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About Morkable

  • Birthday 01/16/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Kevin Morken


  • Location
    Edmonton, AB, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture Royale
  1. Yeah I guess that is about all I can do. Does anyone have any experience with those gel pads? Do they stay on good? Is there a brand that is better than others? My other thought is getting a good set of highway pegs. But I think that I might have to manufacture a bracket to get it far enough ahead to be able to stretch out a bit. Thanks again Kevin
  2. I am not sure how to tell, but I think that it is the factory seat, It matches the backrest on the trunk, unless somebody decided to change that too?? Sitting at a stop light it is fine, but to ride it is painful. My legs are bunched up, even though I have moved the pegs as far forward as I can. I have to actually lift my whole leg to downshift. Has anyone used those pads that I see you can buy, will that lift a person much I wonder? Thanks Kevin
  3. So it turns out that being 6'2" tall is not a positive on this bike (1984 Venture Royal). Is there a way to lift the seat, or something that can be put on it or an aftermarket seat? thanks Kevin
  4. Thanks guys. That was exactly the problem! Much appreciated!
  5. I just bought a new to me 1984 Venture Royale. It is in very nice shape, buutt,, now that I got it home I seem to be having some problems. When I was checking it out the air suspension seemed to work, but now I cant seem to get it to turn on (all I did was bring it home on a trailer lol) Any ideas as to what I should be looking at? Also the cruise control seems to turn on (light goes on in the dash) but it wont work from there. Not sure what I can do with that Thanks for any help on this Kevin
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