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Everything posted by Uturn

  1. Gene, You were missed yesterday in Va Bch, however, this "GPS" made up for you not making this one. Tks for the laugh. MIKE aka Uturn
  2. I was on a trip when mine went south on my Venture. Called my buddy and he looked on another site that outlined exactly how to stright wire it. That RSV tool kit came in handy. My "McGiver" pocket knife and a trip to Advance Auto for spades was all I needed to get me going. (And of course my phone call to "Dustydog20".) That is a good idea about using the old harness. Don't remember if the harness can be changed with out removing the tank. Think the new switch was $125 with two keys. Now take your old key and the new key to a parking lot key kiosk that has a manual key cutting machine. Have them cut the switch key on one side and the bag locks key on the other side. This way, you'll carry one key. Use ILCO blank # X248 / YM63 Keep the rubber side down. MIKE aka Uturn
  3. The ONE I always use is: Trust Me! We're not on a date. MIKE
  4. Thought I would drop my 2cents. Venture @ Vogel Mike
  5. Go here, DustyDog20 wrote this up for another site. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002003&id=321 He is also member here. Great modification, easy to do. Any problems, drop him a PM, he will help. MIKE aka Uturn
  6. 12 outa 20...Guess that's not too bad. MIKE aka Uturn
  7. Do yourself a favor and when you decide to replace your battery - replace it with the Odessey. I replaced mine last year when Condor headed up a group buy with the company. It may cost a couple dollars more but I think in the long run, it is worth it. My two cents. MIKE aka Uturn
  8. Don't do like me and order the 3-piece clamps in 1" for my Kuryakyn pegs. They cam but the pegs have 1/2" bolts and the clamps came with smaller holes. They were cheap so I'll use them somewhere. I ordered the Kuryakan #1002 from the local dealer. Dennis Kirk has them for $37 and a minimum $ order has free shipping. Be safe UTURN
  9. I've got the HD RK pipes and adapter to install but I need to know where to get a pair of the "wide" clamps to fit the 2 inch pipes. I had a set on my '99 RSV, they went with the bike when I sold it. I thik they were something like 1 1/2 inch wide. Covered up the joint pretty good. Anyone know where I can get a set, let me know. MIKE aka Uturn 757-404-3333
  10. Try Bikerhiway.com. I got my horn and relay from them. Don't remember the price. Good people to deal with. Good luck. MIKE aka Uturn
  11. No such luck in VA. Check safety features. Lights, horn, tires, and brakes. The inspector I use is a rider. I've not been given any grief, except a pain to get it done. MIKE aka Uturn
  12. Makes you want to break it off in the LEO that doesn't have COMMON SENSE or is trying to elevate his statue in life through the expense of others. My worth. MIKE aka Uturn
  13. Addition to vibs, the Harley also gets HOT down there around the battery compartment. The MJ (metal jacket) protects the battery case from the heat. Encases it to keep it from a heat swelling. The RSV doesn't need a MJ from what I was told. Correct me it this is not another reason for the MJ. MIKE aka Uturn
  14. I want one for my RSV but don't find it in the budget just now. Glad you found one for your price. MIKE aka Uturn
  15. Go to "meancitycycles.com" and see what Allen has to offer. Me and several of my friends have used him for various seat reworks. I think he has it set up now as appointments to get your seat done. As of now, my new RSV seat fits me ok. Best of luck to you cause if you hurt, the ride ain't worth it. MIKE aka Uturn
  16. Uturn


    :confused24:Never used Seafoam. Is it like 1 oz to ?? gallons? I have always used Pri-G in my gas for the truck, car, boat and cycles. 1 oz to 16 gallon. So for my RSV, I generall use just over a 1/4 oz on fill-up. When I travel, I always keep the little shampoo bottles, clean them, make a 1/4 oz mark and carry 2 or 3 in my trunk for fill-ups. I buy Pri-G in 16 oz bottles (treats 256 gallon) at the marine supply stores ie, West Marine, Boater's World. MIKE aka Uturn
  17. Glad you guys had a great M&E Maintenance Day. So, what happened to the caps? Do you have to changeout the plugs when you do the colortune? BTW, did I miss a post, I thought Duke was going to be in NJ today. Catch you later. Ride safe. MIKE aka Uturn
  18. And my wife would ask me "what about the 25 extra minutes?" MIKE aka Uturn
  19. One thing good, your 05 is still under warranty. When I replaced my '99 rear shock, it was at my expense. Easy to replace, so no labor charge, just cost of the part. MIKE aka Uturn
  20. It's 2035, thought by now someone would have reported how the work went today. I'm sure that MM is back home by now. If I had read the post earlier, I would have rode out to Reidsville and got in line with my new bike ifn there was a spot. Maybe there'll be a post soon. Have a good Egg Day tomorrow. Ride safe. MIKE aka Uturn
  21. Now for the BIGG question. Was MM dressed in PINK ?? MIKE aka Uturn
  22. Thanks for this one. I am going to Advance Auto today to get the vacuum hose. The wing nuts I use haven't vibrated off, but the clutch side {Left side, Driver's side } is one more PITA to put on. It's designed for the Japanese rider/mechanic with long Liddle Biddy Fingers. I bet that I'm not the only one with this opinion!!! MIKE aka Uturn
  23. Boy, that's a silly question. It is the side you drive on :>) MIKE aka Uturn
  24. Another fix is to add 3 strips of 1 inch velcro approximately 3 inches long evenly-spaced to the fairing and cover. MIKE
  25. Send her seat down to Allen. Check him at meancitycycles.com. Me and many others have had ours remade and they're GREAT. Good Luck, MIKE aka Uturn
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