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B.E. Coyote

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    VAB, VA, United States


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    United States


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  1. complete seat set, including back rest I was told by the previous owner of the bike the rear seat was done by Rick Butler. Over this winter I had the front done by Rick Butler. Huge improvement, but I had to thin the herd and the Venture went. I have this listed on ebay for $200 including shipping in the lower 48 https://www.ebay.com/itm/132583794647?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. Yep, just came back from an hour ride. Mixed highway and around town. Stock pipes for me
  3. Put stock mufflers back on last night. Using a sound meter app on my phone and laying the phone at the rear of my bike the HD mufflers were 81 db and the OEm Yammy mufflers were 75db at idle. That is significant. Not sure if the gap would widen at higher rpm. I'll probably stay with quiet but the HD pipes do sound deeper and subjectively better.
  4. Maybe not completely, but substantially. I haven't been back. I know the road to Cartwright is relatively new. 5-10 years maybe?
  5. I did the Trans-Lab to Goose Bay before it was paved and before there was a road to Cartwright. Took the ferry to Cartwright, rode to Red Bay and then took the ferry to Newfoundland. It was pretty tough. Lots of deep gravel. You had to get cruising to stay above it and then every so often there would be a berm across the road where the grader driver pulled over to take a leak. Very dusty so it was hard to see the berms. Came across one rider who had a bad spill because of it. The last 10 miles was deep soft powdery sand which was the worst. Felt more like being in the desert. Much more remote feeling than the Dalton. I actually saw the Northern lights There was truck traffic fairly often on the Dalton. Not so much on the Trans Lab. When I did the Dalton to Deadhorse it had been raining for days and rained most of the way up. It was slippery as hell. I don't think the type of tires on the bike mattered at all. I went back to Alaska a 2nd time and took my 11 year old son on the back. We did the Dalton just up to the arctic circle. This time it was dry as a bone and a sunny day. No issue at all. I would have ridden a Goldwing up there. In fact, we saw a few.
  6. Nevermind. I see the start is belt drive.
  7. Interesting, 18" wheel vs. 16" . Did you drop the forks any to compensate? Does the rear wheel switch over also. Needing tires on mine over christmas I noticed that sometimes you can find a wheel with a good tire on ebay for the price of just a new tire. Going to read on this, the rear strat wheel is taller too, might be better tire choices in those sizes.
  8. I think the biggest thing it accomplishes is making sure the grips are off when the ignition is off so there is less chance of coming back to a bike with a dead battery. Turning off your grips is easy to forget. And yes as I wrote but didn't draw I would have fuse between relay and battery. I'm assuming the fuse in the drawing is part of the hot grips harness.
  9. I did the complete swap from an 07 Roadstar xv1700. 4 piston calipers, brake lines, union, lever and correct 14mm master cylinder were a direct swap on my 99 rsv. They are also chrome with no odd looking anodized colors. Scored a deal on ebay. Couldn't have been easier. If you switch calipers realize that you may also have to switch master cylinders. Overall it made a huge difference on my bike.
  10. In one of Rick Butlers posts about the valve, he mentions he went to a two piston rear brake. Not sure if it is a simple bolt on caliper, but you may want to send him a note.
  11. It says in the directions that come from sonic. At least as a starting point. You could add longer ones later if you need more preload.
  12. And he has some great videos too! Buddy of mine went from Va. to Dead horse and then to Mexico and back to Va, on a 50cc Honda Ruckus. I think both would be easier than a Gen 2 in the wet. If it's dry, any bike can do it.
  13. The resistor is probably built into the grip harness. I think it is what makes low vs high. The grips draw the same power weather on high or low. Warm and safe makes better controllers that actually use less power when the grips are on low. Might be a could idea on our bikes since there isn't much extra to play with.
  14. Great ride report! Not as tough as the Dempster and on a Gen 1 though. I think having the pegs under you and being able to stand on the pegs easily would make things better than on the Gen 2
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