00 @ Rockys in Flint, I have yet to do any research online. Gary
  12. If you were Secretary of The Treasury, you would not have to.
  13. Brad, Have you kept a bike that long !!!! I was thinkin I might have to a calculator to count them.
  14. This is killing me, I can't look outside without sunglasses on there's so much stinking snow up here. Thanks for the dream though !!!
  15. Pic's would do no good, he used crystal clear Krylon !! You would not be able to see it.
  16. Knuckelhead is a good biker name.
  17. If I could get rid of these shadows following me I'd be there !! Am I nuts ????
  18. Thanks Mike, I have one already. Gary
  19. Charlie, didn't anyone tell you to stay away from those moose crossbreeding creates problems !!! JK Thanks for the pic's, seen albino deer but didn't know there were moose as well.
  20. I've already had to burn two weeks of vacation, wound up with a tear in the retina of my left eye and had a laser procedure done to repair the hole also had some bleeding inside so that added another week off. But I'm not dead yet !!! May have to extend a few weekends opposed to doing weeks at a time. The Boss want me to build a trailer so we can bring the kitchen sink !! Still beats being grounded.
  21. Don, Thank You ! Hope your travels getting home last weekend went well. Was great to meet you and look forward to visiting again. Gary
  22. I'm looking for the rear center frame piece you may have removed while installing a trailer hitch. Have you one being kicked around the garage floor or hanging on the wall ? If so ! what would it take for you to part with it ? Gary PM me Or Call 810-516-0035 verizon Thanks
  23. What Bob said, Smoked for about 25 years and asked the Lord to rid me of the habit and he did. Thank you Jesus. I have no desire.
  24. Theres a post on here somewhere that said if the repair had been made the dealer would mark the bike by the serial number with a center punch. We Karl just bought one last month and it was marked !!! Squid said also may be marked near the shift shaft. Gary
  25. Take enough time to enjoy the trip, if you don't have a trailer you should take 3-4 days of clothes depending on if you are riding one or two up. A cup/drink holder is a must also hwy pegs to stretch your legs. Rain gear and eye protection for rain is helpful if you need to travel on wet days. A dry sack can expand you luggage capacity if you have a trunk rack to secure it to. Try to stay on the roads less traveled, it will make your trip more relaxing by avoiding major cities and freeway interchanges. I'm sure you will get more suggestions, just use the ones that would be most fitting to your needs. Good luck and hope to meet up with you on the road someday, Gary
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