I'm working on a friend's 99 Royal Star XVZ13AT. I've checked for similar posts,but no answers found. The bike sat for a year and the carbs got clogged up so he asked me to clean them, it ran fine before he let it sit. I disassembled carbs and cleaned all the clogged ports and blew out all passages with air, replaced fuel inlet needles and reassembled with no problem. Spraying carb cleaner into carbs doesn't help it get past the stumble. Diaphrams all operate normal. Air filter is new, slides just start to flutter as throttle goes past 1/4. Any insight to similar problems would be appreciated. I'm going to start all over with cleaning the carbs. I've never seen a carb with O-rings under a main jet before. I have surely missed something but a little help would be nice. Thanks