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Sterling Turner

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About Sterling Turner

  • Birthday August 28

Personal Information

  • Name
    Sterling Turner


  • Location
    Frankfort, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV
  1. Thanks Everyone !!!!! For your replies. As to the last post, I am using something other than Yamaha filter, I'm using to Purolator Pure One filter.... Suppose to be real good ????
  2. Well Folks, I just got back from the Yamaha dealer (had new Avons put on), and when I started it to leave, it had that ticking for about 10 seconds... One of the guys from the service shop was standing beside it, so I asked what could be causing it (telling him that I just changed to this synthetic oil and it hadn't made this noise before that)... He said it was because I went to a thicker oil (20w-50) and that he felt it was my hydraulic lifters taking longer to pump up and adjust .... Maybe so, I don't know... He said not to worry unless it got worse or ticked longer ?????
  3. Thought I would run this by some of you... I just did an oil change and decided to switch to Amsoil 20W-50 and new filter. Started it and Drove it about 3 miles, shut it off and it set for a little while, when I restarted it, the engine started tapping (like valve noise). No engine oil light came on, but noise went away after about 30 seconds... Oil level was at the top of the fill mark (with engine off). Never did this with Dino oil, just wondered what caused it to start the loud ticking noise.... Sounded like it was coming more from the front of the engine. It did do it again, but not as loud and not as long.... anyone ever experienced this happening to them ?
  4. "Carbon One" has a posting on here somewhere, that addresses crash bar supports. I highly recommend that you make a set for your bike if you are going to install highway pegs... It takes the forward flex out of the bars when you are using the pegs. Easy to make and works great !!!!! Sorry that I'm not smart enough to post a link so you can go right to it.
  5. Dennis: Thanks for the invite, but already have made plans with the family... Hope everyone has a great time/ride. Sterling
  6. Got it all taken care of. ...Thanks for the help and replies, He's happy and headed for the Dragon !!! Thanks again ... This site and the people are the best !!! Sterling
  7. Ok, Thanks guys, I'll cross my fingers and give it a shot... I did receive a call from him and he said his bike is a 1996 model, if that helps at all.
  8. Had a friend call, He just purchased an older model "Royal Star", I didn't get the year of the bike. I don't know the different models of Yamaha, but he said it wasn't a Venture, it was a Royal Star... Anyway, He wanted to know if I could sync his carbs like I did on my 07' Venture. I said I would if I could figure out where to hook up the Carbtune and which screws to turn ??? That's my question !!! Is there a thread here that describes how to sync his carbs ? He said his engine was very similar to mine (he seen my bike). But is there a difference ??? Sorry that I don't know the year of his bike, I couldn't reach him to ask, but he's coming over this afternoon... Hopefully I can help him if someone can direct me. Thanks Sterling
  9. My two cents worth, I've been a competitive shooter since my late teens, now in my late fortys... First, Learn to use the gun you choose !!!! You have received lots of good information, My suggestion is that if you choose a pistol, go with a minimum of .380 caliber, A State Policeman told that to my buddy, after my buddy had pumped 3 shots from a .25 Auto into a Muggers gut and the fellow got away (later to be arrested at the hospital) . My preference is .40 S&W caliber for self/home defense (but that's me). Yes, a shotgun is awesome, but you need to be able to manuver it.... My piece sleeps with me "cocked and locked". Also think about "night sights" or a tactical light, they will come in handy.
  10. Just got back from the Dragon and Blue Ridge, just to add a note, there is a small section of the Blue Ridge Parkway that is closed right now. I can't remember exactly where it is, but you might want to check on it before you leave... Some others on this site may be able to tell you where you will encounter it. Have fun on your trip !!!
  11. Just came back from a four State mini-tour. Took in Black Mtn. Ky, Pigeon Forge area, Deals Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway and places I will probably never find again. My reason for this thread is that by the forth day of riding, My butt was killing me (did ok first 3 days)...If it hadn't been for Advil, I probably would have stayed in a motel for a day to recover !!! I had a sheepskin over my seat, but am looking for more padding, if that will help. Tried an Air-Hawk once and it set me up higher and felt wobbly (didn't care for it).. Anyone ever used a Butt-Buffer or Gel pad with any satisfaction ??? Or any other advice on being able to log more miles before the sore butt syndrome kicks in. Heck, I'm still sore and have been home for two days !!!
  12. I was riding the Gap on the same day as Everett (Tuesday), A Harley and Sport bike clipped each other in a curve while I was there ... A fun, but dangerous place if you don't keep on your toes !! Had to keep the radio turned up to drown out the loud whine of those Bridgestones while taking the curves (trying to wear them out !!) HA HA ... Sterling T.
  13. Hey Steve: Nice to talk with you the other day, I am looking forward to receiving the grill... But more than that, looking forward to you getting over your surgery, back on your feet and kicking high.... Will keep you in our prayers !!! Good luck Pal.. Sterling
  14. If you see the animals gathering in pairs, You might want to leave a little sooner
  15. Yep.. I think they work real well, All of us around here, got ours from Alaska Leather. You don't sweat yourself to death on them and they are comfortable. http://www.alaskaleather.com/ Check them out !!!
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