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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Again, thanks to all for the asistance.
  2. GeorgeS -no, I'm not a red tail employee. I was a SCA employee. gave up on the whole airline thing. Neil86 - you nailed it! It was the clutch switch stuck in. lubed it and it works now. Are clutch switches still available? I still want to try to fix the indicator switch brass pin. Can that be done? and how difficult is it to access and repair? to all - Thanks for all of the help!
  3. Thanks, I'll check those in the AM
  4. I pulled the plug on the side stand switch and checked it with a meter. It is operating as advertised. I'm still stumped
  5. I went for the first ride this year this afternoon. The bike started fine and ran great. When I got home I shut off the bike to open the garage door, when I tried to restart the bike, I could not get it to turn over. The battery is fully charged and all of the lights worked but I did not hear the fuel pump run. I also could not get the neutral indicator light to illuminate. I shifted into first and back into neutral (no light) tried second back into neutral (no light). I pulled the clutch in with the side stand down - no luck. I put up the side stand - no luck. Side stand up, clutch in - no luck. The bike was in neutral, the green light was not on. I don't use the kill switch but checked it by flipping it off then on several times - no luck. I pushed the bike into the garage and kept tinkering with it. I checked all fuses and they were fine. After breaking out the manual, the bike had cooled down. When I turned the key back on to try to figure out what the problem is, low and behold the neutral light was on and the bike fired right up. Last season the neutral indicator light was acting up when the bike was hot and did not always come on but it always started. This has me stumped! :confused07: Could the gear switch cause this starting problem? Can it be adjusted so the neutral light comes on when I am in neutral?
  6. I was in Korea and ate poached fish stomachs, with the contents intact. Did not know what is was at the time, won’t do it again!
  7. I'm glad I saw this post, I was looking at a 2001 Sunday with 120,000 miles and was curious if it had "too many miles" on it. I't looks very clean, but the audio does not work. No other problems reported. asking $8200. WHat do you think?
  8. By ading a manual bypass valve you may be able to regulate the amount of heat and also isolate it if needed.
  9. Has anyone been able to find the $MSRP$ on this yet? My local dealer Does not even know yet.
  10. Andrew

    Just a biker...

  11. I'll be the first to admit I need a nickname. But not this one! "Mickey Mouse" of the Evil Inlaws MC
  12. Thanks for all of the input! This is a great place for information. I have ordered a set if cables from Sierra MC along with a second helmetless headset. I hope that It is delivered by Friday, we have our annual Patriot Guard rally this weekend.
  13. Thanks, I'll start there A local dealer said they are out of production (what a suprise!)
  14. I have a short in the plug for my driver’s head set cable harness. It is the 5-pin connector and if memory serves correctly (only have one brain cell left!) there are two connectors on the "bike" side. Does anyone have a source for replacement cables?
  15. Becky only use Sport Wheels as a last resort! I have had nothing but problems with those guys! Failure to return calls, putting you on hold for very long times, trying to sell additional parts or refusing to remove something so they can sell at a higher cost, Sport Wheels puts the "cuss" into customer service!
  16. Try a marine supply store for water resistant accessory outlets
  17. Ace Hardware or Fastenall has a great selection
  18. I was out there early July and stayed in Hill City (about 45 minutes from Deadwood) We stayed in comfortable cabins with kitchenette and bathroom called "Robins Roost" I would stay there again! My fiance, "FenderCandy", loved it!
  19. Is the impromptu tech session still happening Saturday morning at The Coffee Cup in St. Paul? If so, what time?
  20. Double clutch off the line and it's bye-bye Harley!
  21. The Black Hills of South Dakota
  22. Thanks for all of the input. I just had new tires put on both front and rear. The brake pads were fine. I agree with Scott, pad wear will affect reservoir level. I took the cover off of the rear brake reservoir (the window is useless) and the level was fine. I had to top it due to spillage on my part. Condor was not kidding about it being a PITA! I also took the cover off of the front to make sure that it was full Neither diaphragm had “sucked in”. Both the front and rear brake feel firm not soft and my braking has not diminished. I parked the bike over clean cardboard for the weekend to see if there are any drips, nothing noted! Still leaning in the electrical direction...
  23. This morning on my way in to work, my low fluid indicator light came on, on my 89. At lunch I checked the front fluid level and it was fine. I have no visible signs of fluid seepage at the front calipers and the rear is dry also. Is the indicator light also tied into the rear brake reservoir? I hope that there is a simple fix, I'm not looking forward to chasing wires! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Andrew 89 VR 01 V-star
  24. Does anyone have a spare button? I lost my seek button and have been looking on Ebay for a handlebar remote with out any luck. Color is not important!
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