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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. 20k on my '07 RSTD. Just installed my 3rd set of tires ME880's this time. Added a few accessories, re-jetted the carbs after installing a pair of Baron's Nasty Boy slip-ons. Routine maintenance otherwise. Nowhere near needing brakepads yet, but don't ride in town much either. I just need more time and better weather, don't get to ride nearly enough. Happy Trails! Drifter
  2. Hey, to each his own they say! For me? No thanks, I'll just take my chances of getting greased by an 18-wheeler with no brakes flying off some 10k mountain pass! That's exciting enough for me! Happy Trails! Drifter
  3. Hey! Chats & Tats are all cool, just not my bag. Never had one and never wanted one. All you Tatted Chatters have a great day! Ride Safe! Drifter
  4. Howdy Heather! I'm glad that you like your new tattoo! I think it's great! Love the design, subtle but, artistic. I'm one of those who have yet to express myself that way and after all these years may never do so. But that's just me. Whatever your reasons for taking the leap, congratulations! You did it! Be Happy! Be Proud! Live life to its fullest, it's all we have, right? Happy Trails! Drifter
  5. Howdy! I go by High Plains Drifter on several forums. First, I've lived in the west my whole life. I love those Spaghetti Westerns from the 60's and Eastwood was the King of the Spaghetti Cowboys just like Rogers was of the "B-movie" Cowboys. Ya just can't help but like the "Man with no Name" character that he immortalized in movies like High Plains Drifter. Second, I've lived on the high plains of Wyoming for the last 27 years. And third, I've always been a cowboy/drifter of sorts for the most part anyway. As for my signature, It's the map of where I've ridden my '07 RSTD since I got it last December along with the creed that I've always ridden by. Happy Trails! Drifter
  6. I live in the Heart of the West! Right smack dab in the middle of Wyoming!! 300 miles Dinosaur National Monument, CO; 300 miles to Jackson Hole, WY; 300 miles to Old Faithful in Yellowstone N.P.; 300 miles to the Beartooth Rally, Red Lodge, MT; 300 miles to Sturgis, SD. We have flatlands, rolling hills, and mountains. Long straight-aways, wide sweepers, and twisties. Critters ranging from prairie dogs and antelope to moose and grizzly bears. Oh! and sometimes the wind doesn't blow!:rotf:REALLY! Drifter
  7. Or you may end up rejetting. I have Baron's Nasty Boy slip-ons. After plugging the AIS, and turning the pilot jets up to 8 or 9 turns out, I gave up and rejetted my carbs. I wish I'd just done it to begin with and saved myself several months of aggravation. Drifter
  8. Heat gun, plastic razor blade, and acetone worked for me. Wash with mild detergent and wax. Drifter
  9. Howdy Eddy! Somewhere on this forum is another post that I got the link from, but here it is again. http://www.epgsoft.com/VisitedStatesMap/index.html Drifter:080402gudl_prv:
  10. UGH-LEE-URR!!!!
  11. Looks like the new Victory with two more wheels! UGH-LEE!!!!
  12. Sunshine and an empty two-lane at double-nickles on any 10-100 degree day is just fine by me!! Drifter
  13. July 20, '07 Speerfish, SD > Reeder, ND > Miles City, MT > Broadus, MT > Crow Agency, MT > Hardin, MT > Edgar, MT > Lovell, WY; 770 miles, 4 states, 18 miles of gravel, all 2-lane, no concrete slab, took a picture of two bears sleeping in a cottonwood tree 20 ft. from the road near Pryor, MT. It was 38 degrees when I left Speerfish that morning and 106 in Miles City at noon. This was on an '07 RSTD. Sorry, I didn't look at my watch, I was too busy enjoying the scenery. The next day I rode to Red Lodge, MT to the 13th annual Beartooth Motorcycle Rally then over Beartooth Pass to Cooke City, MT > Yellowstone N.P. > Jackson, WY > and back home to Casper, WY another 700 plus miles, 40 miles of road construction, all 2-lane. Drifter
  14. Aw c'mon folks! Yer gittin' kinda picky ain'cha! Just stick the roach on a tooth-pick an' roast him over a bic lighter, dip him in the salsa and you've got a great little appa-teezer! :backinmyday:Shuck's, some places charge extry fer that!!!! Happy Trails! Drifter P.S. They make this cute little popping sound when ya hit'em with the bic!
  15. I think yer mistakin'. I bet they used all their clothes to wipe up the oil that leaked out of their scoot-scoots! Ride Safe and Happy Trails! Drifter
  16. I have to say that I test rode an '06 Beamer before I bought my RSTD and to me I felt all cramped up and bent forward just like the Wings I've ridden. But I guess if that's what you like, go for it! I know there are always Beamers in the top finishers in the Iron Butt runs every year so they must be comfortable to somebody. Then again, I chose the RSTD over the Venture because I like the better visibility of a windshield vs. a full fairing. There's not that much difference in price. I do wish I had the trunk though. I even considered buying a new rack and trunk when I bought the bike. Everyone has their preferences! Ride Safe and Happy Trails! Drifter
  17. Either you like them or you don't. Either they fit you or they don't. I'm 6'03" and can't stand the rider position on a Wing. If you say a guy 7' tall can ride one, okay. I can't. Some people think a sport bike is comfortable, too! I don't. I have to be honest that I haven't ridden a new Wing. But I just don't fit on any of the older models that I've tried. I've always loved Guzzi's and always wanted one (okay so I'm a little wierd). I bought an '03 Cal. EV Touring two years ago. The rider position (to me) was very similar to a Wing. I thought that I would get used to it. I tried different seats. I tried pegs vs. boards. I moved the handle bars. I put 12k agonizing miles on the bike. Then I traded it for an '07 RSTD. That fixed it!!!! Drifter
  18. Well, I’m back home safe and sound! Sorry I’ve been so long getting back to you folks, but it seems like every time I take a vacation, when I get back I just have an extra week’s work to catch back up on! I came into Utah on US40 from Craig, CO. I stayed on US40 to Duchesne, UT then headed south on US191. This is a really nice ride. About 30 miles or so you come to a road that I think was called Emma Parks road, headed west. Then in about ten miles I hit US6 headed west. I was only on US6 for a few miles to Colton, UT. Colton isn’t really a town, just a junction. At Colton I headed south/west on UT96 to Scofield Reservoir. This is some really pretty country, and the mountains were just starting to show their fall colors. While I was gassing up at the town of Scofield a local club of about 100 riders rode through on my same route. I gave them plenty of time to get ahead of me and continued on. Just south of Scofield UT96 meets UT264 headed west. UT264 is only 15 miles long, but crosses a steep mountain pass and consists of 14.9 miles of twisties. As usual I was spending too much time enjoying the ride and the scenery to stop and take pictures. After the 15 miles UT264 meets UT31 where the club had stopped for a break. I continued on west to Fairview, UT on UT31. At Fairview I headed south on US89 for a few miles to Mt. Pleasant, UT then west on UT116 to Moroni, UT. At Moroni I caught UT132 which I stayed on all the way to Lynndyl, UT where I picked up US6 which joins US50 at Delta. At that point I took US50 all the way to Lake Tahoe. I want to thank Coop AKA Pilgrum in Carson City, NV for a great visit and Preacher Tony and his wife for their hospitality and the best burger I had my entire trip. It was a great ride and at some point in the future maybe I’ll have time to write up a complete rundown of the trip. Happy Trails and Ride Safe! Drifter
  19. Howdy Folks! Well here is a mini update! I'm in Crescent City, CA this morning and heading up to Grants Pass, OR shortly. The trip has been great! Mostly cool weather and dry roads! Can't say enough about the great ride and beautiful scenery! The Sierra Nevada's (CA hwy 89), The Trinity Alps (CA hwy 299), The Redwoods (US 101), All great riding and great scenery! Wish you were here!!! Drifter
  20. This is a neat system as are some of the others listed here. However, after doing some checking, GOLD RUSH is right. In most states it's illegal to run amber run or brake lights (on the rear of a bike) and illegal to run red turn signals on newer model bikes. Read carefully the description on these light kits and make sure that they comply with your local laws. One of the kits listed here has a disclaimer in their discription that says they are only legal for "show and off-road use." That wouldn't do much good on my bike! Ride safe! Drifter
  21. Howdy 'Puc! Thanks for the words of wisdom! Never hurts ta' get a few reminders from a saavy ol' hand. Just readin' yer' post brings out mem'ries of all the reasons I ride. I gotta' touch on a few of the fine points though. I haven't been more than a couple hundred miles from home in almost a month and its still over 30 degrees outside! My ol' lady comes out ta' check on me when I'm s'posed ta' be a workin' an' there I am a daydreamin' about the switchbacks on Beartooth Pass er' some such path I'm recollectin'. Ya' must be doin' somthin' wrong 'Puc 'cuz after a week or two of not gettin' nuthin' done, she tells me ta start sortin' my gear out an' get on the road, 'cuz I ain't worth a hoot anyway! On yer' next point, I usually don't plan much t'all except what ta' pack in my saddlebags. This time I happen ta' have a destination so other than goin' about a thousand miles outta' my way ta' get there, I gotta do a little plannin'. My fav'rite way ta' plan is ta' get up in the mornin' brew up a pot o' coffee on the micro stove, an' while drinkin' my coffee take a look at the ol' map. After I figure out where I think I am, I pick out an interestin' lookin' squiggly line an' head in that direction. Next, there ain't nuthin' sweeter in the ears when yer watchin' the sunrise than a good ol' cowpie kickin' song. I jus' can't help hummin' "Back in the Saddle Again" ta' myself as I go through the gears the first time ev'ry mornin'. When it comes ta' ruttin' wildlife, I already had one experience this year that I hope never ta' repeat! Got charged by a bull buffalo up in Dakota at daybreak one mornin'! Man was I glad I'd rejetted Ol' Star an' she has some get-up-n'-go off'n idle now! Can't remember what I's a hummin' that mornin' but it weren't "Back in the Saddle." Mighta' been "Windy Bill!" Lastly, we've had a lotta' heavy thunder storms out here this year an' lotsa' flash floods. They always tend to leave a treacherous trace of loose gravel on the pavement where ya' least 'spect it. Worst of all, all that rain hits so fast it just runs off down the Platte an' don't do nothin' ta' help us outta' this nine year drought we've been in! But like my Daddy always said, "It don't do no good t'all ta' complain 'bout the weather 'cuz God's got a wry sense a' humor!" Happy Trails! Jeff Oh! One more thing. Next time yer' out this a'way ya' best be lettin' me know! I'm 'most always good for a couple-three days ride anywhere, an' Montana's jus' a hoot 'n a holler up the concrete slab. Ol' Star is really only a 9-month old filly with a little over 14k on 'er, but she'll have 20k on the go-fast meter by the time she's a yearlin'. I doooo like ta' ride!
  22. One of the kits that Cruiser Customizing sells is an LED set up that switches from red to amber and back. Ride Safe! Jeff
  23. I don't want to start any arguments. Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to oil types and brands. OEMs also try to push their own brands for obvious reasons. As a former Moto Guzzi rider, I know lots of Guzzi guys that use diesel engine oils, but they have dry clutches. Yamaha states, "In order to prevent clutch slippage (since the engine oil also lubricates the clutch), do not mix any chemical additives. Do not use oils with a diesel specification of "CD" or oils of a higher quality than specified. In addition, do not use oils labeled "ENERGY CONSERVING II" or higher." Yamaha specifies engine oil grade, "API service SG type or higher, JASO standard MA" Personally, I use Yamalube 4, 20W40 and Hiflo filters. I'm sure there are other brands that are just as good, but this has worked well for me so far and meets OEM specs. I change my engine oil and filter every 3k and final drive oil every 6k. If on a long road trip, I'll occasionally let that slide to 4k, but if I'm going to exceed that before I get back home, I'll bite the bullet and find a dealer to get it changed. Ride Safe! Jeff
  24. There are several good kits on the market. Check out Cruiser Customizing http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/ they have a couple to choose from and I've heard that Harley Davidson also makes a pretty good one. Jeff
  25. Similar, but not exactly. Jeff
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