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Everything posted by mm482

  1. mm482

    Vogel 2021

    I plan to be there Wed. afternoon. I will be staying at the Seasons Inn.
  2. Praying for a total recovery.
  3. I am glad I got to shop by for a short visit. I wished I could have been there this weekend, but I needed to be back home yesterday to get ready for Debra and my 34th anniversary.
  4. Are there any rides planned for Tuesday or Wed?
  5. It looks like I will be able to make it there at least one day, Tuesday or Wednesday. I will be staying at Cragmount Assembly Camp Ground, it's about 3 miles from the KOA. Earl
  6. It's great to see back on a bike!!!
  7. Praying for your Dad.
  8. Praying for Bob
  9. I waited to make sure everything was clear for Maintenance Day before I committed. I am so sorry, but now I have to back-out. I had forgotten about another obligation on the 15th that I have to attend. A poor memory will mess you up. I will not be there physically, but my heart will be there.
  10. I cleaned the windshield and checked the air in the tires, she is ready to head south in the morning. I am planning to be at Hamburger Joes in North Myrtle Beach at 11:30 AM.
  11. I plan to be there. Wade is going to ride down with me, he came last year. We are going to stay overnight and help work at the CMA booth Friday. Earl
  12. Yes I am scheduled to be in Maury Prison Thursday night, hope to get someone to stand in for me.
  13. I want to go, but now it looks like about a 50/50 chance. Earl
  14. Standing with you in faith for a complete healing, prayers up. Earl
  15. Fantastic article submitted by Lynn Nicholls. Lack of power was the main complaint about the original Royal Star and according to the Dyno tests...this certainly solves that problem. http://www.venturerider.org/carbswap/
  16. I think it’s time you pull the left side stator cover off and check the starter clutch.
  17. When I ride any distance, I always carry an extra key.
  18. I bought a 2014 FJR with 11K miles for $8K. It is remines me of my 85 Venture, just faster.
  19. Praying for Pete for healing and an extra dose of joy in his life.
  20. Praying for a total recovery and peace and comfort during the healing process.
  21. We are good, but alot around me have lost power. The wind had passed by lunch and now just rain.
  22. I am 80 miles from Morehead City and 120 miles NE of Wilmington. So far just light winds and rain showers. Looking for things to pick up in the next couple hours. Very thankful things are not as bad as it couldbe. I am on high ground, so I am more concerned with downed trees and power loss. Earl
  23. BF Goodrich 06462 Radial T/A TireP155/80R15 Being only 5’ 6” I liked it lowering the bike and gear ratio too. The gearing is perfect now. I have put 18,000 miles on it. About ½ of them were on the interstate and the other on two lanes. It is a little quicker now and I don’t see any difference in gas mileage. Best car tire for RSV!!! Earl
  24. Thankful it was no worse than it was...
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