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Everything posted by az1103

  1. If you refuse to buy everything which is chinese made you will be living a very frugal life.... We don't make much of anything in this country anymore...Mostly burgers and pizzas....It's a sad state of affairs....
  2. At the Long Beach show I saw a new trike kit. The first is a GW the second a Honda cruiser. They look good...Has anyone seen these? Also here are some Voyager pix. More flash than substance IMHO.....
  3. That's what I was hoping for too but the Venture is superior as it stands....So I think we won't be getting much.
  4. I wouldn't say it's big and heavy, I would say smaller than Venture and more awkward. The frame mounted fairing gives false hopes of nimbleness.
  5. Saw the new Voyagers at the Long Beach show this weekend.... Not what I expected at all. The bags look strangely separated from the bike when viewed from the front. No intercom or connections visible. The steering is heavier than Venture, my wife can get the Venture and virtually all other bikes off the stand but couldn't get the Voyager up..... Too many odd curves in that fairing. Also tank hardware kind of odd and chintzy. In a way it's a relief, I won't be lusting for one. Seats comfortably but a bit tight. Good looking from back.
  6. Sounds like a combination of stretching and tension. I would bet you are leaning forward. Try this, Sit on the bike in vertical position (not leaning on side-stand) put your hands on the handlebar in what is for you a natural position. Now close your eyes, lift your hands slightly off the bar and think (review) your sitting position; Are you sitting straight up? Is your neck directly above the spine? Is there any stress in the back of your neck? Are your elbows down? That last one is important! Once you are certain all is well and you are comfortable, and without stress, open your eyes and check where your hands are above the bars. I think you will find that the bars need to be closer to you and that what you need is a riser which will bring them about 1 to 2 inches closer. Good Luck
  7. You got that right! The gimme wagon never stops!!!! We need to let GM go into bankruptcy and shake the bloodsucking union yoke and let them come back with reasonable wages like Nisan and Toyota. If we bail them out the future of the US auto industry is exactly like what happened in the UK.... When the unions got through with them...there wasn't any auto industry, it was sucked dry by union greed and disappeared!!
  8. I am in 100% agreement! The last good Cadillac I purchased was in 77, in 81 my new Eldorado turned out to be a heap! I moved away from GM for many years, finally in 94 I purchased a Suburban. After the first rain I discovered that someone at the assembly plant failed to seal the "barn doors" and the whole inside was flooded. They fixed that somewhat shabbily because the factory replacement carpet didn't really fit! Within a few months we discovered that due to poor machining of the valve guides, 2 cylinders bit the dust. I had to threaten lawsuit to get a new car. Unfortunately by that time I was into two GM vehicles, a 96 Suburban and a 98 Tahoe. Both of these were in and out of the shop incessantly! In 01 I replaced both of them with Lexuses, my problems stopped instantly!!! I have had 0, zilch, nada, happen with either car in 7 years! I say, let them reap the fruits of their labor....Let them fail! I don't want my tax dollars saving that kind of company!
  9. Thanks for the memories!
  10. Bad advice.... The landlord can make you live up to the terms of the lease and or rental agreement. Or he can evict... which will reflect badly on future credit. Virtually every community has rules covering vehicles which they classify as abandoned, whether they are or not. All these leases, rules etc..are to insure respect for owners, neighbors and community. Without their observance we would get a free-for-all in which no one would want to live- that's called anarchy.....
  11. It may not sound like much, but chroming those forks is expensive and maintaining the brushed or polished aluminum which is varnish coated can be a real PIA, particularly if you live anywhere close to the ocean.
  12. Sounds like you answered your own question.......
  13. I had a noise as you described when I added a Bluetooth cable which ran parallel to it. I got rid of the noise by changing the wires to a shielded wire with a grounded shield the noise cleared totally.
  14. Ok! here is a photo!
  15. Unfortunately, some voted who shouldn't have..... I saw a story on the news today of a teacher in an adult "supervised environment" organization proudly telling everyone how he coached all of his "students" and then drove them all en-masse to vote for Obama!!! The reporter then asked several of the Down syndrome "students" who they voted for! It broke your heart to see them struggle for an answer! Only one of them was able to say "fo de bwak man" after hemming and hawing a bit. The rest couldn't say or remember! All I can say after seeing that, is that the whole process is rotten and perverted and we have no business telling other countries that there is something wrong with their voting systems. I'll get off now.....
  16. This could get me to sympathise with Jimmy Carter!!! Well.... maybe not....
  17. Already did that, so far nothing!
  18. For months now in various cycle magazines Honda has adds of this guy on a bike in a leather jacket. In the latest Rider it's on the inside cover. You can only see the back of the jacket. Elbow patches, expansion accordion gussets wide kidney belt etc... At first, I liked it and tried to find it, no success..... Then I REALY liked it! Searched all the catalogs, called the local Honda stealer (What an a**hole!) Nothing!!! Come on guys !! Help me here!!! This thing has gone from like to lust!!! I have got to find out who makes this thing!!!! :crying:
  19. This is some kind of Halloween joke, right?
  20. I notice a thread, political statement actually, which was , I guess, closed without comment by the moderator. I do believe that closing it was the right thing to do but leaving it this way allows for a political statement!!! It should have been deleted altogether!!! If this isn't done, provocations of all sorts may be posted for viewing without fear of repudiation, where is the fairness in that??!!
  21. Agree, and so am I! At some point it's no longer riding, it's sledding!!!
  22. You did use a metric wrench?
  23. I am sure I will regret even commenting on this but I feel something has to be said. It is precisely this idea that gratification must be instant , now, now , now that gets people in trouble, and not only people, nations too.... "Make a little interest vs pay a little interest" - What blather !!!! add the interest you would have made to the interest you paid and now you have the true ammount you paid!!! whereas with a little patience and self control you could have subtracted one from the other!! "I live for today...not tomorrow and I want to enjoy as many toys as my income TODAY will allow me" And that's the same thing that those who bought houses without down payments or real "loan qualifiers" said too!!! Look at how well that worked out for the whole country, I hope they are real proud of themselves!!!!
  24. I have no idea why you would have paid that much, but I spent about an hour negotiating and wrote a check for 14300 + T&L for a 07 RSMV in July 07 . Also, looking at this month's Motorcycle Consumer News, the bike is now worth 14635. Sounds fair to me!!!!!
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