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Everything posted by Poncho26

  1. Knock on wood Mr Puc Puc fortunately no. I tested the current from the connector you showed me in the video and there is current I unplugged the hose marked out and no gas came out it was dry and also unplugged the "in" and also dry I'm going to take the filter to see if us wet with gas let you know tomorrow.
  2. Thank you for the video Mr Puc Puc it was awesome now i know exactly what to do.
  3. Thank you guys I now have a lot of info to start in this project honestly i don't think this is too hard it's just time thanks to all of you I'm glad I found this blog best 12 bucks ever spent but best of all is you guys thank you again. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  4. What fairings should I remove first to start checking the fuel pump? Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  5. Just adding picture of the bike. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  6. Good idea I'll do that tonight and keep you posted. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  7. Will do thank you Mr Dawson. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  8. Just a small update I turn the switch to the on position and cannot hear the clicks the fuel pump makes at this point is it better for me to do the mr gasket conversion or just buy buy a used one from ebay?
  9. Will do guys I'll keep you posted thank you.
  10. Sorry i forgot the bike was trailered home i the PO say it was running last season there was fuel in the tank and i added a gallon of fresh gas but haven't done anything else other than that I however used jump wires from my not running at that moment FJ cruiser and connected to the bike so i believed there was enough juice form the battery to cause a nice spark.
  11. Hi Mr PUC PUC! Thank you very much for taking the time and enlight me with you knowledge this exactly the answer i was looking for. Ito be honest with you never heard the rapid clicks the fuel pump makes i just found out about that, other thing is that the fan kicks in a soon a i turn the switch to the on position is this normal? this is the main reason of why i didn't heard the clicks is should probably disconnect the fan.
  12. Ok so i got my 83 venture standard the PO told me that the clutch slave cylinder needs to be replaced and gave me a new cylinder and what looks to be the a 3 packages with all the stuff to rebuild the clutch cylinder, brake and clutch master cylinders, well it looks like that's the least of my problems I tried starting the bike this morning it turn but never starts I put fresh gas in the tank, brand new battery and nothing as of now I don't know what to do i would very much appreciate if someone points me in the right direction thank you in advance.
  13. When i take the cover off the side of the bike will oil come out of there or should be dry and clean? Also do i have to to remove the banjo screw and the one on top and bottom put the new part and that's it? Or what's the process to follow?
  14. Is there anything i have to be aware of before replacing the clutch slave cylinder? I've seen post where a hone or honning is mentioned.
  15. Just a quick simple question if the clutch slave cylinder is bloken and there is no oil in the lines will the clutch lever be loose? Thank you all in advance.
  16. Thank you mr Puc Puc love your videos.
  17. I'm not sure i will bring the bike this weekend i'll keep you posted. my main worries is putting it back together without causing a short or something like that the guy is going to give me a bucket with all the screws mixed up ,fairing and trunk i won't know which screw goes where and stuff like that.
  18. So if this one has an oem radio it should also have the class system?
  19. Oh man! thank you very much for your answer that should be very helpful to me. what i know for sure is that the bike has radio i did not took a good look at the rest of the stuff there is a big ass antenna next to the trunk .
  20. I'm sorry so there is only 2 models for the 84' Venture and Venture Royale?
  21. Hi everyone! i just have a couple questions about this venture that i will be picking up this next weekend first is if by the pictures can anyone tell what king of venture this is? for example base,venture or royale i bought it for $250 only "problem" is all the fairings are off the bike is there also a detailed post or video of how to put the fairings back on the bike? Thank you very much to all of you in advance. ps:I'm sorry guys can't figure out how to upload pictures here's a link
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