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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. That's OK I'm still going to show up.
  2. She don't want to see me ? Do you guys need a place to stay ? I don't know if I could make omelets as good as yours.
  3. Hockey pucks or Carbon One's adapter
  4. Rick, what are you feeding your carrier pigeons ?????
  5. What Karl said, Leslie will be in Florida visiting our daughter so I will ride with Karl. Anyone else from the Flint area wanting to go, give a shout !!!! maybe we could all go together.....
  6. My Daughter works at The Pink Shell Resort in Ft Meyers, it's on Estero Island also known as Ft Meyers Beach. Google it !!, Very nice place and it's right on the north end of the island so it's a little more private...http://pinkshell.com/
  7. I hope I can make it !!!!!
  8. Vogel is a special place, I will never forget my trip there And hope to make the journey again one day.
  9. Well, Its not two wheels but it is a paycheck !!!! I got the job and I start Tuesday Christmas Eve, most likely just for orientation and fill out paperwork. I will be working for a mechanical contractor based out of Flint "close to home", just what I've been looking for. Thanks for all the support and may your Christmas be as blessed !!!! Gary 99silverless
  10. Annie, So sorry to hear this at Christmas time as this seems to worsen the pain. I pray for a peace for the families and that he may be in a better place. We love you and please remember that. God Bless, Gary & Leslie
  11. The interview went well and I should know before Christmas, it would make quite the gift !!!
  12. Dave, I would like to visit and do some pickin.. Eddie, let you know tomorrow about the interview.. I'll find something to ride next summer, cause a part of me seems missing Without a bike
  13. Yeah, I did stuff like that when I was young, in my mind...not... Them's boys got some stones........ Just think of the pain some went through to learn those stunts.
  14. Brian, Looks like you have a new scoot since Cody...
  15. Oh, I've been watching what everyone's been up to !!!!
  16. Thanks Larry, how is the recovery doing from your surgery ?
  17. WOW What a welcome I have missed the rallys and all the good times and I'll stay connected. leslie and I have kept our heads above water but the extras have been limited. Good to be back in touch on the site !!! Gary
  18. Well, Its been a while since I have posted, the bike is gone, the job has been gone for a while. But I have a prospect for a new one with my second interview Tuesday !!! I don't know if I should switch user names so I guess I'll keep it for now. I've missed all of you bum's and even the those with higher standings.... Any how I am hope to be back on two wheels before to long.... Merry Christmas to All !!!!! From the armpit of the nation, Flint, MI Cheer's, Gary
  19. So young, Prayers sent.....
  20. Carl, I think it is a Moderator modulator, only cause Eddie already used the butt plug one....
  21. OK, a keg of beer and a mud pit and we can settle this thing for good....... I think ?
  22. Annie, Their all trying to look like me =) But the low maintenance is worth the price in its self. I bought my clippers about 15 year ago for 22 bucks and have not seen the barber since. BTW it looks good on him.
  23. What he said...........
  24. Charlie, Snow must be mighty deep up there, seeing alot of you these days... I think I have cabin fever as well
  25. Happy Birthday Jeff, Hope things are well with you and your family. Let them know I said hello. Gary
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