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Everything posted by Moose

  1. Well Dudes and Dudettes, Wizard of Wheels in Crete IL still hasn't returned my parts. It's been almost a year and I got so fed up I bought a new Goldwing. However, I'd still like to get the RSV running so that I can sell it, turn it into a chopper, or something fun. I searched high and low and finally figured out how to contact Yamaha Corporation headquatered in California. My idea was to get a parts list complete with prices, purchase the parts I need to at least get the bike running, and then sue the dealer for the total cost of replacement parts. Well, it seemed like a good idea, but was quickly shut down as Yamaha has a policy of not selling body parts to individuals -- only dealers! So, not only have I been royally screwed by the owner of Wizard of Wheels in Crete IL, but now I'm going to have to go to another dealer and pay a higher replacement price for what I need! This is wrong on many levels and it's making me crazy. So, if anyone has a bead on a pair of lower cowlings for a 99 RSV, please contact me. The bike will not run correctly without those two plastic pieces. There was a pair on eBay, but the price had an automatic bid attached and I wasn't going to get sucked into a bidding war with an unknown buyer. chuck
  2. Ok, y'all know the sad tale of me trying to get my bike painted and losing the parts. Now that I've got the new Gwing, I'm feeling better about asking for some help. Here's what I got back: front fender gas tank some side covers both saddle bags (bottoms only) trunk (bottom only) the dealer claims he has a fairing, but I haven't seen it. This means I need: a rear fender both right and left cowlings (I think that's what they're called) lids for saddle bags and trunk passenger back rest w/speakers and all of the hardware that goes along So, anyone got any of the above laying around?
  3. Well Squid, the thought did cross my mind a few times, but the few minutes of relief I'd get beating the crap out of the guy wouldn't be worth what I'd lose doing it. Since I'm in education, I have to be a model citizen at all times or they can revoke my certificates and take my pension. I'm too close to the end to let some unscrupulous dealer make me lose my mind and all I've worked for. Eventually, I will get some replacement parts, put it back together and then either sell it or ride it. In the meantime, it's good to be back.
  4. Give? Nah, but if you were to go out back and dig up some of your treasure, I'm sure we could make a deal. BTW, thanks for the note. If I ever get the parts for the RSV, I'll need them painted so that I don't look like a quilt riding on the highway.
  5. 2 days today.
  6. Well, I've gotten nowhere getting my parts returned. I'm still working on it, but the stress got to me so I bought a new Goldwing. :cool10: Looking forward to seeing you all on the road again.
  7. Okay, here's the latest story in this never-ending saga of my bike: The parts that haven't been returned were in a van that was stolen. I guess he was just too embarrassed to tell the Yamaha dealer who had been trying to contact the painter 30 times a day since July. Now, the dealer tells me that he's waiting for the painter to give him some money so that he can order a new fairing and cowlings for me. I told the dealer to find out how long it is for delivery, to order the parts, and when they come in I will pay him the $2200 I owe for the original paint job. Any costs over that can be dealt with between him and his painter. I'm waiting for a reply from the dealer. If he declines that offer I will be forced to go get a lawyer -- something that I'm loathe to do, but may have to. Man, I'm tired of this mess. I just want to get the bike back together so that I can ride next year. Anyway, that's the latest news in my tale of woe. chuck
  8. Vietnam Veteran's Reunion this weekend in Kokomo Indiana. I know there's a few of us out there so if you got the time head on over, up, or down. It's a great event put on by the Howard County Vietnam Vets. Chuck
  9. Ooooh, you're a funny guy! But I will take you up on that offer if I can get the parts back. I spoke to a friend of mine who is a cop and has some contacts in the city. He's going to call and give the info to them and see what they can find out. My best case scenario is: 1) The guy died and the family will allow us to pick up my parts; 2) The guy is in jail and we can gain access to pick up my parts; 3) The guy died... no wait, I said that already. Then again, it is such a nice thought.... Chuck
  10. Ah yes, I feel the warmth. Thanks for the suggestions and the offers of loaners. However, a day's ride on someone else's scoot would just make me miss riding mine more so while I'm among my fellow veterans, I will take time to toast my broken beast. Maybe a few times... Chuck
  11. Well, I still don't have my parts, but I went to see the dealer saturday and he showed me his phone calls for the week. He has been calling the "painter" 40 times a day! The dealer called the local police and is looking to gain entrance to the guy's warehouse to get the parts. So, the dealer is getting screwed too, as he has told me that if we don't get the parts he will purchase replacements. I feel better knowing that two of us are getting screwed -- even if I'm getting the worst of the deal. I'm going to Kokomo this weekend for the Vietnam Veteran's reunion so it'll be off of my mind for awhile. I'm just so disgusted, I went to the local Harley dealer and I may make a switch just to get riding again and put it all behind. I'm pretty pissed, but not much I can do at this stage, but wait. I'll let y'all know what happens. In the meantime, thanks for the support and I'll be riding one way or another next season. Later, Chuck
  12. Some of you may remember that I took a wild leap of faith and tore my bike apart myself to have it painted. Well, that was back in June and I still can't get the dealer to give me back my parts. I have threatened to get a lawyer, to file a police report for theft, and begged for my parts to be returned -- everything short of threatening to come beat his ass! However, I still can't get this guy to get my parts back to me. He claims that he parted them out and that the painter won't bring them back despite his numerous calls. I've given up that I'll get them back this riding season and have stepped back to calm down and decide the avenue to pursue. The problem is, every time I begin to think of how to deal with the situation I just become crazy mad and start looking around for my baseball bat. I'm not certain at this point that I can stay cool so I've avoided calling for the last week. I'll figure something out in a couple of weeks after I go to the Vietnam Veteran's Reunion in Kokomo, IN Sept. 19 & 20. I should have some sense back by then and will probably call the police in. In the meantime, does anyone know how I can contact Yamaha to file a complaint? I'd appreciate the help. Chuck:crying:
  13. Yeah Squid, I wish that a lot myself http://venturerider.org/forum/images/icons/icon9.gif :rotf: Chuck
  14. Well, I guess someone has to represent the tree-hugging fanatics if this is going to be a balanced discussion. Okay, I'll do it. Drilling for oil only postpones the inevitable: oil is not an infinite product. There will come a time when it is gone. Now, we can go on destroying all of what's left of our natural environment to feed our need for speed or we can begin to change our habits. I agree with Redneck's assessment that we are energy hogs. Everyday I drive the tollway to and from work and every morning I am blown off the road by pickups and Minivans, many of which sport plates from a neighboring state. The car industry has not produced more fuel efficient vehicles because the public doesn't want them. Detroit began producing small cars in the early 60s, but they went out of fashion once the muscle cars began to appear. Nowdays it's minivans, pickups, and faux humvees. Of course, while we've been buying gas-guzzling cars and trucks, we've also been systematically dismantling our railroad and public transportation systems. $300,000 - $500,000 homes are being built on every inch of available land further and further from the cities and people are buying them as fast as they can get their hands on a 50 year mortgage. That's right, 50 year mortgages! Of course, this makes us more dependent on fuel. Listen, I'm not against the "American dream", but where's the responsibility for the future? I don't know what the answer is, but I'm pretty sure it's not in continued drilling and ravaging of our land. I would like to see a major race to figure out how to safely dispose of fuel rods from reactors. One of you asked us to name one thing the government put their noses in that worked. Well, I would begin with the space race. That worked out pretty well. If we got behind R&D to figure a way to dispose of those fuel rods, we could develop sustainable energy and remove the grip of oil dependency.
  15. I'm thinking of white, but I may consider something more extravagant like pearl white.
  16. I have a plastic plate that I used to use under the camper stablizers. It lays flat in the trunk.
  17. Friday night I have to work prom. Saturday some kids' birthday parties. Sunday work graduation. Monday, visit a couple of memorials and spend the day with Cindi. Tuesday work. Wednesday off to Mexico again. Oh yeah, and that's when summer vacation begins: 10 wonderful weeks with no kids, no worries, no job... Can I get a big Hallelujah!?
  18. That was pretty funny! Okay, so far the menu includes chicken and Italian sausage with some Bacardi 151. C'mon guys, you're letting me off cheap! I'll have to whip up some kind of special dessert as an extra incentive.
  19. Darrin, You'd be real proud of me this time. As I had to unplug some (a lot) of wires I took special care to label the wires by wrapping tape around and writing coordinating numbers on each side before moving on to the next wire. I just truly couldn't have anticipated the number of things that had to be disconnected, unscrewed, and/or unbolted to take off the rear fender and the fairing. I was thinking of replacing some of the wiring and changing the way it's all connected to the battery once all the parts come back. The good news is that I wasn't going to attempt this myself. The bad news is I was going to ask you to drop by and give me a hand. Won't be until sometime in June (or maybe July depending on how much trouble I have putting the parts back on). Chuck
  20. I had some free time and I was a little bored so I took my bike apart. I've been wanting to get it painted and I was getting some run arounds from the people I had approached. One guy finally told me what the problem was: They've never worked on an RSV and didn't have any idea how long it would take to take the thing apart and put back together. The painting was the easy part. Another guy pretty much told me the same thing so I had given up for this year. But it was bugging me so I took out the tools and got started. Took me about 5 hours on Saturday and 2 hours today, but I finally got everything taken apart. I tried to be meticulous and place all of the nuts and bolts in separate baggies that I labeled where they came from, but I got a mess of baggies with nuts and bolts in 'em. Unbelievable how much stuff has to be taken apart to get to the nuts and bolts that actually hold up the parts I was trying to take off. Anyway, it's apart and now I'll contact a couple of places to get the best deal (note: not necessarily the lowest price). In the meantime, I've got one more week of school and then I'm off to Mexico again. When I get back, the painting should be done and I can begin the task of figuring out where everything goes. It should be interesting.
  21. I bought the pegs and the armrests for Cindi. She is very pleased with me. I don't have a picture handy, but they mount in minutes.
  22. We're not even close to you, Hafwitt. We've been to the Padres, Rockies, Brewers, Reds, Red Sox and of course, the Cubs and Sox. Next year I think I'll try to hit the Bucks and the Indians. The trick, as you are well aware, is to try to catch the teams close to each other at home at the same time. Cindi still has to work one more summer so we're limited to long weekends for another year, then we can branch out a little more.
  23. Man, that CRS is some scary stuff! I hope wolf-boy takes a couple of practice trips with his new trailer to see if there's a mileage difference. I'd hate to have to stand there laughing while he tries to syphon a pint or two from a passing Nissan. Seriously, my gas mileage is considerably less hauling the camper and 120 miles is a pretty good ride with my dinky 4.5 gal tank. I was able to stretch it a couple of times coming back from Ft. Collins, but then again, we were going downhill.:rotf: And by the way 93, why aren't you going up at least for the weekend? Heck, it's hardly a half day drive each way for you, ain't it?
  24. I'm not from Ohio, but I like to see someone else share my love of baseball. Last year, Cindi and I managed to catch a Boston game at Fenway and this year we're taking a trip to see the Philly's and the Orioles. On a separate trip, we're going to try to catch the Mets. We were hoping to go to Yankee Stadium, but the Yanks aren't in town while we're there. Cleveland's a cool town. Hope you have time to go to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Chuck
  25. Thanks for the website Gary! Maybe the side roads are the way to go. When I took that trip two years ago, we went to Stratsford for the Shakespeare festival. Did some riding in the area and then headed back to Port Huron. I got kind of worried traveling on the superslab as, like I said, there were no stations and no signs indicating where to get off. I finally just took a chance and got off thinking if nothing else, I could stop at a farm and get a gallon or two... er, I mean a litre or two. Low and behold, I quickly found a station, filled up and went on my way, only to find another one two miles away! I guess my question is why aren't there signs along the superslab? Is there some rule against advertising on the superslab? On another note, how come they call it a festival at the Shakespeare festival? There's no festival going on in the streets; no reenactors, no open stages, nothing like that at all. The river is beautiful, as is the town, but no festival. I was disappointed though we did have a very nice meal and a nice ride. Is this a matter of cultural differences regarding the definition of festival? Hmmm, what other surprises await me...?
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