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Everything posted by spyderhead

  1. thanks for the memory. My first bike was a Cushman (in 1962) followed by a Cruisaire (Italian looking creature sold by Sears at the time). Haven't thought about that ol Cushman in years!
  2. I thought it was probably the Goldwing, but wasn't certain that there might something else. Just don't know if I am quite ready for windshield wipers, heated seats, grips, and pegs . . . air conditioning and the camera that lets you see what's behind you while you back up. I was hoping there might be something more motorcycle and less car like that was as quiet. Again, thanks!
  3. I think I know the answer to this, but if a man wanted to buy the absolutely quietest touring motorcycle, what would he buy? I have a 2005 RSTD, but it is not exactly quiet. I changed it some with BUB exhausts, but that was to try to drown out the engine whine, valve clatter, etc. It was never what I would call a quiet running motorcycle (although it's been a great one!) What's the answer? Absolute quietest - exhaust, engine noise, etc. - motorcycle right off the showroom floor?
  4. I use Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W40 (motorcycle specific/not energy conserving).
  5. A helmet saved me in 1969 - literally - saved my life. However, something to consider: even the best helmet is not going to save you in a catastrophic encounter with a car, a deer, or even another bike. Not all fatalities are "head injuries." Sometimes it seems like some would make believe that wearing a massive fully enclosed helmet and body armor, etc, etc, etc. will save you. It MIGHT. Then again, if the physics are against you (mass, speed, etc) you cannot be saved. Motorcycle riding is dangerous. I choose to ride knowing that. I choose to wear a helmet but pass on leather, body armor, etc. because it's just not worth it to me.
  6. I do not understand 25 mpg. Yesterday, I rode 70-75 mph for 280 miles (with a short stop about halfway through). Now, I know the mileage (even without gps) as it's a trip I have done repeatedly over thirty years. The average mpg at this speed: 42.066 mpg. The actual figures are: 280.33 miles divided by 6.664 gals of fuel = 42.066. I would say if you're getting 25 mpg on this bike at this speed. there is something seriously wrong. Just my experience/opinion. BTW, my is a 2005 tour deluxe.
  7. I put the BUBS on mine a couple weeks ago, and I still cannot decide if I like them. They are a bit louder, but (to me) they make the bike sound like a car. An old 60s car. It's hard to explain, but I think I don't like them. Instead of a deep rumble, I get a kind of idling hemi sound. At any rate, BUBS (I think) make the bike sound like a V4 . . . car.
  8. Had the carbs synched at Yamaha yesterday and made the little Natchez Trace trip this morning: 52.717 mpg. That's not bad, not bad at all.
  9. Does anyone know of anyone selling black leather cowling covers? I seem to be getting my greatest damage from rock chips, etc., on the cowling on either side of the radiator.
  10. The Mobil 1 auto oil is NOT the same oil as the motorcycle specific oil. Not at all. Check it out on their site. I use Mobil 1 10w40 4T synthetic motorcycle oil with a Pure One filter. Changing at 4-5K. Never a problem.
  11. Sorry, but it was bs when it was new, and nothing has changed. It really depends on how you want to measure "pollution." What are we going to do with all of those dead hybrid batteries? Have you ever investigated the "footprint" of a mine for finding materials used in batteries? You might want to look at mining and waste battery disposal. And, BTW, the difference between particulate and non-particulate "pollution."
  12. Just put the slip ons on my 05 Tour Deluxe. They look much cleaner/better than stock, were very easy to install, and sound good to me. I have read a lot about the tips flaking later on, but I'll deal with that when/if it happens.
  13. I have only gotten what I considered BAd mpg a few years ago on a road (interstate) trip to Tucson and back (averaged 34.8 mpg); however, I did set the cruise at 75 mph and left it there (except for running it up to 80-90 every now and then). So, 34.8 mpg is not bad when racing across the desolation that is west Texas.
  14. Thanks to all; I got her refilled. I was just trying to avoid removing the gas tank, but it was no big deal at all.
  15. Thanks to all those who advised me on how to refill the antifreeze, etc. This comes under FYI. I live a few miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway, and there is a short ride I take down to Rocky Springs (about 100 miles roundtrip). Call it 2-wheel meditation or therapy. Works every time. At any rate, before my recent changes to the bike I always got 47.8 to 48.1 mpg. I know it's a high number but the speed limit on the Trace is 50 mph and that's what I ride at (actually cruise set between 50 and 55 to allow for error). With Yamaha oil and filter, stock paper air filters, and stock exhausts, I got my routine figure of 47.8 mpg last week. Since changing to Mobil 1 motorcycle synthetic and Pure One filter, K&N air filters, and Bub slip-on exhausts, I have now gotten 51.2 mpg on one trip and 51.7 mpg today. This is a pretty controlled experiment as I always fill immediately before getting on the Trace and refill at the same place/same pump immediately when exiting. Same fuel (Exxon regular), same pump, same trip and speed. So . . . those of you who are worried (as I was) that intake/exhaust modifications would adversely affect gas mileage should worry no longer. Did I mention that the Tour Deluxe feels and sounds like a new bike? Incredible difference! Thanks again to all who helped with advice on exhausts, refilling the radiator, etc.
  16. Thanks for all the info. I managed to get it flushed/refilled today without any mishaps. Pretty good. Got the K&Ns, Bub sleepers, and a water pump cover all done. 16000 mile service this week. Then, off to Colorado for a few days before I have to return to school (high school teacher). Thanks again to everyone who helped.
  17. Well, I understand that it can be filled through the tank under the right side cover. However, from reading the posts elsewhere, it seems there is some valve under the radiator that has to be switched to fill and then back to normal. I cannot seem to find this valve???
  18. OK, I know this is a stupid question, but is there any trick to refilling the radiator on a 2005 Tour Deluxe? Not being mechanically inclined (and perhaps none too bright), I pulled the water pump cover to replace it with a chrome one without "Yamaha" stamped on it. Of course (being the water pump cover) coolant drained out onto the ground. I am sure I lost all of it. First, is there anything special about the Royal Star coolant? Will just Prestone from WalMart (pre-mixed at 50/50) do? Secondly, is there a tech article on this site detailing how to refill my coolant system? I REALLY would appreciate any help anyone could give. Thanks in advance.
  19. Thanks for the advice on having the carbs synched. The bike is due for a 16K checkup/service in a couple weeks, so they can just do it then. Thanks again.
  20. I am putting Bub slip ons, K&N filters this week (2005 Tour Deluxe). Did your changes hurt or help your gas mileage?
  21. I am glad your bike makes no whining noise - must be that someone on the assembly line put a Harley or a Honda engine/transmission in it for fun! Wheels are round, the sky is blue usually, all men die some day . . . and Royal Star Tour Deluxes (and Ventures) WHINE!!!!! It is what they do.
  22. I was ordering the sleepers for my 2005 Tour Deluxe and was told modifications are necessary to make the ones fit that are made for the Venture. Can someone who has done this (added Bub slipons to a Tour Deluxe) please tell me if they just bolt right up? Thanks.
  23. This should be an easy one. Does anyone know of a company selling just a plain (good quality) chrome water pump cover for my 05 Tour Deluxe? I was able to get a plain chromed timing hole cover from Baron's, but the only water pump covers he has are the "V Four" etched ones (to me, no better than the ones marked "Yamaha"). Let me know if there is a company you know of. Thanks.
  24. I bought the 05 RSTD because it had everything I needed and nothing I did not need. I've only put right at 15,000 miles on it, but I would change nothing.
  25. Meant nothing personal, of course. I have an assortment of Bushmasters, Glocks, and Winchesters myself. My point was that noise attracts attention. Just as art attracts attention. What others choose to ride (my friend's Big Dog, for instance) is none of my business. But, to try to make the argument that loud pipes are somehow safe is as ludicrous as the anti-helmet argument that not wearing a helmet is safer because the rider's peripheral vision is less impeded. To make an obnoxious amount of exhaust noise is (where allowed by law) one's own choice; however, I think it needs to be clearly stated that there are many of us who think loud pipes more than a personal choice: it is a public nuisance.
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