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About DwightGA

  • Birthday 03/19/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Dwight Johnson


  • Location
    Pine Mountain, GA, United States


  • City
    Pine Mountain, GA


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2ooo Venture MM

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  1. Thanks for your input. That sounds like a good plan so that is what I will do!!!
  2. Hope someone can help. I am relativity stupid when it comes to electrical issues, so I hope someone can help me on how to install a Kuryakyn LED Battery Gauge on my RSV. My Daughter gave it to me for my Bday so I already have it and not in the market to buy a better one. I plan on installing it over the Yamaha emblem on the front trees. It came with 18" of wire so I was hoping to find a location close and easy to reach. Thanks
  3. I had to try it also
  4. I made a glove box out of my cassette play a month ago. Radio works the same as it always did with no extra fusing around. All I can suggest is the antenna is not fully connected. If it worked before the modification it should work now. But with trying to get the cassette player out past all the wires something must of come loose
  5. The best way I have every used is paint remover for removing oil. Just pour on the stain, let set for a few minutes, brush in and rinse off. You will be amazed.
  6. The Scratches were small but deep into the left side of the fairing when you are sitting on the bike. The eyebrows covered it so well there is no sign of any damage. I think it is a good fix and looks good. Just my opinion but I am interested what you all think ?????? Dwight
  7. Trying again with the photos
  8. Wrechrob sent me the set of eyebrows that I was looking for. The reason i needed a another set was I had a slight accident when I dropped the bike at an intersection, on some loose sand. It started to fall and I could not stop it. I put a couple of scratched on the fairing. I used the extra eyebrows to cover them up. I think it turned out great Let me know what you think? Dwight
  9. Wrenchrob is sending me a set but Caveman said he has a set. Dwight
  10. Hi All I converted the cassette deck to a storage area this afternoon. It worked out quite nicely which I plan to keep my Ipod and garage door opener in. I followed the the instructions from the following link to ventures.org. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002003&id=386 I attached some photos after the project. Dwight
  11. wrenchrob I would gladly pay postage and something for you effort. I really appreciated your response. I can email you my address information Dwight
  12. I am looking for a set of Eyebrows on the Fairing. If anybody has a spare set they would like to sell please let me know. Dwight
  13. I know that safety chains are required by law. But does it have to be a chain or can it be nylon straps? With the hitch that I have there is no good place to attach the chain. These straps are just as strong as chains and won't scratch up my bike or hitch. Does anyone know what the chain or strap requirements would be to be legal and properly preform the function the laws is intending to solve? A motorcycle trailer is not that heavy so the chain or strap should not have to be as heavy duty as on other applications. Thanks for you input.
  14. If I could do it over again I would get one of the following. I kayak when I can, and a couple Kayakers in our club have these trailers. They are very well made and the most versatile trailer I have ever seen. http://www.rackandroll.com/ http://www.sportsrig.com/ http://www.maloneautoracks.com/microsport-xt.php
  15. Thanks everybody for your help. I know I should put on the LED lights but I just can't do it right now. A special thanks to Owen, I really appreciated your offer. Dwight
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