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Everything posted by wrscomncents

  1. johnnyroid Check this out if you are a prime member. Also a video showing how it works in the reviews. https://www.amazon.com/Qiorange-Strobe-Controller-Flasher-Module/dp/B015QQ6YUC/ref=pd_sim_60_8?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B015QQ6YUC&pd_rd_r=e6be8f2b-9033-11e8-8fff-2122c0dbd284&pd_rd_w=Yln1J&pd_rd_wg=cPXzh&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=2610440344683357453&pf_rd_r=YH6D235RTB615GC9HMF5&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=YH6D235RTB615GC9HMF5
  2. Really simple. Red and black wire from power source to in side and red and black wire to light from out side. Check a little on the site and see if you can find it shipped from U.S. Some may ship from China which will take a little longer to get.
  3. This worked well for me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I4J35HY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Hi7pBbXH1GQ45
  4. slowroll I think I may try that method. I feel a little more comfortable using the tape.
  5. saddlebum Nice setup. Your carbs look different than mine. Maybe yours are gen 1. I did a somewhat similar setup and I could not get my fuel level to change either higher or lower in the tube no matter how I set the floats. Everything is back together now and running fine but I ended up just setting them using the measuring method. Still not sure why the levels would not change.
  6. I don't think that will work with the emblems. Too many gaps between the letters. I will probably try it on the bib if I decide to put it back on. Thanks
  7. That was one of the adhesives I was looking at. Thanks
  8. So I was able to find a brand new fuel tank on ebay for my 99. Don't know how I got so lucky because almost all of the ones I've seen are scratched or dented and selling for as much or more than the one I bought. Anyway I was able to remove the emblems off of my old tank and I now want to adhere them to the new tank. I have seen several different adhesives that are supposed to be for this purpose but when I read the reviews I get nervous. Some of them say this product ruined my paint or some say this product melted my emblem. So I was wondering if anyone has replaced their emblems and what they used to do it. Thanks
  9. Freebird Funny you mention that. I noticed a leak right in that same area on mine. I actually replaced the gaskets on both sides thinking that was it but it is still leaking on the left side. I'm going to have to check that out.
  10. Yeah I thought 2 1/2 would be good but went a slight bit past. I did check the plugs and they seem to be fine. I think I'll try doing what Steven suggests and move them a little at a time and see what happens. From some of the other posts on here it seems that guys who have had them adjusted at the shop have said that the settings on each carb were not consistent. Have you guys ever had yours set at the shop?
  11. Okay guys I took it out today after putting on the lower fairings and what an unbelievable difference. Completely solved the problem. Really appreciate all the help from everyone. Especially Steven G. and sldunker. So I have one more question I would like to ask (at least for now). I notice a bit of backfiring on deceleration, not terrible but more then I think there should be. I set the pilot jets all at a tad more then 2 1/2 turns out. I have read that the backfire is more then likely from too lean a mixture. My question is do you think that I should take it into a shop and have them set the fuel mixture? I know they have the equipment to set them better then I probably can. Or do you think I can get them relatively close by making my own adjustments? Thanks again.
  12. Marcarl Actually I have replaced all of the fuel lines. When you say are the drain screws properly open when I check the floats I am assuming you are referring to when I'm using the tube method. If so yes I have opened them to the point where I get fuel from them just to be sure. I'm still baffled by the fact that there is no change in the fuel level no matter where I set the floats. If I end up having to pull the carbs again I am going to run a level across the top of bowls and see if it is possible for the fuel level to even go any higher. Have you ever used this method?
  13. "Air filter ( the whole air box needs proper integrity)" Steven Your right I suppose the whole air box does not have proper integrity with the lower fairings off. I honestly never thought of it. I actually was thinking that the air inlets were exposed to the air even with the fairings on. My bad. Anyway I am going to put them back on at some point today and see how that goes. Will be great if that is the problem. I will let you guys know. At any rate I appreciate all of the input from everyone here.
  14. So I just went out and checked how the lower cowlings attach to the bike and they do cover the air intakes on the air filters. Not having them attached would act like a ram air induction. Not sure what effect that would have on the engine but it may be disruptive. I will put them on tomorrow and give it another run. Let you know how it goes. Thanks
  15. [h=5]sldunker[/h]Thanks for the heads up on that. I have been test riding without the lower cowlings. I'm not sure that would have the effect on the bike that I'm having but I guess you never know. Maybe I'll put them on tomorrow and give it a run.
  16. Yes everything is stock. It's a 99. It runs great up through second and into third. If I don't get on the throttle it will run through all the gears. If I throttle up through the gears it will start to bog down by the time I reach third. I then have to let off the throttle for a bit and let it catch back up. I'm assuming the carb bowls are refilling at this point. This could be a bad assumption on my part but it's the only thing that makes sense to me. If I then wait a bit and jump on it again it will do the same thing over again. Like I said if I just apply somewhat normal throttle it will run through all the gears but there is a bit of missing at times like the fuel flow isn't keeping up with the burn rate.
  17. So I just got back from a ride and unfortunately I'm still having the same issue. I'm almost sure its a fuel starvation issue because it runs great going through the first two gears and then the issue begins. Also getting some backfire on deceleration. I am pretty sure it is not an exhaust leaking issue. I replaced all of the exhaust seals. It is very frustrating because it runs so good before the issue occurs. Thanks for the link I did read it already. M61A1MECH sent it to me earlier. Funny thing is it is exactly the same way I set my floats. I will try to check for the vacuum as you suggested. I will also check the floats to make sure they are not binding. Slides are clean and all are moving when throttled up. I'm not sure which ports you are referring to but I will look for them when I have it apart again. I am still baffled by the fact that the bowl level stays the same when using the tube test no matter where I set the floats. It seems like the level should change. Thanks for your advise.
  18. M61A1MECH I'm am just using standard air filters. Both sides are new. Nothing has been modified. Thanks for the link.
  19. Steven Thanks for the response. I have not checked the fuel pump. I know that it is working because I hear it and I can also watch the fuel filter fill. I moved the fuel filter to under the seat following instructions from another post here. I'll have to check the pressure on the pump. Thanks for that idea. When you say that you set the floats wide open are you saying that they are set not to shut off the needle valve until they are at the full up position? I'm about to take it out again after checking all the floats. If the response hasn't changed I will pull the carbs again and check the float travel. Thanks again.
  20. Bluesky Thanks for the response. I should have stated some of the other things that I have done to the bike. I bought this bike used and it didn't seem to be treated to well although there were only two previous owners. I installed new plugs, new air filters, new fuel filter and rebuilt the carbs. Also adjusted the valves. The bike is a 1999 and only has a little over 24000 miles on it.
  21. I would appreciate any ideas on my current issue. I just reinstalled the carbs after having a problem with two cylinders not firing. That issue has been solved but here is my current problem. The bike fires right up. Idles perfectly, has great response when you crack the throttle. When I get it on the street it takes off like a bat out of hell through the first couple of gears but by the time I get to third gear and really crank the throttle it starts to bog down as if its running low on fuel. My theory was that the floats were to high and the bowls were running dry. So I removed the carbs again and rechecked the floats. They seemed to be within specs so I decided to use the tube method to set the floats. Here's the strange part. It seems that no matter where I set the floats the fuel level in the tubes never moves any higher or lower than the bottom of the edge of the carb body. According to the service manual the correct adjustment is supposed to be 13-14mm above the edge of the carb. I intentionally bent one of the float tabs to full rich and the fuel level still stays at the edge of the carb. So I guess I have two questions here I hope someone else has experienced:1. Any idea what could be causing the acceleration problem I'm having? 2. Has anyone had experience using the tube method of adjusting the floats? Here is a few things I have eliminated. The fuel tank vent is not plugged. The carb vent tubes are not plugged. I can't seem to find any vacuum leaks in any of the hoses that I have checked but if there is a another way to check for vacuum leaks I would love to get any info. Any info at all would be helpful. I would love to solve this and not have to take it into the shop. Thanks.
  22. Okay don't get me wrong when I say this because I love to ride and have been almost my entire life but..........I have to say that I also love to work on my bike. I've spent the last few months trying to get the mistreated 99 I bought back in service and I can't wait to get it back on the road. But that said spending an entire Saturday in the garage working on the bike is pretty awesome. Although my wife would probably not agree. Anyway I may be crazy.
  23. Just a heads up from things I've heard about skimming. If you use your debit card use it as credit so that your pin will not be compromised. Also look for the seal on the door. If the seal is not there or looks mangled up use a different pump.
  24. I will definitely check that out. It would explain both carbs not working.
  25. Thanks. I will definitely do that now that they are off. I know the bowls were filling before I put them back on because I did a float level test using the tube procedure and all of the bowls had fuel. Also new needle valves. You are right though. I cleaned the carbs but I may have to go in and make sure all passages are clear. I'm not sure the fuel is moving from the bowls to the carb throat. I'm thinking that I have to pressurize the carbs to see if the fuel is moving. I would like to test that before I put them back on. If anyone knows a good way to do that I would love any suggestions.
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