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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Great job, I've done fiberglass, paint and bodywork for years and must say, I'm impressed. Alot of time involved in that project. Great vision and follow-thru. Thanks for the pic's. Gary
  2. Art, Just glad the SOB's are off the street and hope they don't return.
  3. Gary, Big Mike, Eddie and I came up that way from Vogel a couple of years ago, I would reccomend the route. 4 lanes, hilly and scenic, one long tunnel near the Cumberland Gap. We enjoyed the ride on the scoots and it would be a nice route for the motor home, maybe not the most fuel efficent due to the hills, but their not any worse than I75. Gary
  4. Gerald, We will keep you in our prayers.
  5. Yup, Just waitin here for big Al to fly over in his electric jet and dump some of that brown ice to block out the sun, 31F seemed a bit warm on the way to work this morning.
  6. Brad, Aint it wonderful !!! Your gettin back some of what you've been giving out as long as I've known you. I hope it has mufflers or you could become a permenant tail gunner !!!
  7. Congrat's guys you done good!!!
  8. Yeah Don, I'm about 15 minutes from Birch Run in fact I was at the dentist on Main St. in B/R this morning. Sorry we missed you maybe next time. I'm 1 mile off I75 @ Miller Rd. in Flint.
  9. Karl, I spoke with Mike this evening for an extended period of time and he updated me on your upcomming surgery. At least you have a direction to go with hopes of a better lifestyle, sure beats pain with no end in sight. I'll give you a call within the next couple of days. Gary
  10. Why, has your hair grown out again:cool18:
  11. Check with skydoc 17, he has a kit that he sells for around $40 that has the instructions, new fuse panel, fuses, clips, wire and the whole nine yards needed to upgrade your bike. And he is a walking 1st gen dictionary.
  12. Lewis, Good Job !!! Can't wait to see her in person.
  13. Don, Prayers sent !! Had minor eye problems ( compared to yours ) in January and it is not a pleasant experience. Your friends will always be here. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  14. Somewhere's around the 150 mark, gettin old and don't remember the details as well as I used to. I do remember Potato Creek though !!!!!!!
  15. Prayers sent, He's got you covered.
  16. It's Un BEARable
  17. Charlie, just be glad you didn't do it on a 4 wheeler cause it would of done the same thing. I was riding quads with a friend that proved it, same thing front wheels in the air in second gear hit the water and WALLAH !! a forward endo "OUCH" be glad it wasn't quad. After we got his quad out of the water it took about an hour to get it started. SLOW DOWN OLD MAN Glad your going to survive, Gary
  18. I know its late but some things can't wait, I pray that she is in the best hands and that the Lord will direct the doctors and staff to give her the best of care and that he would heal her as quick as possible. May the Lord bless the both of you. Gary
  19. Steve, Could you send me the large file on the group picture and any other ones with that goofy guy with the yellow hat ( thats me ). Thanks, Gary frase3@sbcglobal.net
  20. Wow, Glad you could all get together. Everybody seemed to have a great time at Skid's, Leslie and I enjoyed meeting all of you and hope to cross paths again soon. Ventureriders Rule !!!!!!!!!!!!! Gary
  21. He will be missed, the Lord will be with him. And I'm at a loss for words agian. Prayers sent to family and friends. Gary & Leslie
  22. Karl, Sounds like the trip went well, the old 83 brought ya home !! And Abigail will remember the trip for the rest of her life, how cool !!!!!!!!
  23. Thanks for the pic's, Looks like a good time was had by all !!! Was Dave upgrading wheels or fixing a problem ?
  24. Stay away from that mirror Dan, remember seven years of bad luck on top of your previous sentence. WAY BAD !!!!!!!
  25. Don, your welcome and THANK YOU BACK !!!!!!!!!!
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