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Everything posted by 99silver

  1. Carl, We have limited beds but floor space and camping would be an option, or we could meet and do supper, breakfast or whatever. Leslie is not going to Potato Creek because she is just started a new semester at school, but I'm camping the 11, 12, 13 & 14th.
  2. Carl, It's an easy days ride from here and you are about 3+ hours from here on the super slab and you are leaving on Sat and arriving on Monday, you must really sleep a lot. OK I almost forgot Sunday is the day of rest. Let me know of your route we may be able to lodge you if you have the proper papers, I wouldn't want to upset any of the Czar's. I plan to leave Sunday and take the back roads. Gary
  3. Can't see why anyone would miss it, I'm in.
  4. Instant success, The ride home was a great improvement. Thanks Rick, For coming up from Texas to do the seat Mod's. Thank You Don, I can't hardly believe I finally made it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Don, I could use an XL w/o pocket. Let me know if you get enough to order an I'll get you some money. Thanks, Gary
  6. Good to put a face with your name, see ya at the International. Gary
  7. Don, Can I say WOW !!!!!! I have been a member since around the low 150's membership wise and have wanted to get to a Maintenance Day but for some reason ( graduations, weddings, birthdays ETC ) I have not been able to attend. This year I put a stake in the ground early, and am I glad I did. This was a collection of the some of the most wonderful people I have met from the many V/R events I have attended and they were ALL IN ONE PLACE !!!!!!!!!! You have a wonderful place and I know a lot is involved in putting something like this together, if there is anything that the members could do to ease the load PLEASE do not hesitate to ask. We don't want you to bare the burdens alone. Thanks, Gary
  8. Reminds me of a bike I saw in Pontiac at a Star Touring event, the owner was from Chicago and was telling me that he had the Pro-1 kit installed and it had Kromewerks pipes on it and as I started to drule he said "take it for a ride". I did and was it SWEEEET
  9. OK see ya there, waiting to hear from Frogmaster. He is on the Saginaw Bay fishing this week and he said he was out of contact untill Thursday night so depending on his time frame he can pike a ride group that will work for him. Be safe and enjoy the ride.
  10. 2011:yikes:
  11. Looks like you will be ahead of us by a few hours, I'm planning to road burn back Sunday morning maybe we can do that ? We will see you a Don's Friday afternoon
  12. I spoke with Charlie (Frogmaster) this morning about meeting up with you guys. I didn't mention that Dray is leaving Thursday, with this in mind my thoughts were to meet up with you at I-69 & M-52 around 10:00 am. You could run 127 down to I-69 east to M-52 and meet at the Sunoco keeping off the super slabs running 52 south into Ohio and head east south of Toledo, IC23B has printed up maps and the route looks good. If the clock takes to much advantage of us we can always get back on the SS. Charlie gave me the 10:00 time frame to meet in Flint but this would cut off some time, what do you think ?
  13. I'm headed to Don's Friday AM and would like to make an enjoyable ride out of it possibly takeing M-52 south past Toledo and some back roads across to Oberlin. This route would leave out the Detriot Metro area and Toledo. I would like to arrive in time to set-up camp and make the dinner run. What do ya think !. Any takers or suggestions.
  14. Been there, same thing except I got lucky and found it. Sad part is that it's happened more than once.
  15. I never ever turn away from food, count me in.
  16. Can't wait, I have a appointment for first thing Saturday to get mine done.
  17. I'll be there for BBQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. You wouldn't have a MK1 collector by chance ? IC23B's bike sounds like a tractor, we got it running good but the exhaust blows.
  19. Check Consumer Reports at your local book store. Kenmore still rules for canisters and I think maybe it was a Hoover for uprights, but I'm not positive. You need to get the right model #. We just went through the ordeal about 3 weeks ago and brought home the Kenmore, the wife likes canisters. She's happy, I'm happy. Gary
  20. Congrats Dray, now you can go out and play with the big kids !!!!!!!!!!! I'll see you at M/D I'm leaveing Friday AM. Have not set a time but it would be nice to take some back roads. Gary
  21. Careful, you could do serious eye damage with those Glenn.
  22. Chalie, looks like I'll be seeing you often this summer. Ride safe and and I'll see you at Don's. Gary
  23. Joe, If you still have the 03 RSV hang on to it till you retire, who knows what will be out in 3 years they may have a Venture or Wing to die for. Just my thoughts, Gary
  24. Might help sound clarity but not to much help on the volume. HD's have larger diameter speakers, our 4" can't push as much air. I upgraded mine to the Pioneer co-axle.
  25. I have been wanting to do the Bike Blessing for many years, I guess I'll have to wait another. Finally had a fairly good weekend too.!!!!!!!!
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