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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Glad your voice is being heard, Faith is the word !!! Keep it, stand on it, share it whatever it's still the word. And you ware yours well my friend. Safe travels, Gary
  2. Bill, Just built me a trailer this spring, was just talking with the wife and let her know that for the cost of a few days in a motel we could buy the camping gear and have it for a lifetime. I think she's looking at the adds right now. Check out my trailer in the trailering forum section, I did the H/F with 12" wheels. I took it to Marcarl's M&E and she pulls like a dream. Gary
  3. I put my Venturerider.org on my trunk in the same spot.
  4. Pull the right rear cylinder fin cover off ( 3 bolts ) there is a plug with a threaded hole in it, its the same threads as the tip of a spark plug, just screw in a old spark plug and give it a pull. It should come out very easy. Open the drain on the bottom of the radiator and open the cap she's done. Push the plug back in ( the fake fin cover holds the plug in ) close the drain and fill. Gary
  5. Congrats, Skid & Leslie you can retire anytime but you best raise them children while you can still keep up with them. As for the weddings, well good luck !! You can always have them by the river in the backyard. God Bless The Skidmores
  6. Charlie, I warned you about these folks and you went ahead and did it. Congrats !!! Welcome aboard, now you won't want to miss a M&E. Gary
  7. Prayers Sent, May the lord be by their sides through this ordeal. Gary
  8. Bob, A 2nd gen, I'm proud of ya Bro ! If it were a 1st gen it MIGHT have gone down. Glad your both OK, Bleach those undee's and away ya go !!! P.S. If its rideable let them order the parts and do the work when they are all in. Made the mistake and lost some good rideing time myself. Gary
  9. Sonny, Don't miss Skyline drive which starts in Front Royal, VA and turns into the Blue Ridge Pkwy. Wish I could go. The wife and I did it last year at the Asheville Rally. Sounds like you have picked a good time to go. Gary
  10. Welcome Jonas, Wish I could make it to Don's. Enjoy my friend. And don't fret to much about that Marcarl guy, He's one of those Dutch Canadians. Just a little confused with the language thing. Ride safe and ENJOY !!!! Gary
  11. http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTrailertowing Here is a link to the forum I used for info when building my trailer. The people there have been great to respond to questions and there's lots of info to look at. Gary
  12. I used the 150Ω . The Radio Shack #'s are the ones to use, just did the light bar on my trailer with great results as well. Gary
  13. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34523 Give this post a try. Gary
  14. I had a torn retina in January and met another rider at Marcarls M&E yesterday that had a torn and detatched retina. These are not fun at all, I got lucky and caught mine early. The Doc would not let me work for two weeks. Take care of things, can't ride without seeing. Gary
  15. Really nice build. you went all out !! I really like the cargo lights. I need to come up with something for mine. Congrats, Gary
  16. Keep at it Bro, and you'll be on the road before you know it. See you tomorrow !! Gary
  17. Bob, You had better get back to work on Blondie. Your starting, or I should just say, your talking in circles AGAIN !!!!!!!!!
  18. Bob, DANG-IT, that hurts just to look at !! BUT you can do it !! Keep your head up and stay with it, be done before you know it. Gary
  19. Thanks Mike those are some great pic's. Would like to get out that way myself someday
  20. Jeff, You might win the contest for the biggest !!
  21. Mother this is the you were looking for. Gary
  22. Jeff, I did all the prep work, it was just a very hard surface kind of like ceramic or some thing, very brittle like glass. I went to school for autobody repair and painted for a living for close to 10 years. I just wasn't happy with the product, maybe the 48 hour cure has a different makeup. just the slightest touch and it chips. Gary
  23. Jeff, Take your time and do your research, its not that hard ! I used the Rustoleum that dries in 24 hrs it was a dollar more a can but it chips real easy. Save a buck and use the stuff that says completely cures in 48 hrs and you might get better durability. Gary
  24. And that KLR must feel like a mini bike to you.
  25. Been up through there myself, but not on the bike. Would love to do it on two wheels, beats the #*#t out of a cage.
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