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About tdoyle9760

  • Birthday 12/06/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Tim Doyle


  • Location
    Glasgow, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1996, 1997 & 1993 VR
  1. Thanks SO MUCH guys! You were all right! It turned out to be a prong on the fuse holder. I pulled the fuse and the prong fell right off. I ended up bypassing the fuse until I get back home, but after 200+ miles in the desert today, everything is fine. So, It's off to the redwoods in California and then wondering back home to kentucky. Thanks again for the quick answers. Without you I'd still be looking for a ground problem!
  2. I'll take a look 1st thing in the morning. Thanks for the idea.
  3. Hi All, I'm in the middle of a 6000 mile trip on my 86 Venture. This morning I found that my entire dash readout stopped working. No fuel, temp, tach, or volts. No Turn signals or stop light either. Headlights and running lights work fine. Starts and runs great. Put 400 miles in the desert today without a problem. Now heres where it get quacky. It WILL come on once in a while. It might stay on for 10 seconds or an hour. If I do anything that require power (Stop light, horn etc.) it will shut down again. At one point I hit the horn and the screen came back on!! It should be noted that when it come on it goes thru the diagnostic test just like turning the key on. It seems to be acting like a bad ground. Any Ideas?
  4. I have 2 1986s and a 1987. One of the 86s has a pretty good whine. Only has 14,000 miles. Sounds to me like it was never broken in. The loudest sound on the other two bikes (one with 60,000+ miles) is the tires on the road. No noises at all. Hope this helps. Tim:fiddle:
  5. I installed mine about a years ago. They seem to do the job well. My local Yamaha dealer is such a loser that I was just looking for something that I could buy without going thru them. Very happy so far. It seems to me that they would pay for themselves in just a few years.
  6. I keep hoping that Obama will bail out Harley Davidson and the Superglue Company. A true match made in Heaven. Tim
  7. My newest VR had one when I picked it up....I will NEVER ride without one again. 2000 miles went by with total ease. Very adjustable. I wuill be buying one for each of my other bikes... Tim
  8. I purchased ANOTHER Venture a couple weeks ago. Flew into Yuma AZ and drove back to Glasgow KY. 3 days of smiling...feeling sorry for anyone that wasn't me. Hope you enjoy the trip as much as I did. Tim
  9. I just purchased ANOTHER Venture from Yuma AZ last week. It had one of these back rest installed. My first reaction? "Ho Hum..No big deal". Let me tell you..after 2000+ miles driving it home? It was a BIG DEAL! No back pain at all. I will be installing one on my other two Ventures this Summer. Well worth the money. Good for you!
  10. :dancefool:I would be good for 1 set
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