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Everything posted by Uturn

  1. I am SOLD on Rick Butler's "Thumb Nuts". Check out the classified. And to add - the saddle bag bolts are the Cat-Daddy-Moon-Dawg also. MIKE aka Uturn
  2. Ruffy, Can I get another set added to my order? This will make me ordering two sets vice one. Let me know if this is ok… Thanks MIKE aka Uturn 757-404-3333
  3. Makes for GREAT vacations, she goes her way, I go mine...then share pictures. Talk is good - just don't tell her... MIKE aka Uturn
  4. Ace is the place to go. The first key I had made was at a "Keys Made" kiosk in Sears parking lot, but then I found out about ACE. Here are the blank numbers: Ilco ym63, Taylor X 248, Curtis yn 63, Silca yh35r. Good thing if you you have to have a new ignition switch installed, you can cut one side for the bags and then the other for the switch. This way you still carry/use one key. MIKE aka Uturn
  5. It is Monday, June 15th. Ride your motorcycle or scooter on this day to demonstrate: The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians. That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life. That motorcyclists can reduce traffic and parking congestion in large cities. That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation. That motorcycling is a social good. MIKE aka Uturn
  6. Always a bright side >> 1st No one was hurt 2nd Didn't hit the garage... Just a thang - and fixable.. MIKE aka Uturn
  7. Arthur, Enjoy your new ride - sure is nice looking. Be careful out there. See you later. MIKE aka Uturn
  8. Sorry to interrupt, but I remembered yesterday to check the two screws on the ubder side of my gas cap. Sure enough, they needed tightening. Advise all to check theirs. Now, I would be interested in one of the caps if found. Keep us informed. MIKE aka Uturn
  9. Put me down for one set...Thought I had already done it - guess not (CRS). Thanks, MIKE aka Uturn
  10. FYI, heard from my grandson, the river is high and liveries are not open - just letting you know. Be careful. MIKE aka Uturn
  11. I needed a spacer in the Kuryakyn 1" clamp. I used a couple pieces of plastic wire ties cut about 1 inch long and slid them in, then tighten. Works great. MIKE aka Uturn
  12. What can I say PAL, that hasn't been said...We will be thinking of you. Let us know about a care package. Candy, cigs, camel goodies, stockings - whatever you need!!! MIKE aka Uturn
  13. Money well spent and it looks GREAT- at least it got the "foot out of the mouth" FOR NOW! Now do your Venture - Take the RSV badge off and stripe the tank, bags, trunk and fenders - ONLY $3279. hehehe MIKE aka Uturn
  14. Bobbie, Thanks for sharing these with us. Sorry I missed this, gosh to think that we could have been in these pictures. Maybe next time. MIKE aka Uturn
  15. I bought a set of T-handle Allen ball heads tools. First time I used one to tighten a bolt on my RSV, the head broke off in the bolt. Agree with KiteSquid. Get what you pay for. MIKE aka Uturn
  16. The "best" fix is always take Baxter when you ride and tell him too hold his knees up. Great back-rest!!! How's this for a quick easy solution? MIKE aka Uturn
  17. Uturn

    Seat Bolts

    You welcome Rick -- I know a good thing when I see/use it. Seat Mod and Nuts MIKE BAILEYaka Uturn Va Beach
  18. Uturn

    Seat Bolts

    They are M6 X 1.0 - I bought a package (4) of the nuts at Lowes for 68 cents. Then when I had Rick Butler do his majic fix to my RSV seat; I bought the Butler Seat Thumb Nuts he makes. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1663/cat/7 > They are great. No wrenches. MIKE aka Uturn
  19. George, Tim (dustydog20) and I did maintenance on our bikes this morning and then took them for inspection. I had a noise coming from the rear and Tim road it, thought it might be rear pads so we ordered parts to do his, mine and the 99 RSV I sold to my friend. After pulling the rear pads, I noticed the uneven wear but didnot need to be changed. Tim said while we got it on the jack, pull the whell and check the splines. OOPS, they were barely greased. Could say dry! This was the first time I've checked the wheel since it only had 1k+ miles and the first service had been done. I advise everyone to check the gease on the splines and rear wheel. Keep the shiny side up and rubber side down. Pass to Donna I said hello. MIKE aka Uturn
  20. How about we re-phrase this to read: " Our Government throws OUR money around like its pocket change! " MIKE aka Uturn
  21. Makes me feel like Grumpy looking for a Penquin !!!!! MIKE aka Uturn :rotfl:
  22. Mini, Thanks for the pics and to ALL for the company. Enjoyed the Meet. Sorry more folks couldn't make it but as the Post was invisible . MIKE aka Uturn
  23. Gene, you ain't right -- BEER24/7 needs to get you an appointment :>) MIKE aka Uturn
  24. Funny you should talk about a bale of hay...today on the way back from the NC M&E, there was a bale in the medium of HWY 158. I thought it would be bad JUJU for that to be in the road. Ride safe. MIKE aka Uturn
  25. Come to think about it but yep, one of my hinge bolts fell out too! When I was over at Harbor Freight, I bought a set of the ball head 'T" allen wrenches. When I was tightening the bolt, the ball broke off in the bolt head. Haven't gotten it out yet. Cheap tools. Any ideas on getting it out? Too small to use a easy-out. Thought about cutting a slot in the head with my dremel. Then replacing the bolt. I'll get around to it. Need to do the brake job first. Thanks and keep the shiny side up and rubber down. MIKE aka Uturn
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