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About 99silver

  • Birthday 08/23/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gary Frase


  • Location
    Flint, MI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Guitars, Outdoors
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Venture

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  1. Carl, life has made a few turns in the road but the Good Lord has kept me on the road and I am slowing down and enjoying life! I changed the plugs and while cleaning out the spark plug wells a Q-tip fell into the front left spark plug hole and disappeared, I about had a stroke. I stopped and prayed. Ok I turned on the ignition and just bumped the starter button and wow it was sticking out of the hole but would not come out, I clamped onto it and bumped the starter again and it freed up. WHEW!!!! thought I was in for some major work!!!
  2. Getting my 2000 RSV ready to go, was unable to ride last year so I drained the fuel and put in fresh gas with some Sea-foam however the front right and left rear cylinders don't seem to be getting fuel or spark as the pipes are not getting hot. I'll check for spark and put in some fresh plugs. What plugs are recommended?
  3. Prayers for Earl, you have helped so many and I pray for Gods healing !!!
  4. I put HD's on mine and drilled out the baffles so you could see straight thru, the wife said no way, so I put the stock HD's on and it gave it a great tone not to loud but just a little rumble. Happy wife happy life!!!
  5. The brake fluid needs a place to go when you push the pistons back in, opening the brake fluid reservoir helps!
  6. Well the Venturerider site attracts some pretty fine people, I had a very nice visit with Mike AKA "Wingzz" Saturday. We got his carbs synced and spent a little time chatting. Hope to do some riding with him in the future and I'm always ready to lend a helping hand !!!!!
  7. Going to meet Mike tomorrow and get him in sync... I hope it will help, his 83 may have diaphragm issues but we will find out and deal with that then.
  8. Have you checked the air filters? an overfilled crankcase will pump oil thru the overflow tubes into the air filter boxes.
  9. OK, sorry I didn't start a new thread but this is continued one. I sold my 99 five years ago and just picked up a 2000 a couple of weeks ago.... Sorry for any confusion.
  10. Have to get back with you on the MD thing.
  11. UPDATE !!! I'm now the proud owner of a 2000 Venture, long story but I bought it from Straycat that was on the site. Membership renewed and just giving her some TLC to make it my own!!! Can't hardly believe its been 5 years without a bike, I have some good friends that have let me ride their extra bikes so I have been able to stay out of the mental institutions......
  12. Here's a picture of Boo and his wife Jane at Potato Creek 2010. Great people he will be missed.
  13. Here's a picture of Eddie and Mike taken on our trip home from Vogel in the Smokies
  14. WOW, I am at a loss for words, been off the site for a while and just surfing around today and found this thread. I wish I had known Eddie was only about 30 mins away from here and I would have liked to have been there to show my support. Prayers sent for Family and Friends. Gary & Leslie
  15. Gary, Prayers sent, Sorry for you loss. True friends are truly a blessing and I believe for eternity.
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