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Everything posted by Uturn

  1. Uturn

    Obama Irish!!!!

    How do I get it too play??? MIKE aka Uturn
  2. Kim, How 'bout keeping it up there. Just talked to a friend on travel in DC and he said it was around 2.5 - 3 inches there but they are calling to turn to rain later. Catch you on the next M&E. MIKE aka Uturn
  3. Wayne, Now for the big question - R THEY PINK?? MIKE aka Uturn
  4. Sorry to hear of our loss. Never got to meet him and my prayers go out to his family. MIKE aka Uturn
  5. Mini, Who you talking to - I was there for the first one , rode back up 17 with Jeff, You and Arthur till the Bethal turn-off. I know that is Brandy's bike - I was being a smart butt. Thought I would get a comments from her. Oh well, maybe you'll remember me next time. MIKE aka Uturn
  6. Looks like you Guys having a good time -- Do I see a Zuki amongst the Ventures?? I wud rather have been there instead of - on the boat fixing the transmission. Mike aka Uturn
  7. Uturn

    sic em

    Don, I agree I also got a laugh from it but we know the're lots of people out there with this line of thinking. AND I know we need this mixture to make up society ... but it still sticks in my craw. My . MIKE aka Uturn
  8. Uturn

    sic em

    ONLY thing I can say is " KISS MY ARSE". You do the crime - You do the time or You play You pay ... MIKE aka Uturn
  9. I'll agree on the marinated RibEye - Man it was good. And those ribs SaltyDawg had really looked good and the way the "Rodeo Starlet" tore into them - they musta been!! MIKE aka Uturn :rotfl:
  10. I must need glasses. What disguise? HeHeHe And it was a pleasure to meet you and Kim...See you next time !! MIKE aka Uturn
  11. GREAT!! Thanks, see you next time - hopefully. MIKE aka Uturn
  12. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDBDkVI0Cn4]YouTube - Human bobsled vs. motorcycle[/ame] I saw this and wonder if it's the prototype for a 3rd Gen? Disadvantage - NO 2UP Advantage - Ignition switch won't go BAD ...right RiderDuke?? MIKE aka Uturn
  13. Wayne, Good pics!! That Xmas camera works, huh? It was my pleasure to see you and Brandy again. Looking forward to the next M&E. Take care and keep the rubberside down. MIKE aka Uturn
  14. Takes my breathe away !!! Where's my nitro tablets ?? MIKE aka Uturn
  15. So to sum it up... Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is the husband. We just can't win !! MIKE aka Uturn
  16. How about Her OWN ride?? HeHeHe!! MIKE aka Uturn
  17. I was just setting back reading and wondering how long it would be before Deb would get some re-inforcement by a lady used to the keyboard. Hello MINI. MIKE aka Uturn
  18. The bars on my 06 RSV are 1 inch...my "99 also had 1 inch. Don't know if this helps MIKE aka Uturn
  19. I think they would call that "driving to FAST for existing conditions", But then how would I know ? Thankful no one was seriously hurt. MIKE aka Uturn
  20. This is good info on the lighting options. I see the 1157LL is clear and if you used in the newer turn signal, would need changing the lenses to color ones. I used to buy paint at the parts store in red or amber. Haven't checked, but don't they sell this any longer? Thanks for the research. MIKE aka Uturn
  21. Like others are posting, Ace is the place to go. The first key I had made was at a "Keys Made" kiosk in Sears parking lot, but then I found out about ACE. Here are the blank numbers: Ilco ym63, Tayler X 248, Curtis yn 63, Silca yh35r Check with ACE and if you need more help, let me know.. Keep the rubber side down. MIKE aka Uturn
  22. Funny that I was thinking the same thing just the other day. I've sent emails to upcoming M&E to the folks within the reasonable distance. Without a city, it is difficult. I think most comments are riight about the reasons the city wasn't initially put in the profile. How bout taking a look at your profile and updating the city. Heck, you can never tell, we may be there for supper. I am still in Virginia Beach, VA and it is cold this morning. MIKE aka Uturn
  23. Is it made by Mustang or Corbin? Fits your Venture too? Fine gift!!!! MIKE aka Uturn
  24. I don't see why not!! Johnny Cash got his caddy a piece at a time. You can always call it a " VENGOTURE " Mike aka Uturn
  25. I think they are the same except for the studs. I have a friend that may would trade his for one with studs. His is also black (without studs) and like new. Keep the rubber side down. MIKE aka Uturn
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