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Everything posted by Neil86

  1. Actually from what I remember, the white "headlight" indicator is normally dimly lit, then on bright if you try selecting the failed beam, so the reserve unit is powering the standby so you have a headlight. The CMS icon stays on all the time you have a failed bulb, whether or not you are using that beam or not.
  2. Steve... from what I remember, Yamaha changed out failed frames to original owners...as this happened quite a while after the warranty expired.
  3. Mike.....that section of the part number is the descriptor.....its an ignitor...look up a Virago (V Twin) with TCI....ignitor is an 82305 as well, but with different prefix.....since its for a Virago. Unless the entire part number is the same, its not the same part... Yamaha's with CDI call the box a different name, and a different number.
  4. Yes knew about the VRod...this story predates the VRod though...in any event just glad someone built the V4 we now enjoy as the Venture/VMAx.
  5. Tim... the problem with using light fluids (oil, water, etc) instead of mercury is you need a very tall manometer to prevent liquid ingestion. It sounds like your throttle stop screw for idle speed (which operates #2 butterfly, and everything is linkaged to it) is backed off too far, so #2 butterfly is closed and its vacuum is too high. Try bringing up the idle speed with the stop screw first, then synching, then bringing the speed back down, and resynching as needed. It sounds like you are only idling with #1,3,4 cylinders.
  6. interesting read....keep in mind the Venture evolved from the Vision which was a V Twin. If Harley was shopping for a factory for the Nova in 1984, the Yamaha Vision 550 and Venture had already been on the market 2 yrs. Isn't the Venture engine said to have been designed by Porsche as well?
  7. As has been mentioned...the bushing usually is neglected and wears out....giving excessive freeplay and kicking cruise control out. Greg....I would recommend not letting the master cylinder leak....aside from ruining a glove...any drips are attacking the paint and ABS plastic they land on.
  8. Remove the triangular side grill from right side of rad... You want the single round connector with a green/red wire. Very common for the connector to open up and lose contact....remove, squeeze it slightly reinstall.
  9. Very sad news Curt. My heart and prayers go out to Jim and the family.
  10. The Venture V4 since it was introduced in 1983 till present uses a shim over bucket system, so there is no hydraulic lifter, a slight amount of clearance measured and set by installing different shims when the engine is cold. The cam lobe acts directly on the shim/bucket to operate the valves.
  11. kinda scarey when the service dept guys think a Venture has hydraulic lifters....
  12. May have deposits in the line that are loose enough to act like check valves.
  13. If you had no screen on the petcock rust flakes could lodge in the end of the pipe starving the supply. The screen gives you a larger surface area to have rust flakes on but still supply enough fuel.
  14. Are you sure its firing on all cylinders? (Sounds like its lost 1 cyl) Is the battery level normal in all cells? (might be running at low voltage) Any evidence of acid spillage on the TCI? Check airbox to see if air cleaner element got a shot of oil from crankcase vent.
  15. Do you mean the fuse blows when the sidestand is put down? If not.. my guess would be the fan has a short...and when it finally kicks on, idling after a longer ride...the fuse blows....you could test run idling to check it. The flasher relays should not be on the ignition fuse...should be on the signal fuse, and hazard flasher on main fuse.
  16. Actually there is only sensors on the front and rear brake masters, not the clutch. You can test as Rocket has posted. It may be the float is sticking on the rear master...it slides on a post so might have some deposit buildup. Push the float down with a blunt object to see it it moves back up freely.
  17. Primary and secondary refer to the ignition coils only.....they have two windings....a primary and a secondary. The primary is the low voltage winding in the coil.....measure the resistance from the two wires on the connector. The secondary is the high voltage winding...measure from the spark plug wire pin on the coil to the orange wire on the connector. I would be surpised if two ignition coils failed at the same time....a pickup coil short or failure would seem more likely Coach.....but test everything.
  18. Check kill switch is fully on. Ensure bike is in neutral.....even though it can start in gear....if the sidestand or clutch switch has failed it will prevent cranking. If it now starts but dies as soon as you go out of neutral....sidestand switch needs checking.
  19. Just so there is no confusion.... 83-85 Ventures had a gearcase with a fill plug that required an allen wrench to remove. The plug sat level. There was a dipstick to measure the oil level...that had 2 ends....because the Venture and XS-11 (amongst others) shared same rear gear case. However all the non Venture bikes had a middle gear case with a separate sump rather than the common sump Venture....so the dipsticks had 2 ends...one REAR...one MIDDLE. Here are the measurements from the XS11 owners site... http://www.xs11.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=72 You can still buy a dipstick from Yamaha for a couple dollars. 86-93 Ventures (and 2nd gens...) have an angled fill plug...the level should be ready to spill out of the low side with the plug removed with bike upright. The plug actually displaces oil as you screw it in. Just a comment...theres not a lot of oil in these gearcases...you don't need to lose much down the swingarm to cause grief. It may not start seeping out of the driveshaft tube till its too late. Its a good plan to check the level periodically in the gear case between changes.
  20. Are you sure the plugs are even firing when you crank it? Or it will run if you power the fuel pump externally? If its not firing also....check Ignition fuse, then check for 12 V with key on at the Red/white wires at the coils. If they are ok...kill switch should be ok. Now check the Emergency Stop switch (aka Tipover switch)....located in behind headlight....has blue/white and black wire. If it fails it opens circuit to fuel pump (stopping it) and also grounds out TCI control killing ignition. Try unplugging the switch...if bike now starts and runs....there's the problem.
  21. Maineac...sent you a PM
  22. Actually T is 87 year...standard is an XVZ13T..... XVZ13 DT is a 87 Royale.... DTC...87 Royale with California emissions pkg Mine is an 86 standard....XVZ13S...86 Royale is a XVZ13DS either with C suffix Calif emission pkg
  23. yup...part #4 in the diagram....brass bushing....wears out.
  24. Have 2 new ones I bought about 2 weeks ago...$25 Cdn each in Central Alberta.
  25. I had a 83 from brand new (sold it in 92 when I bought my 86)....the 83 had the same push in to cancel manually as the 86.
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