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About Moose

  • Birthday March 10

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Sauk Village, IL, United States


  • City
    Sauk Village, IL


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, Reading, Travel, Ball-Busting
  • Bike Year and Model
    '99 Royal Star Venture
  1. I've used the same set of Chicago Cutlery for 25 years. Good sturdy knives that can take a lot of use. They need to be sharpened more often that a higher end set, but they work fine for me. That being said, do the research and buy what you want. If you have to save for a few years to get the set you want, it'll be worth it in the long run.
  2. Kevin, change the *@#$!! tires! You got enough trouble keeping that one upright without having to worry about a blowout! :rotf::rotf:And then, next winter put the bike on its center stand to keep the tire off of the concrete. Ooops, sorry. I forgot you don't have a center stand... See ya soon!! moose
  3. I was in the construction trades in the late 70s (boom) and early 80s (bust). In 1984 I took a job for a mere 75 cents more than I made in 1974! It was the best move I ever made. It took some years, but in the end, it paid off magnificently. Don't get discouraged and don't make a decision based solely on wages. Believe me, once you lose everything you'll find out you can get by on WAY less than you were used to. Use the government retraining programs, take some college courses, and remain positive! This stuff seems to happen every 25 years so remember the rollercoaster rules: keep your hands and feet inside the car and don't get out until the ride is over.
  4. Well, see what had happened was.....:rotf:
  5. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!
  6. The best states to ride in are NE Illinois and NW Indiana. You can take all those sunny, twisting two lanes that all seem to lead to Nirvana, but for my money, if you want a real thrill ride that will test your driving abilities, eye sight, reflex time, and sphincter muscle... well then there's no place like driving to or from Chicago to Gary along the Dan Ryan and Borman Expressways! For adding a degree of difficulty, do it 2-up hauling a trailer!
  7. FABULOUS!! Cindi went back at 31 and became an RN. This allowed me to go back at 41. Truly a smart move.
  8. Remember to look at the expiration date of the newly gained points. Some expire much quicker than others and you can't roll them over!:nanner:
  9. Hi Everyone, I finally figured out how to handle the situation with my missing/stolen body parts... I gave the bike to Squidley. Now, he needs some parts to get this thing road ready, and since he's done so much the past few years to help so many on this site, I think it's only right that we try to help him get it going. Many of you have already responded via private message with offers of parts and/or questions. I was going to try to do this on the sly, but reality has reared its head and my handling this thing would be a nightmare logistically. So, my newest brainchild is to just put out an open call for help as Squidley is at this moment in the frozen tundra of Michigan and he has a trailer with him. Therefore, if anyone has any of these parts, please let him know so that he can make arrangements to receive them. He is a bit shy about receiving help so ignore his "We're okay" BS and let him know what you got. It will be easier for all as he can make arrangements with the donors for the best way to get the parts. He needs a fairing (front and back), both right and left cowlings, and covers for the saddlebags and trunk. Oh yeah, and the passenger backrest. I'm sorry if I've embarrassed Squid with this notice, but like I said, he's helped so many of us and it's time for us to help him if we can. Happy New Year to you all. Be safe and warm! Chuck (Moose)
  10. Great new!
  11. Yeah Brad, it's about done. If I can't sell it, I'll junk it. I should have done a lot of things differently, but the problem is I can be a bit gullible at times. You would not believe the number of times I threatened to take action only to have the dealer swear the parts would be ready in: 1) 2 weeks -- as the humidity was too high to finish the painting; 2) 2 weeks -- as the painter had to go to Tennessee for a funeral; 3) 2 weeks -- as when the painter returned from the funeral the truck he had the parts stored in was stolen and they were making an insurance report; 4) 2 weeks -- as the truck wasn't stolen, it was impounded by the police; 5) 2 weeks -- as after getting the truck back it was discovered the parts were stolen... and on and on. I have phone messages and texts from the dealer telling me he has different parts and is going to get the rest. Some parts were returned, but the promise of the fairing never materialized. He didn't file an insurance claim as he has already had his building destroyed twice by fire. I suppose his deductible is astronomical! I contacted my insurance agent who told me they would cover the loss and go after the dealer, but I don't feel my insurance company should have to pay in this case and I dropped the claim. I've given my reason for not hiring a lawyer, so I'm left with the Attorney General and small claims court. I'll pursue these next week, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Anyway, screw it. I'm lovin' the 'wing and at this point, I'm just looking to get the RSV out of my garage and put the whole mess behind me.
  12. Well, the thing here is not that I blame Yamaha for this guy's dishonesty. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Each time I have spoken to Yamaha, I have expressed to them that I do not feel it is their responsibility to account for what a dealer's dishonest act. However, I DO feel that they should at least allow me to buy the replacement parts at cost. I see no reason what so ever that I should have to pay a markup to another dealer after having been ripped off by a previous one. I AM NOT ASKING THEM TO GIVE ME THE PARTS GRATIS. I JUST DON'T FEEL I SHOULD HAVE TO PAY DEALER MARKUP TO ANOTHER DEALER. What kind of a scam is that? Another dealer should make a profit off of an unscrupulous one? There's something wrong in that kind of logic. After all, Yamaha's name is on this guy's sign and he wouldn't even answer calls from their corporate headquaters! A field rep had to physically go to the shop to be told the same story I have been telling all along. If it was my name on a product, I'd surely be upset, but then, I was raised in a time when honesty was expected. I guess I'm just a dinosaur. Anyway, I'll post pictures next week of what I have.
  13. I truly appreciate the outpouring of concern from everyone. It's that caring for one another that drew me to this crowd in the first place and what keeps me here now. As for avenues of recourse, there are avenues I can pursue... unfortunately, I keep getting stuck on the one where I go to the dealer and beat the crap out of him with a Louisville Slugger. This, of course, is not the correct course of action, but it is the only one that would truly satisfy me at this point. Having said that, I intend to call Yamaha ONE MORE TIME today to see if they'll accomodate me. Next week, after I return from the vietnam veteran's reunion in Kokomo IN, I will contact the attorney general and see if I can get the jerk arrested. As for suing him, it is my belief that he is over his head in hock and is just waiting to go bankrupt. Suing him in that event will leave me without parts AND with lawyer's fees. If that were to happen, I'm certain I would make a poor decision and lose my freedom. THIS is not an option. I'd rather take a loss and move on. Starbog is interested and I'd really feel good if my suffering could get him back on a venture. BTW, I've gotten quite a bit of riding in this summer on the new 'wing, so the pain has been subsiding.
  14. I've been known to socialize every once in a blue moon...
  15. For those who have followed the perils of the missing parts, I'm ready to write the final chapter. A very quick recap: Took the paintable parts off of my 99 RSV and took them to Wizard of Wheels in Crete IL to have them painted white. This was in June of 2008. The dealer parted out the job and the painter absconded with my parts! Ultimately, I got back a few of the parts, but not enough to be able to ride the bike. So, for more than a year, the bike has been on a lift in my garage. I have filed with the BBB and they were very sorry, but the dealer refused to respond and they have no authority to do anything about it. I've had numerous contacts with Yamaha Corp in California, but they are not willing to help at all. They won't even allow me to buy replacement parts at cost and insist that I go through another dealer. So, enough is enough. I'll sell my '99 to the first person who comes with $2500 in cash or money order. I have a lot of chrome and extras like passenger hwy pegs and armrests. The bike was in perfect running order as I had it maintained regularly prior to this fiasco. I'll post some pictures of the bike and the parts I have. chuck
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