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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Bob, Sorry to hear about James. If you get a chance to speak with him let him know that he is in our prayers. Gary & Leslie
  2. Craig, I'll be there in a few ! The key is next to the beer cooler !!
  3. I hit a dog with my RSV on the same corner. The insurance co. replaced mine. You could bend them back but they would be weaker HOWEVER the good news is Carbon One posted an upgrade which I think would work for your case. He made a bracket to connect the crash bar to the cast iron bracket that hold the drivers floorboard. The crashbars are a bit weak to begin with. If you can't find the post just PM Larry I'm sure he can advise.
  4. Talked to IC23B @ 10:30 and they made it to St Louis and should be at the Hub tomorrow.
  5. If you make it down to the M&E for Squidly later this month, I'm sure someone can bring one. It's only a 10 minute job.
  6. I'm Green with envy !!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like you had a great trip.
  7. Charlie, Looks like the snow is gone !! How the heck are you ? It's good to see you on two wheels, no matter what it is !!!! And it does look good.
  8. If it runs good it will last as long as you take care of her, WHAT A STEAL !!!! You done REAL GOOD.
  9. Sounds like a fair price to me, if its clean you should take ownership quickly.
  10. Try plugging the AIS, there will be links in the tech section. should take care of the popping.
  11. 99silver

    It's over

    Rod, Went through that last year with my Dad. However knowing were he has gone to has brought peace. My prayer is that you will have that peace as well. God Bless, Gary
  12. I have an intersection like that ! most times if I center the bike over the loop and give the engine a good rev it will trigger the light. OR !!!!! at 3:00 am when the world is asleep, with a cordless drill and a hole saw about the size of the magnet, install your own personal yet permenant TRIGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you do that ????
  13. Art, I'm just a couple of miles from you. If you wish I would be happy to help, many riders have expressed interest in coming to Michigan. If you are looking to start an annual event you have already started the ball rolling, do the first one and build from that. If you just want to test the waters, they are flowing. I have a few ideas give me a call and we can do a coffee somewhere and brainstorm this thing. Gary
  14. Reiney, Bittersweet indeed, I will pray for you all. The Big Guy does know what he is doing but he has concern for our needs as well. Sounds like your daughter has a good head on her shoulders, a bit rare these days. Congrats, Gary
  15. Skid, If it holds air and is not leaking oil your OK. My replacement shock started groaning after just a couple months and its been OK for 2 years. Gary
  16. Charlie, Looks good, I have put about 1500 miles on mine and it pulls like a dream !! I'll catch up with you one of these day's. Gary
  17. You nailed it Carl, a custom ORV skateboard. Charlie, Good to hear from you.
  18. You go, Bob !!!!!!!
  19. Glad you made it home OK. It was a pleasure to meet you both. Leslie says hi.
  20. Rt. rear is the drain for the block, its like taking the cork out of a wine bottle. The block will not drain without removal. Key word's SIMPLE/EASY, and can be done with minimal skills. Gary
  21. Yes I most certainly did, beautiful day.
  22. Skid, Leslie and I should arrive at the Skidmore Campground Wednesday afternoon and would love to break bread with all in attendance on Thursday afternoon. .. Let me know if you need anything. If Wednesday is a problem we can make other arrangements without any problem. Gary
  23. Thanks for all the support, all I can do is wait and see how the insurance co. treats us. I'm thankful nobody was hurt as Allison was only out of the house for about 45 min. I pray that these monkeys find another profession and the Lord protects my family and home. I also missed the M&E @ The Junction Buoy due to this, and that REALLY TICKS ME OFF. Gary PS Allison's boyfriend has left his laptop for a few days until we can get up and running again.
  24. Leslie & I were at Home Depot at about noon today and got a call from our daughter that the house had been broken into, they got computers, electronics, jewelry and other misc. goods. You might say that I am not happy. Everybody is OK but its not a good feeling. The police showed up about 15 mins after we got home, took a little info and said a detective will get with us next week. SOOO I may not be online till I get another puter. The house was empty for only about 45 mins, is somebody watching ? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  25. Wednesday I drove through a swarm in my truck, it was like a shotgun blast to the windshield. Never in all my years of driving had I driven through anything like that.
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