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About Tealw1

  • Birthday 01/20/1968

Personal Information

  • Name
    Teal Weaver


  • Location
    Chula Vista, CA, United States


  • City
    Chula Vista


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Venture Transcontinental
  1. Is there an update on this? Is MotoWorld handling the situation?
  2. Did you buy it at Vey's or did you buy it at MotoWorld? Vey's had a grey one a few months ago that they were trying to pass off as a TC that wasn't a factory TC. I was there last year when they got their Venture's in and I had to show them how to use the fwd/reverse function. If you got it at Vey's you may need to press them to get it done right. I have had nothing but good experiences at MotoWorld and if you got it there I would think that they will do their best for you.
  3. So yesterday I unpaired and re-paired my phone and the system worked just fine, but this morning it wouldn't work again. If I have to un-pair and re-pair every time I start the bike things are gonna get frustrating pretty quick.
  4. Roger that!! Thanks for the advice.
  5. Is anyone else having issues with the voice recognition? I used to be able to tell the bike to call home or play music, but that went all kinds of weird after I updated to 12.06. Now when I tell it to call home it comes back with "Entry not in phone book" or "Say a name or number" and when I do say a name it pops up with options on the screen that are all wrong. Also, if I manually search the phone book and manually place the call, the person on the other end can't hear me. Just to make sure it wasn't my microphone, I plugged in my wife's helmet and got the exact same behavior. So I went in and turned off voice recognition, turned it back on and everything started working again. I thought "OK a little glitch that I can deal with". NOPE. On the ride this morning I tried to make a call and got the same run around. I turned VR off and then back on and still got the run around. Any suggestions before I contact Yamaha? Thanks,
  6. I don't do personal plates. I have been advised by my cop friends that they are easier for people to remember if there are any "situations" that you may end up in.
  7. You should see how the night lights up with the addition of the accessory LED lights added. 6 lights on the front makes for some great illumination.
  8. I bought my bike in San Diego on Jan 13th.
  9. Did the update change anyone else's clock time? I started at 12:50 and it took 20 minutes to update. When it rebooted the time was at 5:10.....That just seems odd to me.
  10. Just so ya know, the XM antenna is at the top of the fairing just under the windscreen. I sometimes have issues with dropouts in the morning when heading due North. I think that's because the satellite is behind me at that time of day, but I'm not sure. I do know that when I'm heading south in the evening on the same path, the dropouts are alot less.
  11. I can vouch that it is NOT top heavy. It doesn't fall into turns like I thought it might, it really feels like it's easing into turns at any speed. The center of gravity is really low and I just love riding it.
  12. You may be able to use the valve on the tank drain as it points straight down, but the motor/trans drains are right next to the frame.
  13. I did the service myself so it was 6 qts of oil and the filter. I'm at 5k miles now and the rear looks like I can get another 4-5 out of it i think. I really have to slow down, I've been running from 80 to 110 everywhere I go.
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