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Everything posted by Acadieman

  1. Problem Fixed. Thanks to all who answered.What a Great Site
  2. Ya that was it Goose.Don`t ask me how I did that LOL.Thanks again Buddy.:cool10:Your the Best!
  3. I was turning up the volume listening to a walkman(plug in) at the time.I don`t see how i could have Screwed something up but I did>
  4. Went for a little ride today and my speakers stop working when i went to increase the volume . Everything is on but there is barely any sound coming out.Anybody ????
  5. When installing speed bleeders you should expose about 2 threads on bleeder. By that I mean cut the tape off of the bleeder screw about 2 threads to get it started properly.My Buddy almost found out the hard way.
  6. Its on the left side.Follow the hose till the end.Its got a rubber cover over it.i just put speed bleeders on mine this past week
  7. Acadieman


    My Stebel Horn sounds like a lame duck.It stopped working properly about a week after i got it (last year).Should I order another or is there something better out there ? Bucky Thompson
  8. I for one am sick and tired of all those e-mails(chain letters) that promise everything under the sun.Iam looking for the article that someone had posted awhile back that you could send out to all your friends that states that you will not forward any e-mails because they in fact will not make you rich or save the world.does anyone remember this article ? Bucky Thompson
  9. It was great meeting you guys in Kitchener.Very nice pics !

  10. I have been using a car model(Nuvi 650) all this year on the Bike(no problems).You do have to cover it with a baggie or put it away when it rains.I may ask Santa for a waterproof one for Christmas. Bucky:2133:
  11. could I have the address of that wing site ? I need something to do on a rainy day l:innocent-emoticon:
  12. Acadieman

    Just Bought

    Anymore of those down your way for $400 ?If so let me know Please !Its only a short (few hours) drive for me to pick one up lol.Very nice trailer,you did get a bargain. Bucky Thompson PS. Are you going to the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby ? If so I may meet up with you there .
  13. Arrived home Sunday at 3pm with my 2 Newfie friends in tow.Keith R and his brother stayed here last night and then headed out about 1pm today in a bit of rain.They will try and get the boat tonight if its not all booked.They have reservations for wednesday morning at 1am if that fails.They should be home Wednesday afternoon at the latest.I want to say thanks to all who put on the Rally.We had a great time.To all the people we met(your great) and hope we will meet again. Bucky Thompson
  14. How much air should I have in my rear shock for riding 2 up and loaded for bear.We are leaving for Kitchener Friday morning about 9am.I now have 14.5lbs in the rear. Bucky:thumbsup:
  15. By this time next week we should be on the Road to the Rally.We are planning on staying this side of the border.Goggle says its 1624 kms.We are really looking forward to some great times and some awesome rides around Ontario.And I do have a few stories to tell.The wife says I talk a lot.I just talk to everybody thats all.Till next week ! Bucky Thompson:cool10:
  16. We are leaving for Kitchener on Friday morning July 4th.Any other folks wanting to hook up and travel in a group from the Maritimes let me know.Your more than welcome to join us.So far Keith Rose and his brother are coming from NLFD and are going to hook up with us on Friday morning.Again your more than welcome to join us. Bucky Thompson
  17. My wife mow the lawn ? Fix the gutters ? Where did you meet your wife ?Hang on to that woman.Treat her like a Queen.You have a winner for sure.
  18. Thanks for all the info Guys.Last week I had a tire put on (Kawa Dealer)and the fellow said my brakes were 3/4 used.I said put the pads on then.he checked and never had any pads so i said order them(he did).Yesterday I got my Bike serviced at my local (Yamaha Dealer)he said the wrench told him the Brakes were 3/4 good.I have the pads(new) in my trunk at this time.Someone gave me the run around .
  19. How big of a job is it to change the rear brake pads? Will I have to bleed the brakes ?Thanks in advance for any info .
  20. If your looking for parts try British Cycle Supply Company>If they don`t have it you don`t need it.
  21. I checked online they give you an amount to cover your deductable.Depending on which Club you had.
  22. Doesn`t the Club come with a guarantee that they will give you cash if your vehicle is stolen and your using the club ? Bucky Thompson
  23. The Bad news is your in Las Vegas.The Good news is I will be in Ontario(Kitchener)so your odds of winning at the WSOP just got better.:080402gudl_prv:lol Bucky Thompson
  24. Very enjoyable ! Thanks for sharing.
  25. What ? Nobody told him to put a car tire on the bike:stirthepot:No to be perfectly honest it should not make a difference.IMHO.
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