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Everything posted by Uturn

  1. Congrads on the endorsement. Good to know about the RLAP course in G'boro. Wonder the cost? I'm wanting the advanced for Navy. Good for isurance too. MIKE aka Uturn
  2. Before I got my "Butler Nuts", I used a thin piece of vacuum hose for a washer and put a 6mm wing nut from Home Depot on my seat. Tighten it down hard to compress the rubber washer, it never loosen up. Rick takes nylon nuts and epoxys them into a thumb nut wheel. Works good. MIKE aka Uturn
  3. You guys are all two months later...look at the first post - 06/28. FREUDIAN LIP ? Both places sound great...to bad I had plans for Sat and work calls on Sunday. Hope everone enjoys. Hope to see all later. MIKE aka Uturn
  4. Echo'ing all the Well Wishes to you both...and George if you want a Husband-in-Law, just call me //lol// Again, bestest to Ya - with many more to come !! MIKE aka Uturn
  5. Uturn

    Heart attack

    We've not met yet, but glad to hear everything is ok. Take care. MIKE aka Uturn
  6. Not only those other attributes - AND SHE RIDES !!! You lucky devil. MIKE aka Uturn
  7. I put them on a bike before the Venture. Got to where I only used them when approaching an intersection. A little added help. I know when you are in a group, the pulse can be a distraction in your mirrow. Remember in Ohio, believe it was Monty following me with the headlight modulator going. I am on the fence as well as to whether I want to put it on the Venture. MIKE aka Uturn
  8. The dealer HAS NOT charged me labor for the two times I have had my 06 in for warranty? It don't sound right to me. The more experienced will chime in I'm sure. Good luck. MIKE aka Uturn
  9. Thanks Joe for the pictures. You done good!! Usually we never get to see Bobbie in pics, cause she is the official taker where she goes. Hard to get in there when you are the trigger person. Glad you guys made it back to Charleston ok. Maybe we meet in the future. Hope so! MIKE aka Uturn
  10. Those burgers looked GREAT! I could have gotten into them fried pickles and calamari. Glad you enjoyed it. If only I had of seen the posting before this morning? Bobbie, as usual - Super Pictures. MIKE aka Uturn
  11. Great pics Bobbie ! The best thing next to being there. Sorry I missed it. Thanks, MIKE aka Uturn
  12. Hope the bit I sent helps...Met Lowell in G'ville SC - my wife (non-rider) was in awe!! Best of luck! MIKE aka Uturn
  13. My advice: Buy the extended warranty...my kids bought a set and the dryer drum split open the day after the regular warranty expired. Since then, the washer quit. Repaired under the ext warranty. Good Luck!! MIKE aka Uturn
  14. Welcome back Jeff, I couldn't make it to Asheville and was surprised when I saw you in a picture. See you at Bearclaw, when it is planned ask Mini to please call so I don't miss it. MIKE aka Uturn 757-404-3333
  15. V7Goose found that mine was leaking on the right side at Don's MD this year, when the dealer checked it, he ordered replaced both sides uder warranty. I would not have known, if I hadn't been at MD. The experience and knowledge you find there is unbelieveable !! MIKE aka Uturn
  16. I'd interested in a follow-up. I did a search and there are many spins on this...depends on the report whether there was a place for the cycles to pull over or not. My take: the officer is at fault - due diligence and control. Be careful out there, there may be a "HOT PURSUIT" in progress. MIKE aka Uturn
  17. I ran a rope plug on the rear for bout 13K, no problems. My next purchase for plugs will be stop & go http://www.racerpartswholesale.com/product/3114/Stop_and_Go > You've already done it so I would live with it for the time. Just keep an eye on it. Good Luck!!! MIKE aka Uturn
  18. I should send my resume in, got the experience. I'd move back to G'ville or commute from my Mom's in Anderson. Danged good idea you got there. Take advantage of the previous monies I paid into RR Retirement vice SS. MIKE aka Uturn
  19. I worked for them 5 years in Greenville, SC and decided to move on...Damn decisions when you're young. I look back and say oh well !! Back then it was only "Southern". I am still a member with the credit union, branch here in Virginia Beach. Everyone I know that work here (clerks, trainmen, switchmen etc) are satisfied with company. MIKE aka Uturn
  20. Uturn

    Neck wraps

    Monty, Beer30 had them at Don's MD. He may have a source for them. They are great especially if you put them in the cooler your new rack. Enjoy the ride. MIKE aka Uturn
  21. As my wife says, " Its a MONSTRAAAASSSSTIIIIYYYYY "...and what's unique - she won't share hers!!!!! I tell her "give it to MIKEY, he'll eat anything." MIKE aka Uturn
  22. I bought mind at www.drivengps.com at I thought was a good price. Haven't installed it yet. So has anyone put one on the 2nd Gen yet. Please post pics and any ideas to make it easier for us simply impared people. Thanks, MIKE aka Uturn
  23. We did talk about having a M&E during the Lex BBQ Festival. I will be there. This will be the 27th Annual Barbecue Festival is set for Saturday, October 23rd, 2010. They close Main Street for the est 200k attendees. The url for all info is: ww.barbecuefestival.com/ . There is good eats and entertainment. Remote parking with shuttle service is available or there are private lots in the immediate area offer paid parking. MIKE aka Uturn
  24. So you're saying the Shadow put your rates up another $2400? Cheese and Rice, that's high. I will not complain about my rates anymore. MIKE aka Uturn
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