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Everything posted by Moose
Maybe I'll do that Gary. Then I could just put up a sign offering some liquid mileage to those hauling trailers and frantically looking between their gas gauges and the stationless horizon. Now let's see, how many litres to the kilometer...? Or is it kilometers to the litre? *#%#! metric system!
Absolutely!:clap2::clap2: Chuck
I crossed at Port Huron a couple of years ago and that 120 miles is exactly what I'm talking about! That's a heck of a long way between service stations, don't ya think? There's got to be some in between, but there are no indications from the highway. I bet I'm not the only one who could use this information. Maybe one of our Canadian allies could give us the old "Ya hey dere's one in...":stirthepot: Chuck
I am hoping to be able to ride up for the rally at least for a couple of days. Cindi won't be able to come along, but I should be able to swing it. I'll probably drive up Saturday and leave Tuesday or Wednesday. One word of caution to all those travelling to the frozen tundra for the 1st time, watch your gas gauge! Gas stations are few and far between on that highway. I almost ran out of gas before pulling off and finding a station and there were no signs on the highway indicating that a station was near. It was just dumb luck and a calculated risk that I found one. Maybe our norther brethren can send out a notice of refueling stops between Michigan and Kichner.
Well Dudes and Dudettes, I thought you might like an update on what happened to that flag I won at last year's Venture meet in Ft. Collins. Those who were there may remember that I got a bit choked up due to the fact that my nephew had recently finished his 3rd tour in Iraq and had been seriously wounded. He's okay bodily, though a bit troubled mentally. But he's okay and we're in fairly constant contact. Anyway, it was my stated intention to give the flag to him when we see each other this year. However, fate intervened and that is not going to happen. See, what had happened was... The town I live in is trying to raise funds for a veteran's memorial. We're half way there and a month ago I was placed in charge of a fundraiser. In the interim, one of our town's sons was slain in Iraq. Though many from Sauk Village have served, up until now, no one had been slain. A few have died from illnesses caused by agent orange, but all came home alive. Until now. So, I donated the flag to be raffled off for the memorial. Now comes the part where the fates intervene: We had invited the family of PFC Pemley to come to the fundraiser and, of course, we didn't charge them. However, they bought some raffle tickets and don't you know, they won and had their choice of some very nice prizes. They opted for the flag. It's home now where it can do what it does best -- offering consolation to a surviving family. I thought you all might like to know. The line of succession includes the VentureRiders and the family knows it.
Forget about digging Dan. Those roots go forever. Call a professional and pay them. I'm not a fan of going to the local hardware store and buying anything that purports to killing everything or most everything. That reminds me too much of Agent Orange and that wasn't too good for us. Oh yeah, it's creeping charlie. Chuck
Gary, Thanks for sharing that. May the rest of your days be good. Chuck
Well, the boys from Indiana came by Sunday and got the beast running. 93 Venture brought the schematics and a box of thigamajigs; Leadwolf brought Sue. Boo dropped by to give moral support and between all of them, they got it running. There wasn't much I could do (obviously) so I took to the grill and did what I'm good at. In no time flat they diagnosed the problem and set to fixin' it. Oh, I did have to hand 93 V a tool or two, but he did the lion's share of the work. Now, as I've stated, I'm no mechanic so I'm not certain I can explain the problem precisely, but it had something to do with a hidden treasure. 93V and Leadwolf kept talking about the "X". Wait, maybe it was a "+". I'm not familiar with all the jargon, but best as I can tell they said something like the wire with the "x" or "+" on it had to actually be connected to the battery for the bike to start. Seemed kind of petty to me, but hey, once they connected it the bike started so who am I to argue. Anyway, I'm grateful for the help and the suggestions from all. Thanks guys (and Sue), Moose
Oh sh*t!
First, let me say thanks to all of the suggestions -- the sincere ones as well as the b-busters. I really enjoyed reading them all. I even went out to the garage yesterday after work hoping that the problem was just me being dumb enough to not have it in gear. As it turned out, I didn't have it in gear. My heart lept and I made the proper adjustment and then....nothing. No lights, no nothing. I'm going to play with it this weekend and see if it' s maybe the battery or a fuse, or wire. If it's none of those things I'll tow it to the dealer and let him fix it. The guy's expensive and slow, but reliable so if I have to go that route at least it will be done right. Now then, to my Hoosier buddies: that's a right nice offer from you guys. I'm usually a little bit shy about asking for, or accepting help, but if you guys are serious about riding over to take a look at the beast, I'll be happy to fill the cooler and heat the grill. Cindi is off this weekend and would enjoy having a couple of other guys to make fun of. And of course, there would be that whole reunion thing between Thor and Binky.... Just give me a call at 708-373-9242 if you decide to come. Thanks to all for the suggestions.
No lights, no horn, no nothing. I did check the kill switch and that's not it. I didn't check to see if it was in gear -- I'll do that tonight. If the gear thing doesn't do it, I'll just bring it to the man. As for riding without rain, is that possible in Michigan?
It's been a long cold winter here in Chicagoland and I was quite ready to ride a couple of weeks ago when the weather shot up to the 60s. Alas, I hadn't been as vigilant as I should have been and the 5 year old battery was kaput. "Well" I said, "I'll just go buy me a new one." Doh! Bought the battery, filled the fluid, put the batter on charge for the recommended 20 hours at 1.5 amps. Battery charged, replaced, bolts tightened, and... nothing. No response at all. Well that just tears it. This weekend I'm takin' it to the dealer and letting him play with it. I'm no mechanic and even if I was I just don't have the time or patience to deal with this sort of thing. No doubt it's something trivial, but it would take me two weeks to figure it out and another 2 weeks fixing the holes in the garage walls where the wrenches flew. The moral of the story: keep the *%#$@@ battery on a charger over the winter if you're too *#$@@ lazy to go out once a week and start the poor beast. I hate winter in Illinois... and Indiana... and Michigan... and Wisconsin... and....
800 songs won't do it for me Freebird. I've got well over 5000 on my iPod with another 5000 or so waiting to be uploaded from library. At the same time I am still purchasing CDs and vinyl! Nope, 800 - 1600 songs just won't suffice. What your phone/mp3/camera needs is a good overhaul by Tim (the Tool Man) Taylor. Maybe a good Binford 360 upgrade...Ooo, ooo, ooo... ooo!:rotf::rotf:
Back in the day, I had a sewer rodding business. My motto was "Your sh*t is my bread and butter". Oh... you know... I really don't miss those days!
This event used to be held in Cleveland in August. Cindi and I went and had a great time. Unfortunately, the year after they moved it to Louisville and moved it up to Memorial Day. We have not been able to go because I'm still in school and we are usually giving finals during that week. This year it looked like I was going to be able to take a couple of days, but alas, that's Cindi's weekend to work. Rats! Maybe next year. For those of you who do go, however, you're going to see a bit of history as the Pete Best Band is going to be there. Man, it really is a cool time! Rats!!
Atari Pong: The only video game I ever played and I do believe that it may well be the only video game I'll ever play. Of course, all bets are off if I make it another 20 years. By then, video games may be the only exercise I'll get:rotf:.
Wow! What a great idea! I may try to take a week or so this summer and head on down for some R&R. As the school year begins to wind down, I'll put out a feeler to see if anyone wants to make a trip of it.
If you're travelling along I-80 from west to east through Illinois, there is one 80 cent toll. If you're coming down from Wisconsin, the price of tolls is probably in the $10.00 range. If you can follow the Mississippi river between Illinois and Iowa, it's not only a beautiful ride, but it will get you to I-80 and the aforementioned 80 cent toll. Taking I-80 through Illinois keeps you south of Chicago and all of that "horrible" traffic all those "country" folk keep harping about:stirthepot:. Once you cross into Indiana, you'll have an adventerous ride past Hammond/Gary area, but it calms down pretty quick. Keep in touch as the date nears.
Dinner in a nice restaurant is usually 15% to 20% with one exception: I always take off the price of a bottle of wine before figuring the tip. Since the wine is already marked up about 150% by the house and the server really only has to make one trip for drinks, I don't allow the tip to get artificially inflated. If we order drinks, however, I figure them in as the server has to make multiple trips. In a corner joint for sandwiches or breakfast, I leave a standard tip of $5.00. Hash slingers work real hard for very little money so five bucks on a $12.00 breakfast bill doesn't kill me.
Dis works better verbally, but I tink I cn make it work. We midwesterners like to tink we don't got no accent, but sometimes it is so glaringly apparent dat we haf to admit dat okay, maybe we haf a slight accent. Here's da story: I was teaching ESL classes and at the end of the year, I asked my seniors if they had any questions that hadn't been addressed in class. One of my seniors that had taken two of my classes raised his hand and asked me to translate the word "pucher". I asked him if he meant "butcher", but he told me no, he was sure it was "pucher". I had no idea what word he was asking about so I asked him to use it in a sentence. The student obliged by saying "Pucher IDs on!" Oh man! I almost fell down I was laughing so hard! I apologized and explained to the student that I was guilty of speaking Chicagoese and the misunderstanding was my fault. I promised to enunciate more clearly in the future when I instructed the students to "Put your IDs on!" I know it's kinda corny, but all that talk of accents reminded me of the story and I thought I'd share.
As my dear old departed daddy used to say: "You can give up drinkin', smokin' and sex; You won't live any longer, but it'll sure seem like it!" However, I do truly believe that giving up smoking is a good thing; it'll give you more time and money for the other two things.:rotf:
Oh yeah, see what happened was... um... there was a miss communication... yeah, that's it a miss communication... What I had said to Starbog was that I had a great time this summer and we should get together 'n see when we can do it again. See? That's what happened. Or maybe it was when I said I was getting antsy... Come to think of it, that's probably what I said. You can see how such a thing could happen... what with me speaking Chicagoese and Starbog speaking... uh, something other than Chicagoese. Silly, huh?
I haven't been keeping up regularly, but I do try to read the posts at least once a week. Anyway, I just thought I'd take a minute to say hi to all the great guys and gals I've met through this post. I've no news to report: good, bad, or indifferent. Nope, just doing some reflections on a wonderful summer past and thought I'd say hi. So....Hi! Chuck
Never used a cb until this past summer when Squidley tried to teach me. :whistling::whistling:That almost ended disasterously so I still don't. I'm much more of a phone and computer kind of guy.:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
Cool! A 10 year old kid is the perfect age for Disney: old enough to get on the big rides, but not too old to enjoy the smaller rides. You're gonna have a blast!