Hey guys, Im from Melbourne Australia and Im coming over there Aug 1 till Aug 24. Im starting at San Fran area, My mate lives there, and riding to Sturgis then along the top to Seattle then down the coast rd to LA.. Decent trip.. When looking for a bike to do this on I firstly looked at Goldwing because I know them, but then saw a 83 Venture and thought thats the one for me.. We dont have them here in Aus but do have the VMAX.. Anyway the bike Ive purchased is an 83 model, 28000 miles and has not seen much work in the last 7 years. its had the carbs rebuilt and runs sweet from what I can make out. My mate has been to see the bike and heard it running ect.. Its had the carbs rebuilt and I have every intention on draining and replacing all fluids, oil, forks, brake and what ever else I can do as well as brake pads and maybe even grease the rear spline..
Question is, is that about what you would recommend for a pre trip on these bikes or have I missed something. Also Im pretty handy with bikes and have been shed building bobbers ect for about 10 years..
Thanks in advance guys...