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Everything posted by Acadieman

  1. Be careful using the word ice-cream on this forum
  2. I think the fellow that welded that should have used Double Bubble Gum Instead of welding .Would have done a better job. Reminds me of a welder we had at work (looks about the same).
  3. Sorry not running Mozilla/Netscape 5. Better guess again lol:080402gudl_prv:
  4. Im at a loss for words Scott.Get the best treatment(Doctor) you can.Prayers are sent your way my friend.
  5. Ok just put marker on map. Its Dieppe, New Brunswick,Canada. Thanks everyone for the help.
  6. Im a supporting member and still not on the list lol.
  7. If you want to hear your music better at highway speeds foam earplugs are the answer.The truth ,nothing but the truth so help me God.
  8. I still never made the list ??????????
  9. Got My new tire (Avon Venom) put on this pm.About an hour after i get home I get a call saying they found a spacer on the shop floor and they think its off my wheel .Back I go they pull the wheel and it was mine. No damage done i had only ridden about 5/6 km. I was told that they have found some in the yard before by people who just brought in the wheel(dropped while taken tire out of car ).Anyways a BIG SORRY and All is good ! Live and Learn I say . Not much of a Rant but thanks for listening .
  10. Took some oil out yesterday via drain plug (no problem).It is now half way in the site glass. All is good . Thanks to all who replied to my Threads:bighug:
  11. My fuel pump use to make about 8 to 10 clicks upon turning on the key.Last couple of days i only hear about 3 clicks .do you think the fuel pump is on its last legs ? Bike is working great I just like to know ? Thanks to everyone for the reply`s to all my Questions.
  12. Pretty sure its from Parts Canada but I could be wrong.
  13. G.Bourque 1- 506-383- 4585 http://www.gbourque.com 1200 Champlain St Dieppe, NB E1A 1R1
  14. Well if the stuff hits the fan at my age(65) I dont Care.I have had a good time and if it ends tomorrow so long its been good to know you. Im a Blessed man.
  15. i put in 3.7 liters and its to the top of the sight glass. it should be half way if im not mistaken.
  16. Bought a rear Venon this morning $147.95 + tax Canadian Dollar.
  17. What is the best way to remove a bit of engine oil when you have too much . Drain plug or remove oil filter ?
  18. Harley Riders !!! Now you got me Steaming
  19. I dont think so ! check out video on youtube. Harley smokes street bike (Hildo).Just saying. If you find this video please post for me thanks.
  20. Go to CDL Digest.com you may get the answer from manual for your State.
  21. Awesome !
  22. Awesome Keith ! Thanks for sharing.
  23. Bike Bandit has lots for sale Did you check there ?
  24. It all boils down to this. Do you want to be right? or Do you want to be happy ?.
  25. Sorry thats in Owners Manual . I never found anything in service manual.
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